
Li Baoguo: 34 years to turn barren mountains into rich mountains

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Li Baoguo: 34 years to turn barren mountains into rich mountains

Li Baoguo, a professor at Hebei Agricultural University, has been rooted in Taihang Mountain for 34 years. His research on barren mountain management technology has been successful. However, he said that it is not enough to grow trees on barren mountains. He also wants to make the people in mountainous areas rich.

Here is an apple packaging workshop in Neiqiu County, Hebei Province. These apples weigh about a catty and are sold by size. Each apple is also pasted with a two-dimensional code. Scan it and you can find that they all come from Gangdi Village, but in the past, the apples in Gangdi Village were worthless. Twenty years ago, Li Baoguo first came to Gangdi Village, and the villagers took out the best apples in the village to entertain him.

Li Baoguo, professor and doctoral supervisor of Hebei Agricultural University: "They also said that we still produce apples here, which are quite delicious." I said, this rotten apple is black and covered with coal stains. It's enough at a glance. Who wants to eat it anymore?"

From then on, Li Baoguo began to transform the barren hills of Gangdi Village with his barren mountain treatment technology. After the transformation, all apple trees were planted. Li Baoguo also took out 50,000 yuan to buy paper bags and taught villagers to put paper bags on apples. When autumn came, the villagers took off the paper bags and found that the apples were indeed bigger than before, but the color was white.

Wang Qunshu, a villager from Gangdi Village, Neiqiu County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province: "Li Baoguo is making a mess here. He made this group of people. Look at this apple. Who wants it white?" They say don't worry, but in ten days it'll be colored in seven."

At that time, all bagged apples were red, big and good in taste, and the best sold for 50 yuan a piece.

From apple tree pruning, fertilization and bagging, Li Baoguo created 128 production management procedures that villagers can understand easily, so that villagers can produce apples like workers producing standard parts. At present, Gangdi Village has only one apple, and the annual per capita income reaches 29,000 yuan.

Over the past 34 years, Li Baoguo has promoted 36 standardized technologies in Taihang Mountain Area, demonstrating and popularizing a total area of 10.8 million mu of forest fruits.