
Yibin man returns to his hometown to start a business with the characteristics of ecological breeding to increase the income of the villagers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Yibin man returns to his hometown to start a business with the characteristics of ecological breeding to increase the income of the villagers

On January 4, the rare warm winter sun looked down from the watershed of Nanguang Town, Cuiping District, Yibin, and the endless and lush green bamboo trees made people feel more relaxed and happy. A closer look, under the forest groups of black chicken, native chicken, black Phoenix, hemp chicken, pheasant are full of vitality. Wang Gang, head of the Jiangdigou breeding Cooperative, is using corn to feed chickens raised under the forest. "Chicken manure fertilizes the grassland, green grass feeds native chickens, and the watershed village is rich in mountain forest resources, supporting and raising mountains." Wang Gang yelled at chicken food while talking about his green circular economy.

Return to hometown to start a business

Learning technology to explore the market

In 2011, Wang Gang, a migrant worker for more than a decade, saw the opportunity of ecological farming, resolutely gave up his well-paid job and returned to his hometown Nanguang Town, ready to make use of the local rich underforest resources to develop aquaculture. After visiting various places for more than half a year and participating in training and study, Wang Gang mastered the technology of raising chickens and invested 200000 yuan to raise native chickens and pheasants under the forest. Now the chicken farm has begun to take shape, with nearly 2000 native pheasants and pheasants coming out every year. Led by him, Fenshui Village has four farmers on a large scale, and three professional cooperatives have been set up. Wang Gang provides technical guidance on chicken seedlings and breeding for the villagers. at present, more or less native chickens are scattered in more than half of the families in the village.

Accurate poverty alleviation

Pay attention to Party Building and promote Economic Development

Wang Xinghui, secretary of the party branch of Fenshui Village, introduced to the reporter that Fenshui Village is relatively close to the urban area, so it is appropriate to cross the village for a long time. There are more villagers taking part-time jobs outside. In addition, due to the impact of the economic environment last year, the income of migrant workers decreased, so the village is considering to use industrial development to support the villagers to generate income. To grasp the party building to promote economic development, with the "party branch + professional cooperative" model to drive the whole village to become rich together, the branch strives for preferential policies, and professional cooperatives integrate farmers. Last year, the village's precise poverty alleviation work relied on the development of planting and aquaculture to lift 23 poor households out of poverty, with a per capita annual income of more than 12000 yuan. This year, we will step up efforts to help the poor and lift all poor households out of poverty.

Combined with the core of the construction of Happy and Beautiful New Village in Nanguang Town to help farmers increase their income, shake off poverty and become rich, the village has formulated a "first-line and two-piece" development plan in accordance with local conditions. Along the Yichang tourist highway, farmers will be developed mainly for leisure, entertainment and fishing, and circular farming will be developed in the mountains to grow vegetables and fruits and raise native chickens, cattle, sheep and pigs, so as to increase the income of villagers through real economic and agricultural development. more stable and sustainable.

Give full play to advantages

It is safer to eat purely natural food

2/3 of the area of Fenshui Village belongs to mountain forest, relying on rich woodland resources to develop the economy under the forest, making use of the advantages of land and shade under the forest to engage in planting and breeding, is a major feature of ecological agriculture in the village. Fenshui Village is near the Yangtze River, the forest coverage of the whole village is 70%, the air is fresh and the environment is beautiful, and there is no industrial pollution. The native chicken raised under the forest is reared completely in the form of original ecology from hatching to going out. The native chicken usually forages in the forest, feeding mainly on corn and wheat bran, without adding any additives, pure ecological breeding. Thanks to the excellent natural environment of the village, the chickens raised under the forest have a large amount of activity and food, are not prone to epidemic situation in the process of growth, do not use antibiotics, and the meat is delicate and delicious after cooking. However, the fencing time is more than five months later than that of captive chickens, and the laying rate is only 40%.

Wang Gang believes that the native chickens and eggs raised in this way have higher nutritional value and are really pollution-free green food. As people pay more and more attention to a healthy diet, native chickens and native eggs are becoming more and more popular with consumers. Native chickens sell for 18 yuan per jin and pheasants sell for 35 yuan and 40 yuan per jin. Current sales only rely on door-to-door purchases by tourists and repeat customers. In the next step, Wang Gang will consider expanding e-commerce in the hope that more citizens can taste real native chickens, pheasants and eggs on their doorstep.

At present, there are nearly 20,000 native pheasants and pheasants in the village, and the ecologically farmed pigs, cattle, and sheep have arrived. The beautiful natural scenery of Fenshui Village and various green vegetables and fruits are waiting for the public to experience picking.