
Agricultural projects become bigger and stronger, one-legged women perform wonderful dances

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Agricultural projects become bigger and stronger, one-legged women perform wonderful dances

Li Lihong is tidying up crops.

Li Lihong, 37, lives in Group 7, Orchard Village, Guanyin Town, Pengshan District. Twenty-nine years ago, she lost her right leg in a car accident, but she was disabled and tried hard to realize her life value. She participated in the National Paralympic Games and Sichuan Province Paralympic Games twice and won gold and silver medals.

From 1994 to 2006, Li Lihong started his own business and successively operated clothes sewing, clothing sales and snack shops. From 2006 to 2014, she worked hard to become a branch manager of a tourism company. In 2014, Li Lihong resolutely decided to return to his hometown to engage in planting. Through more than one year's efforts, he has become a famous local planting expert.

Love home to start a business

Because of the experience of being amputated in a car accident, Li Lihong developed an optimistic and competitive character from an early age. Many units are unwilling to hire Li Lihong, who is physically disabled. She was introduced by relatives to work in Shanxi to learn sewing, making clothes and selling clothes. A few years later, he went to Shaanxi and Hunan to engage in tourism work through friends 'introduction. Unexpectedly, he left his hometown for more than 10 years. "Working is not a long-term solution, but what can I do when I return home?" Li Lihong was once very confused,"running outside these years, how much is also a little more knowledge, accumulated some experience and capital." It is my greatest dream not to become a burden on society because of my disability."

At the end of 2014, I saw on the Internet that Pengshan, my hometown, was listed as a national pilot area for deepening rural reform. Li Lihong believed that this was a great opportunity to return home to start a business and realize his dream. After consultation and deliberation between husband and wife, she decided to go back to her hometown to engage in farming alone, and her husband continued to work in the tourism company. Through investigation, Li Lihong invested more than 300,000 yuan to transfer 70 mu of land in Gongyi Town, established "Laughing Bamboo Garden" mainly for planting modern fruits and vegetables, planted 40 mu of Lei bamboo, 15 mu of asparagus and 10 mu of high-quality citrus "Spring See" respectively, and interplanted sesame between Lei bamboo and asparagus in the first year, and set foot on the road of independent entrepreneurship in his hometown.

Facing challenges and moving forward with heavy loads

In order to build the planting base as soon as possible, Li Lihong comes to the planting site in the park from Guanyin Town early every morning to work hard with the workers. A woman who hopped around the field with her left foot convinced everyone that her strength would bring good luck to the plantation.

"I was too anxious at the beginning and encountered many setbacks." Li Lihong said. At the end of 2014, she set her sights on Minjiang Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park. She quickly contacted relevant departments to contract land, investigated the local soil quality and the planning and development of the park, participated in the planting technology training class sponsored by the local government department, and constantly consulted experienced farmers. Finally, she decided to plant more promising Lei Zhu, asparagus and spring.

Li Lihong said with a smile: "This plantation expenses are very large, workers wages, land rent, sapling planting, etc., later can only borrow from the bank, the bank has a small loan policy for women, enjoy discount interest supplement, preferential policies let me solve the urgent need." Although the temporary difficulties have been solved and new difficulties have emerged, she still needs to invest a lot of money in the face of inadequate infrastructure and the need to build roads and workshops. However, the plantation will not be put into production until three years later. She still faces great challenges and can only move forward with heavy loads.

Policy Support for Entrepreneurship Success

"The relevant policies of deepening rural reform have solved Li Lihong's worries." Pengshan district deepening rural reform office responsible person introduced, Like her new agricultural owners just in line with rural reform policy support and encourage the object, Its construction roads and ditches, Can take the government investment financial funds to solve, After its industrial output every year according to 1% of the total investment return, As infrastructure maintenance fund and local collective economic income. Relevant staff also through the coordination district employment bureau, timely implementation of 80,000 yuan venture fund discount loan index for her, successfully solved its infrastructure construction fund difficult problem.

"With the care and policy support of the government, I am confident to start a business." Li Lihong said, Lei bamboo shoots and asparagus are high-end vegetables, the market trend and price is also very good, it is expected that two years later each mu can earn about 15,000 yuan. When talking about planning for future life, Li Lihong said confidently: "I want to make this plantation bigger and stronger, strive for 3 to 5 years, double the scale of the plantation, and then open farmhouse entertainment and tourism agricultural project development, and build it into the most distinctive sightseeing agricultural park."