
Be a good "shepherd" and become a rich neighbor

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Be a good "shepherd" and become a rich neighbor

In his early years, Wang Fujiong, a villager of nine groups in Yushi Village, Ji's hometown in Qianwei County, worked in other places, learned the production skills of stewed vegetables, started his own business, started his own business, earned the "first bucket of gold" in his life, and went back to the county to buy a house, and the family lived a comfortable and comfortable life.

However, dissatisfied with the status quo, he dabbled in the industry of raising ducks and dogs, only to lose all his money, so he had to give up and sell his house and embark on the arduous road of starting a business from scratch again. Later, he found that there were many business opportunities in the sheep industry, so he went on firmly and ushered in the spring of development again. Today, he has set up a cooperative to provide technology, sales and other services to farmers and lead villagers to jointly develop the black goat industry. Wang Fujiong said that his dream is--

Just after New Year's Day, the author met Wang Fujiong in Group 9 of Yushi Village, Ji's hometown in Qianwei County. When it comes to raising sheep, he is well-known locally. The villagers call him a "shepherd", and people are more interested in talking about his entrepreneurial story.

Migrant workers earn "the first bucket of gold"

The children of the poor are in charge early. In July 1990, 17-year-old Wang Fujiong graduated from junior high school. In the face of a poor family environment, Wang Fujiong worked at home for three years and then went out to work.

In November 1994, Wang Fujiong became a halogen technician in a company in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. because he was diligent and willing to work, he won the recognition of the leaders of the company, with a monthly salary of more than 500 yuan. "discontent is the upward wheel." In the first half of 1997, Wang Fujiong left the company and started his own business. He successively traveled to Nanjing, Wuxi, Nantong, Yangzhou, Jiangdu, Yancheng and other places, doing brine and water surface processing business, earning 500000 yuan in the "first bucket of gold" in his life. During the Spring Festival in 2006, he bought a house for the county town with more than 100,000 yuan, which made his family live a comfortable life.

Undercurrents are surging everywhere on the road to entrepreneurship. In the spring of 2007, Wang Fujiong, unwilling to be insipid, invested more than 100,000 yuan to build a duck farm with more than 3000 ducks. As a result, he lost everything. In desperation, he had to give up and sold his house in the county town at a low price; at the same time, he also invested more than 8000 yuan to feed meat dogs, which ended in loss.

To be a "shepherd" ushered in the spring of development.

"if God closes one door, he will open another window for you." His early failures did not stop Wang Fujiong from moving forward and his passion for starting a business. in the second half of 2007, he began to buy lambs and big sheep for sale, and found that there were many business opportunities: there was a great demand for mutton sheep from the outside world, and the shortage of local sheep resources led to difficulties in collecting sheep. The local rich grass resources can solve the food problem of mutton sheep, and raising sheep must be very promising.

Heaven rewards hard work, and opportunity always bestows on those who are prepared. In the early spring of 2008, Wang Fujiong used the rest of his money to buy five ewes and embarked on the road of raising sheep to become rich. At first, as a "layman", he encountered problems such as lack of technical knowledge and financial difficulties, but these "obstacles" did not make him retreat and stop. He went to the bookstore to buy books for self-study, to prevent and treat diseases for sheep, and to borrow money from relatives and friends to solve the problem of development funds. Through efforts, at the end of 2009, Wang Fujiong finally had a scale and improvement in raising sheep, and the previous five ewes had become 50 sheep.

If the meat quality of sheep is to be guaranteed, grass must become its staple food. with the expansion of the scale, grass can no longer meet the needs of sheep. In 2011, Wang Fujiong contracted 25 mu of surrounding villagers to grow Taiwan sweet elephant grass and ryegrass to solve the food problem of sheep. At the end of 2013, Wang Fujiong learned to kill sheep and asked his wife to sell mutton at the Luocheng farmers' market every day. He feeds and manages sheep at home, and a "one-stop" industrial chain of raising, collecting and selling is gradually formed. In 2014, Wang Fujiong produced more than 300 small ewes, small rams and small commercial sheep, with an income of about 200000 yuan; thousands of commercial sheep were collected and sold with an income of more than 50,000 yuan; and there are more than 400 ewes, lambs, breeding rams and mutton.

Set up a cooperative to lead the villagers to get rich

"A single flower does not make a spring, but the garden is full of colors." The scenes of hesitation, confusion, and struggle on the entrepreneurial road made Wang Fujiong, who became rich, dare not forget, the scene of policy assistance given by rural cadres always appeared in front of his eyes, and he was very moved by the selfless gift of the abandoned land of the villagers. "in the era of mass innovation and entrepreneurship, I am duty-bound to lead the villagers out of poverty and lead a good life." Wang Fujiong understands that the party's trumpet for poverty alleviation has been sounded, and in order to realize the magnificent turn from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis" poverty alleviation, he has the responsibility to be the leader of the poverty-stricken villages in the city.

In March 2014, Wang Fujiong established a professional cooperative for raising black goats in Heidi County, a demonstration that led farmers to raise black goats to become rich together. At present, 17 farmers have joined the cooperative, and the scale is gradually expanding. "I used to raise non-local white goats, but their disease resistance was poor and their income was not good, so they were all eliminated. Since joining the cooperative to raise black goats, there are now more than 100 breeding sheep, earning more than 100,000 yuan a year, which is much better than working. " A group of farmers in Xinmin Village, Yuping Township, was full of praise when he talked about the benefits of raising sheep. Seeing that Wang Fujiong had made a fortune of "sheep", the villagers of Yushi Village also followed suit. With his technical support, the whole village has fed more than 900 black goats.

How can farmers who are short of funds and skills raise sheep to get rid of poverty and become rich? Wang Fujiong "prescribes the right medicine to the case" and prescribes a good prescription-- the foster care model, to avoid the financial and technical risks of farmers. "it's not enough time and energy to feed more black goats on your own, but you can do it with a foster care model." Wang Fujiong said, "I provide lambs and solve the problems of technology, veterinary medicine, and sales. Farmers provide land, labor, and management; the minimum protection price is 10 yuan per jin, and the dividend ratio is 70% for farmers, and I account for 30%." At present, there are two large foster families in Luo Yun, three groups in Yuping Village, Yuping Township, and Zhouguanghe, four groups in Zhugen Village, Fair Township. They have all fed more than 30 black goats.

"the village and Murakami have helped me a lot, and I must be a good leader in getting rich." When the author asked Wang Fujiong why he wanted to lead the villagers to become rich, he was filled with emotion, "from 2012 to the present, the township has given a total of 20,000 yuan to support industrial development, helping me to do large-scale work." Township and village cadres also actively help me coordinate farmers' abandoned land and contribute suggestions for industrial development. " Wang Fujiong said that in the next step, he will take "cultivating large families, demonstration drive, and comprehensive promotion" as the development idea to drive farmers to breed black goats to become rich.