
A piece of tea holds up the masses' dream of getting rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A piece of tea holds up the masses' dream of getting rich.

Qin Xiaoshao, General Manager of Honghe Wulichong Ecological Tea Co., Ltd., introduced Golden scented Tea.

Honghe Prefecture in southern Yunnan, with high mountains and deep valleys, mild climate and abundant rainfall, is rich in good tea.

From "Mayu tea" in Luchun County to "terraced Xiufeng" tea in Yuanyang County, to "Oolong tea" and "Jinhua tea" in Mengzi City, "green leaves" draw a green blueprint for the development of tea industry in Honghe Prefecture.

In this blueprint for enriching the people, "Golden scented Tea", which has the reputation of "queen of the tea family", is the most dazzling.

However, the reason why Mengzi "Golden scented Tea" can get out of the "boudoir" from the depths of the mountain has become dazzling, which originated from a person's simple idea and practice.

This person is Qin Xiaoshao, founder and general manager of Honghe Wulichong Ecological Tea Industry Co., Ltd.

From Chashan to returning to Chashan, Qin Xiaoshao formed an inextricable bond with tea. With tenacity and persistence, he blazed a unique path for the development of tea brands. The success of "Oolong Tea" and "Jinhua Tea" not only enriched the ecological diversity of Yunnan's tea industry, but also made Qin Xiaoshao change from the impetuous youth to the calm and open-minded "a cup of tea for a lifetime".

As early as at the beginning of the introduction of oolong tea, in order to overcome the technical difficulties, Qin Xiaoshao simply lived on the tea mountain and experimented all day alone. After more than a year of repeated experiments, he gradually understood the secret of it. On the basis of keeping the fragrance of Taiwan oolong tea, he appropriately added the characteristics of strong fragrance and mellow Yunnan tea, which blend light and rich, so that the oolong tea in southern Yunnan has a unique taste of elegant fragrance.

Gradually, the fragrance of Wulichong oolong tea gradually floated out of the valley and was loved by more people. The registered trademark "Longgu Lake" of Wulichong Ecological Tea Company has won the title of famous trademark of Yunnan Province, and its oolong tea has won the affirmation of Luo Shaojun, the leader of the tea industry, in the selection of "China famous Tea" at the 2011 (Shanghai) International Tea Exposition. Won the crown.

Golden scented tea

According to Qin Xiaoshao, golden scented tea is praised by the academic circles as the "super star" and "tea queen" in flowers. The "golden scented tea" cultivated by the company not only tastes fragrant, tastes special, fragrant and refreshing, but also has a good health care effect. The company and the Tea Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences jointly established the "Golden scented Tea Research and Development Center" in 2009 to jointly carry out fine variety breeding, rapid seedling breeding, high-yield cultivation and health care product development of golden scented tea in Honghe Prefecture. At present, the artificial domestication and cultivation of golden scented tea has been successful, and high-grade golden scented tea ointment and products have been produced.

"I am a real farmer. I want to grow tea well and drive more farmers to get rich." While Qin Xiaoshao achieved success, he did not forget to get rich with everyone.

Qin Xiaoshao said that in order to drive many villagers to get rich, the company signed an agreement on the planting and production of 5000 mu of organic tea with more than 20, 000 farmers in Qilu Bai Miao Township and Lengquan Town in Mengzi City, and adopted the management model of "company + base + farmers." to guide and support the surrounding farmers to plant tea, the company provided free tea seedlings to farmers for planting, and signed a contract with farmers to recycle fresh leaves at the lowest protective price. It not only ensures the acquisition of raw materials of the company, but also increases the income of farmers.

Xiong Guoliang, a villager from Chuchong Village, Lengquan Town, is one of the beneficiaries driven by the Wulichong Tea Company. He said: "my family has planted 8 mu of tea and has chosen to have an income of 10,000 yuan every year. Since 2007, the tea planting area in our village has reached 260 mu. Everyone thinks that growing tea has a good income, no labor, low cost and easy management. It is a good industry for mountain farmers to get rich."

"as early as 2005, seven or eight families in the village, such as Huang Guangxiang and Huang Zhaolin, each planted eight or nine mu of tea on their fields, and the next year they earned several thousand yuan. Everyone saw that growing tea could make money, so they all started to grow a lot of tea. " Wang Lifen, a villager from the Jianshan Village Group of the Lubai Township Village Committee, recalled that now every family in the village has grown tea. Wulichong Tea Company also often runs "tea planting and picking classes" in the village, inviting agricultural school teachers to give lessons to everyone, everyone's enthusiasm for growing tea is very high.

Li Wenchang and Dai Qiongxian in Xiaopotou Village, Bai Meng Kong, Qilu Township, also provided 113000 tea seedlings free of charge with the help of Wulichong Tea Company. Dai Qiongxian said: "more than 40 mu of tea trees were planted in 2005, and in the second year, more than 400kg of green leaves were harvested, with an income of more than 1300 yuan. Now the annual income of tea is already tens of thousands of yuan. "

Qin Xiaoshao said that in recent years, the company has seized the opportunity and actively integrated into the Honghe manor economic development strategy to create a "Golden Flower Tea Manor." in the construction of the Golden Flower Manor, the company integrates the farming and living habits of the Hani nationality in the process of picking and making tea, and deeply excavates the diversified folk culture of Honghezhou, so that the folk culture can be concentrated in the tea manor and better combined with the tea culture to enrich the cultural connotation of Jinhua tea. Opened up a way for the integration and development of tea and national culture.

Qin Xiaoshao said that the company will vigorously develop the manor economy, vigorously develop the golden flower tea culture industry, and achieve the goal of integrated development with Honghe characteristic tourism. Relying on the unique Hani scenery in Honghe Prefecture, we will develop Yunnan folk tea cultural experience, tea garden sightseeing, tea art activities, tea tasting and other tourism products, so as to promote the infiltration of tourism advantages into tea advantages, and create a sustainable and unique road of industrial innovation.