
The myth of Maka is shattered, and the place of origin is worse than the price of radish!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The myth of Maka is shattered, and the place of origin is worse than the price of radish!

On January 5, 2016, in the "focus interview" column of CCTV, "Poverty Alleviation, not one less!" "I interviewed Lianhua Village, Zhijin County, Guizhou Province. In the background, you can see thousands of acres of Maka planted in succession!

Maka, a new resource food introduced from South America more than 10 years ago, can really lift farmers from backward areas of Guizhou out of poverty and become rich?

Preliminary investigation shows that the domestic Maka has seriously rotted the market.

The answer is very regrettable! The Maka growers in Lianhua Village, Guizhou Province, like tens of thousands of Maka producers this year, are likely to lose all their money, or even return to poverty again because of Maka! Because, a few days ago, news came from the main producing areas of Maka, such as Lijiang and Dali in Yunnan: a large number of local Maka are waiting for harvest, and farmers disrelish the trouble of harvesting and let them rot in the field. If someone is willing to buy, they will pay to hire someone to dig it for free, only to help growers plow their fields.

From the price point of view, take the Huangmaka with the largest output as an example: the batch asking price of Yunnan has dropped to less than 15 yuan (kg price, the same below); online retail price, Huangmaka has also dropped to less than 20 yuan; the best quality specifications of Zima card, the price is about 30 yuan; even the popular domestic Heimaka, the price has also dropped to 70-80 yuan.

Compared with the price of several hundred yuan or even a thousand yuan when Marca was at its most popular three years ago, the price reduction was so fierce and the gap was so great that people were stunned! If calculated according to the dry goods price of 15 yuan / kg of origin, it means that the price of fresh goods has fallen to about 1.5 yuan / jin. If it is apportioned to the yield per mu, it is not too much to say that Maka is reduced to the "price of radish".

The above signs indicate that the domestic Maka industry is repeating the famous "Dutch tulip tragedy" in history, that is, the rapid free fall after the hype reached sky-high prices, allowing the wind and rain to beat the chicken feathers, and finally let growers swallow up the bad consequences of the market.

Maka, the myth of health products in the new century, why has it been reduced to such an unbearable level?

First, blind and crazy seed expansion is the source of trouble

We might as well take a look at Maka's development trajectory after entering China, which can be divided into three periods:

1. In the first period, 2002-2010 is the trial period.

In 2002, under the leadership of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Peruvian Moca was introduced for the first time in China, and the trial planting began in Nanxi Town under Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. In the following 10 years, Lijiang in Yunnan firmly occupied the first producing area of Maka in China, and its output still accounted for more than 70% of the country's output by 2012.

Photo 2: ten thousand mu Maka planting base under Yulong Snow Mountain

In 2004, Maka was successfully introduced into Dahai Township and Kuangshan Town in Huize County, Yunnan Province, with a planting area of more than 200 mu and a yield of 300 kg per mu.

In 2006, Maka was planted in small batches in Yili, Altay, Hot Spring and other places, but the yield was very low. In 2009, large-scale cultivation was formed in Tashkurgan County, with an average elevation of 3500 meters.

It can be seen that during this period, because Maka has not yet been fired, the producing areas are mainly concentrated in the western part of Yunnan, and Lijiang is the main producing area. In other provinces, only a few places, such as * *, have been introduced, which is not large-scale.

two。 The second period, 2011-2013 is the period of development.

In 2011, Yunnan Diqing began to plant Maka, with a current planting area of 150 mu.

In 2012, the sparsely populated Yili and Hotan began to introduce Makari, with a planting area of more than 3000 mu that year.

In 2013, Ningyi County, Yunnan Province began to carry out Maka seedling expansion, and quickly became one of the main producing areas in Yunnan, with a planting area of 3900 mu that year.

In 2013, some parts of Northeast China began to introduce Maka, but the quality was not good and it was often mixed with Yunnan Maka for sale.

In 2013, the Chinese began to cooperate with Peruvian origin, widely contracted land for Macca cultivation, resale domestic supply exceeds demand.


This period is the period of large-scale development of Maka, although the domestic production areas are still concentrated in Yunnan, * and other provinces, but the production has begun to extend to Peru and other origin.

3. The third period, 2014 to the present

As a mountainous country, China has no shortage of mountains, especially those between 1200 and 2800 meters above sea level. In 2014, as the price of Maka soared, Maka planting became the most widely introduced food tonic in that year, and it has become the best way for poor and backward areas to shake off poverty and become rich.

Under the stimulation of high price, in addition to wide introduction in Yunnan and other provinces, Maka planting began to extend rapidly. Bijie and Liupanshui in Guizhou; Ganzi, Liangshan Prefecture and Xichang in Sichuan; Gannan in Gansu. Even places such as Qamdo in Xizang, Jingle County in Xinzhou, Shanxi Province, Haixi in Qinghai, and Huzhu County in Haidong have begun to grow in bulk.

At this point, under the stimulation of Maka mythology, domestic Maka cultivation finally became overheated. Production shows a trend of transfer from south to north and from high altitude to low altitude. In particular, the successful introduction of Maka in arid areas such as northern Shanxi and southern Gansu shows that Maka is widely used in China, but the yield and quality per mu in some areas are not as good as those of origin.

It was during this period that the disaster of Maka's blind production had been brought about.

Second, excessive planting leads to the rapid expansion of Maka production capacity.

1. Change of Maka production in China

According to statistics, in 2012, the planting area of Maka in Yunnan Province was 6000 mu, with an annual output of about 2400 tons, accounting for 90% of the domestic output; by 2015, the planting of Maka in Yunnan alone exceeded 80000 mu, with a production capacity of more than 20000 tons. If the area of national planting expansion is taken into account, it will be no problem for the national Maka output to easily exceed 30000 tons in 2015.

two。 Quantity of imported maca

According to the Peruvian exporters' Association, in September 2009, maca powder exports totaled US $2.1 million, an increase of 18% over the same period last year; the United States accounted for 48% of total exports, an increase of 49.4%, followed by double-digit growth in Japan, Germany and China for two consecutive years. However, by 2014, China had become the first importer and consumer of Marca in Peru, importing 8000-10000 tons of raw materials and processed products that year.

In other words, in 2015, the total domestic Maka production plus imports was between 38000 and 40000 tons.

If it had been supported by real demand, Maka prices would never have fallen so miserably. So how does the demand market of Maka change?

In "blockbuster: Maka myth shattered, the producing area is worse than the radish price!" In the second part, we will interpret the deep-seated causes of the disaster in Maka from the perspective of market hype, Maka health products and demand market. Please follow us!