
Cai Fei, a farmer in Shawan, has become rich by diversified farming.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cai Fei, a farmer in Shawan, has become rich by diversified farming.

In early spring, walk into Xiangtai Breeding Cooperative in Laoshawan Town, Shawan County, and the fattening sheep in the standardized warm circle "baa ba

Cai Fei, head of Xiangtai Breeding Cooperative in Laoshawan Town, introduced that the cooperative was founded in 2013 and currently breeds more than 700 sheep and more than 20 horses.

"In order to ensure the quality of mutton and horse meat and win good reputation, two professional breeders were hired last year in feeding. In terms of feed, we purchased more than 40 tons of sweet potatoes and 60 tons of sugar beet last autumn, and formulated sweet potatoes and sugar beet into feed for sheep and horses to improve their lives." Cai Fei said.

Cai Fei's hard work made him get satisfactory returns. The cooperative sold 180 sheep a year ago, 40 yuan per kilogram of mutton, earning 150,000 yuan.

Cai Fei also wants to lead more villagers who rely on farming to become rich through his own efforts. He has a new goal for increasing income this year.

"Not long ago, the town organized us to go out to visit and learn characteristic breeding. I found that raising donkeys is a new income channel. Donkey milk has high nutritional value, large market demand and good economic benefits. I plan to import a batch of donkeys for breeding this year and open up a new way of making money." Cai Fei said.

At the same time, Cai Fei also wants to unite more willing to engage in breeding retail investors, everyone through group heating together to become rich.

"I'm also planning to buy a pellet feed machine to make 'feed biscuits' in autumn and sell 'feed biscuits' when feed is scarce next spring. This will not only increase the cooperative's income, but also save costs for my own breeding industry." Cai Fei said.