
The water taro king opens up a new way to get rich.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The water taro king opens up a new way to get rich.

Speaking of Jiang Chunlei, the king of taro, people are all too familiar with it. Tens of thousands of jin of taro planted in 2012 was unsalable, which attracted the attention of the municipal party secretary after media reports, and finally recovered some of the losses with the support of government departments and friends. The price of agricultural and sideline products has always been unstable. In some years, the supply of goods is small and the price is high. When there are many goods, the price will naturally fall. After years of training, Jiang Chunlei has changed from a single water taro to a rotation of rice, water taro and sweet taro, which has not only been favored by the market for the quality of taro, but also greatly improved his ability to resist market dangers. So what was the harvest of the water taro king in 2015? What is he doing when the Spring Festival is coming? On February 25, the reporter and his party came to Jiang Chunlei's home to find out.

When he came to Shangmujing Village, Luqiao Town, Lingling District, the weather was breezy and a little wet and cold. Jiang Chunlei was overjoyed when he learned that the reporter had visited him. When he drove past his taro field, he could not help but stop and take everyone to experience the farm work of "pulling taro".

Jiang Chunlei, who is in the field, said: "this is taro, each with an average of two or three jin, is not too small, and it is easy to sell on the market." In order to deal with unknown market risks, it began to find its own market as early as November last year, gradually listing water taro at about 1.50 yuan per jin, and basically sold out by the end of the year. As the water taro is large and suitable for the market in Beijing, the Guangzhou market is not picky and can sell both big and small. Changsha market is an old base area, and it is also not worried about selling. In this way, in two months' time, more than 200 mu of water taro will be dug up from the ground and transported to various markets. He told reporters that the remaining dozens of mu of taro are sold in the local market, as long as the taro is in the field and there is no extreme cold and snow weather, it will not be a problem for a month or so, and then take the opportunity to sell it at a good price.

Why did the famous taro king plant taro and rice? This inevitably raises questions in the minds of reporters. Jiang Chunlei said: learning from the lessons of losses in the past few years, he could no longer put all his eggs in one basket, and after various studies and advice, he decided to rotate rice and water taro, and add some taros adapted to the local market. In this way, no matter what the market situation is, it can ensure that a year's harvest will not lose money and still make a small profit.

"before, I didn't understand the planting technology of water taro. After planting it for a few years, I found that taro is prone to worms and its quality is not good. After adopting the method of rotation, these problems have been improved." Speaking of crop rotation, Jiang Chunlei explained that the fields for planting water taro rotate with those for growing rice every two years, and the adaptability of rice is good. As long as the water source is guaranteed, the harvest can be preserved, and after the water taro is replaced with loose soil, it grows bigger and is not easy to get worms, thus solving the problem of planting water taro. In this way, the annual income will be settled.

"hundreds of thousands of jin of water taros have been sold this year, and rice is a sure bet. If you wait for the taro in the field to be sold at a good price, you can earn hundreds of thousands this year." After calculating this economic account, Jiang Chunlei also began to have confidence in his heart. remembering the big losses a few years ago, he was not discouraged and got up wherever he fell. Relying on his tenacity and persistence, he planted the contracted hundreds of mu of water taro and led the surrounding villagers to get rich together.

Seeing the Spring Festival approaching, Jiang Chunlei prepared for farming in advance. He was busy moving fertilizer from the car into the house and storing materials to start work at any time. Due to the difficult conditions in the countryside, Jiang Chunlei's wife and two children live in the city for the convenience of their children. On weekdays, after finishing work in the evening, he has a meal at home from his fellow villagers, and then sleeps in a cot alone. Today, he brought his new quilt with the sheets. Maybe he will be busy and can't go home again.

Jiang Chunlei was driving a nearly scrapped car through the fields. The reporter asked him why he didn't buy a new car to celebrate the Spring Festival. He said that although he had made some money in the past year, he didn't dare to spend it at will, and he had to save it for sowing and fertilizing in the coming year. it will cost a lot of money to do manual work when spring begins. Although he did not buy a new car this year, Jiang Chunlei told the reporter confidently that he would certainly let his wife and children live in a new house and sit in a new car next year and be happy in the New year.