
Diversified planting and breeding models to increase Agricultural income

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Diversified planting and breeding models to increase Agricultural income

On the eve of the Spring Festival this year, a number of snowfalls affected the grain planting industry in various parts of the region. however, Sheng Guiyou of Huang Bilong Village in Jiangtang Town began spring ploughing and ploughing for corn planting after the snow stopped. "as far as the whole region and even the whole city are concerned, the preparation of corn in the field here is the earliest." Sheng Guiyou said that generally speaking, local corn will not be sold until the end of June every year, and preparation for ploughing in advance can be listed well before this time, so as to occupy the corn market first and reap more benefits.

In early January this year, Sheng Guiyou had completed the trenching of 50 mu of cornfield. "as soon as this snowfall was over, I began to cultivate corn seeds." Sheng Guiyou's corn seeds are bred in a nutrition bowl. after sowing, the whole row of nutrition bowls are put into the land. By covering crushed straw, adding straw film, and putting a double-layer film on it, a "small world" for corn growth is formed. "the germination of corn seeds requires a surface temperature of at least 8 to 10 degrees Celsius. Through such 'stacking' and 'heavy protection', corn can grow quickly." Sheng Guiyou said.

In addition to being able to seize the market, early breeding can also shorten the growth period of late rice. "I planted it by rotation of flood and drought, and after the corn harvest is finished, I can start growing rice in mid-late May." Sheng Guiyou said, "when you plant rice at this time, you can plant rice directly by sowing. If you miss this time, you need to transplant rice seedlings. It can not only reduce manpower and material resources, save costs, but also increase efficiency by dozens of times. It is really worth killing many birds with one stone."

In some offices of Shenggui, the reporter saw a computer screen with omni-directional monitoring, which is a bright spot of Shenggui vegetable planting base. "I have installed a camera at every key point on the ridge of the field. As long as I sit in the office, I can control the work of the workers on each plot and the growth of the plants at any time." Sheng Guiyou said that he demonstrated to the reporter that he had enlarged the small screen where corn preparation was being ploughed, in which the staff were building a film frame on the ridge of one of the corn fields on the basis of laying crushed straw.

Planting means, ecological and environmental protection

Some vegetable planting bases in Shenggui are located in front of Siqian Village Temple, Jiangtang Town, Wucheng District, mainly to grow grain and foreign trade vegetables. since the establishment of cooperatives in March 2011, the area of land transfer has increased year by year, with a total contracted land area of 730 mu. The cooperative was listed as a demonstration base for the docking of agriculture and animal husbandry in Wucheng District in 2014. it has 206 cubic meters of fertilizer storage pool, 3 sets of high-pressure sewage pumps and 1 tank truck.

The reporter saw in the field that the entire plantation had laid a long pipeline of more than 2000 meters, which was used to fertilize the straight grain field pipeline. "in line with the relevant requirements of Wushui Co-governance, our farm fertilizes the biogas slurry pulled from pig farms all over the region through pipes without using chemical fertilizer, so that these 'wastes' have the opportunity to give full play to their talents." He said that the base can absorb 1000 tons of livestock biogas slurry every year. In order to further improve the utilization of biogas slurry in production and protect the ecological environment, vegetable cooperatives in Shenggui also set up a construction project for animal husbandry pollution control facilities in August 2015. "the existing facilities can be used to irrigate more than 400 mu of biogas slurry in grain fields, and biogas slurry can be stored in storage ponds for precipitation and fermentation during the season, and then used to irrigate vegetables. After the implementation of the project, it can effectively reduce labor intensity, improve labor efficiency, and use pipelines to separate water pollution, which can also prevent biogas slurry from polluting water sources, which is both ecological and environmentally friendly. "

Through planning guidance and policy support, combined with the requirements of "five-water co-governance" to protect the ecological environment, the base has further strengthened the development of agricultural production and improved the function and ability of agriculture and animal husbandry, which can digest biogas slurry at the same time. The pollution to the ecological environment is reduced, the organic matter content of the land is increased, the fertility of farmland is improved, the amount of chemical fertilizer is reduced, and the product quality is improved. It enables agricultural products to achieve the goal of increasing production and income, and ensures the safety of agricultural products.

At the same time, through the implementation of the animal husbandry pollution control project, Shenggui has been used in rice planting and explored a way to increase production and increase efficiency. "through the 400 mu control experiment, the yield increased by 8.5%. According to the harvest in 2015, Yongyou 9 generally had a yield of 550 kg per mu and 610 kg of high-yielding fields, with an obvious effect on increasing production. In the field with biogas slurry, the rice grows well in the later stage, reaching green stem per mu maturity, good quality and 1000-grain weight. It is estimated that 400mu rice will increase by 8 tons and income by 48000 yuan. " He said that through the implementation of the project, the use of biogas slurry instead of chemical fertilizer has increased the utilization rate of organic fertilizer, effectively reduced the amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, reduced the damage to the environment, improved soil fertility, and realized a virtuous cycle of agricultural ecology. On the other hand, it saves the agricultural input cost and reduces the labor intensity, and effectively improves the safety and quality of agricultural products, labor productivity and mechanized operation rate.

Various characteristics of operation and management

In addition to fertilizing through biogas slurry pipes, Sheng Guiyou has also turned his base into a family farm, achieving high yields and income through flood and drought rotation and fish farming in rice fields.

In the early stage, because the cooperative members have accumulated rich rice planting experience, they have strong project implementation capacity and comprehensive production capacity of rice field and fish culture. At the same time, the project has obvious geographical advantages, superior natural resources, flat terrain, fertile soil, sufficient water, good water quality and good ecological environment. Jinlan Reservoir, the first-class water source, can be poured directly, which is suitable for fish culture in rice fields and can increase the income and efficiency of the surrounding farmers.

On the basis of the original rice-fish rotation, Sheng Guiyou also built a high-standard aquaculture demonstration core area of 120 mu, transformed and improved the water and drainage system, roads, field engineering, electronic anti-theft monitoring and animal husbandry dung absorption vehicles in the base, forming continuous rice field culture. Oujiang carp, crucian carp and other main culture varieties, the implementation of rice-fish co-culture ecological culture model. Adhere to the three major principles of "not reducing grain production, not destroying the tillage layer of rice fields and reducing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers", and actively carry out the introduction of rice and fish, covering an area of 500 mu.

Through the implementation of the project, the technical level of rice field fish culture industry has been improved. It not only changes the mode of extensive agricultural operation, but also grows rice and fish in rice fields or low-yield fish ponds, which can make rational allocation and utilization of resources, improve the comprehensive output rate of resources, improve the quality of agricultural products and increase farmers' income. "Learning science and technology, using science and technology, promoting double growth, and raising rice and fish play an important role in ensuring food security, increasing farmers' income, increasing agricultural efficiency, and providing healthy aquatic products." Sheng Guiyou said, "at the same time, fish culture in rice fields can promote the steady growth of grain sown area, effectively mobilize farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain, and also play a good role in promoting the stability of agricultural production teams."