
Liu Xiaoying, the leading goose to get rid of poverty: to get rich, you have to break and wait for it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Liu Xiaoying, the leading goose to get rid of poverty: to get rich, you have to break and wait for it.

Liu Xiaoying (second from right) visited the farmhouse.

January 8, Huazhishan Village, Tunbao Township, Enshi City, Hubei Province.

After the car turned several "S" bends along the steep and muddy mountain road, a large tea garden of Liu Xiaoying's Huazhishan Organic Tea Professional Cooperative finally appeared. At the foot of the mountain, the Qingjiang River winds like a belt, and in the distance, the mountains are shrouded in clouds. A tranquil pastoral scenery.

Seeing Liu Xiaoying, Liu Yuanzhen, a poor family in the Mian Ziwan group, and her husband coming out of the house, everyone in the village was very familiar with Liu Xiaoying. On the way up the mountain, people kept saying hello to her.

Liu Yuanzhen had a disability in her hands, and her husband contracted pneumoconiosis when he was working outside, and neither of them had much ability to work. In the past, when they lived by growing corn and potatoes, the family could hardly guarantee food and clothing, and they owed a lot of foreign debts until they joined Liu Xiaoying's tea cooperative three years ago.

"We have grown two mu of tea, and the co-operative provides fertilizer free of charge every year, and the annual income is about 4,000 to 5,000 yuan." Liu Yuanzhen said, "the main reason is that labor is not good, it is not effective, and tea has a growth cycle, so there is not much income at present."

"when we really can't do it, we'll figure it out together." Liu Xiaoying comforted Liu Yuanzhen that she heard that her daughter was still working outside and invited her children to come to work in the co-op.

In Huazhishan Village, many families have similar experiences to Liu Yuanzhen. Before 2009, all the 280 households in Huazhishan lived on steep slopes 450m to 1100 metres above sea level, living in earthen-wall houses built in the 1970s, growing traditional crops such as corn and potatoes, and there was no road to the foot of the mountain. Although it has beautiful natural scenery and is only more than ten kilometers away from the main city of Enshi, the per capita net income of the whole village is less than 2000 yuan. 80% of the farmers are in a state of poverty. When they enter the village, the time seems to go back to the 1980s. At that time, local governments also did a lot of work to help villagers get rid of poverty, but due to the lag of infrastructure construction and the lack of leading enterprises, the effect has not been satisfactory. The township government once organized the villagers to develop 800 mu of tea, but people have to walk more than 10 kilometers to sell tea, and the price is not high, so they are not enthusiastic, and the survival rate of tea is less than 30%. All this finally began to change after Liu Xiaoying arrived.

In 2009, with the assistance of the Huazhishan Village Committee, Liu Xiaoying invested more than 2 million yuan to set up the Huazhishan Ecological Tea processing Company and the organic tea professional cooperative, adopting the model of "company + cooperative + base + farmers" to attract farmers to join the cooperative and encourage everyone to change the traditional planting structure and develop high-quality tea.

In order to break the important thinking of the villagers, Liu Xiaoying, together with the cadres of the village committee, went door to door to do ideological work. Through reasoning and careful accounts, he finally persuaded 52 villagers to join the cooperative. Liu Xiaoying promised to provide free technical support and all-round services, signed a protective price purchase contract with everyone, and carried out equity dividends to members and a second rebate, which immediately aroused everyone's enthusiasm. In order to improve the tea planting technology of the members and the scientific and technological content of the tea garden management, the cooperative specially hired experts from other places to provide professional and technical guidance for the members, and also set up a professional and technical team. In order to ensure the efficiency and safety of tea cultivation, help members reduce investment and improve efficiency, the cooperative has also unified the procurement and distribution of fertilizers and pesticides, formulated technical standards for application, and advanced more than 1 million yuan in procurement funds every year.

Over the past few years, the cooperative has grown from scratch and from small to large, and its membership has grown from 52 to more than 500. the area of the tea garden has expanded from more than 300mu to more than 2000 mu. 95% of the farmers in the village have planted tea, and the output and income per mu have increased greatly. Since 2009, the cooperative has brought a cumulative increase of 23 million yuan to its members by planting tea. Qualitative changes have taken place in the living environment and quality of life of most members. 240 families in the village have lived in small brick-concrete buildings with national characteristics, and all the mountain spring tap water has arrived at home. In 2015, the per capita net income of Huazhishan Village is expected to exceed 8000 yuan, with nearly 60 households with 50,000 yuan, and the cooperative has also been awarded honors such as "National demonstration Society" and "all-China Women's Federation Women's Science and Technology demonstration Base".

"in the past few years, we have also spent more than 500,000 yuan to help needy families among our members, supporting 160 ordinary poor members, and there are more policies to help members of particularly poor families every year." Liu Xiaoying said. She, who also had the experience of living in poverty when she was a child, knows that it is not easy for rural households in need. In recent years, while cooperatives continue to develop and grow, they always regard poverty alleviation as a responsibility and obligation. "when we help, we will consider the different situations of each family. For those with little farmland and poor labor, we will arrange for them to pick tea for others or rent out the land. If the conditions are particularly poor, the company will lease the land to professional households. "

Liu Xiaoying said that in recent years, more than 100 poor households in Huazhishan have been lifted out of poverty in the cooperative, and for the remaining poor households, the cooperative will, as always, act as the main force of accurate poverty alleviation work. At present, cooperatives have implemented pairs of cooperative managers to help tea growers among 56 precise poverty alleviation targets in the village, and have formulated accurate poverty alleviation programs with pertinence, operation and effectiveness, including the provision of 400000 tea seedlings free of charge, unified pruning free of charge, the provision of organic fertilizer free of charge, the purchase of high prices, and so on, so as to effectively solve the practical difficulties in the management and investment of tea gardens for poor households.

"We will strive to fundamentally change the status quo of targeted poverty alleviation targets not only out of poverty but also in wealth over a period of two to three years. Let Huazhishan Village become a well-off new countryside with prosperous industry, prosperous rural tourism, beautiful environment and rich villagers. "