
Novel rural projects are making money

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Novel rural projects are making money

If you plan to start a business in the countryside, you can make money as long as the selected project is novel enough. Nowadays, the development situation in rural areas is good, and ordinary people have begun to go home to see this market. Many industries are still vacant and have great potential for development in the vast rural areas. We have seized the opportunity to find the right direction of our career. I believe that the countryside is the entrepreneurial base in the future. There are many ideas to start a business in rural areas, which are getting more and more attention. Rural people can enjoy the freshness of nature and live a relaxed and free life every day, where there is no pressure, no worries, and physical and mental health. Many people in the city begin to envy this kind of rural life. In fact, they can live a full life in the countryside. As long as they can use their brains, they can also make some achievements in the countryside. Starting a business in rural areas should be combined with some actual conditions to find some projects suitable for rural development, and we will share with you some "fresh" ideas for getting rich in rural areas:

First, management and wholesale of agricultural and sideline products

With the rapid development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living standards, and the gradual enhancement of people's awareness of health, the food in rural areas is becoming more and more popular among the public, because people are aware of things born and raised in rural areas, do not hit pesticides, and eat agricultural products without residues. In rural areas, agricultural products are rich in resources, and organic agricultural and sideline products are always loved by people, so if you are an intelligent person, you can vigorously purchase and package such agricultural and sideline products, and you can make money in operating such agricultural products. you can also cooperate with some agricultural products stores or fresh agricultural supermarkets to deliver goods wholesale for them for a long time, which is also a good way to start a business.

Second, the processing of agricultural plant feed

In agriculture and animal husbandry, the most important thing is the cost of feed. There are many pig farmers in many rural areas. If you have funds, you can purchase a set of equipment for processing feed and use high-quality green forage grass to make plant feed. This is very valuable. The raw materials of plant feed mainly come from the cultivation of forage grass, such as hn-mc excellent alfalfa, hn-mc excellent corn grass and so on. Plant feed has high nutritional value and healthy. For breeding, it has high digestibility and low cost, long-term use of plant feed to feed livestock, plays the role of detoxification and prevention of diarrhea, is a beneficial and harmless industry. Livestock eat long, not easy to get sick, and enhance their physique. The most important thing is to ensure the quality of the meat, is the real green meat. This kind of feed can not only feed pigs, but also has a high utilization rate in livestock and poultry industries such as raising cattle, sheep and chickens.

Third, operating characteristic farming and family farm tourism

China is a large agricultural country, and aquaculture is still the pillar of the countryside. While developing agriculture and animal husbandry, it can be extended to the development of tourism. Rural areas are suitable for choosing some specific characteristics and easy to manage breeding projects, which are suitable for feeding a characteristic animal in both the north and the south. Sima rabbit, which has fast reproduction and strong adaptability, can be kept in captivity as well as in bulk. Fresh and tender meat, high nutritional value, welcomed by consumers. Such characteristic farming can be developed in rural areas, and at the same time, extended supporting services can be done, such as operating family farms to provide tourists for sightseeing, feeding rabbits, catching rabbits, tasting Sima rabbit cuisine, roasting whole rabbits and a series of services, all of which have the potential for development.

Fourth, design and produce handmade works with local characteristics

Nowadays, many rural areas are developing in the direction of leisure tourism, and each village has its own local characteristics. For example, in places rich in bamboo, there are usually many beautiful handicrafts, small bamboo baskets, bamboo baskets and so on. In areas with local natural resources, we can also design some unique handmade products, such as bamboo wares. Children's toys made of bamboo, daily necessities made of bamboo, etc., need to have active thinking. If we can design such creative products and package them, I believe this will develop into an industrial road of wealth. There is a complete set of methods, in agricultural leisure time can organize the elderly, women, processing and production, although the product is small, its profit is not small. It can not only take care of farm work, but also earn extra money to make up for life, and get more with one stone. Moreover, to better solve the employment problem of the surplus female labor force in the village can also increase the income of the villagers.

There are many ways to start a business in rural areas, we have to rely on our own new ideas, living in rural areas, we should be happy, rural business opportunities are everywhere, as long as you are willing to think, willing to do, I believe you will achieve wealth dreams in rural areas!