
To be a good "bellwether" for the Hui people to shake off poverty and become rich

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, To be a good "bellwether" for the Hui people to shake off poverty and become rich

The reporter interviewed Ma Zhenhua in Huangya leek planting base.

Just after the Spring Festival, 350 acres of yellow bud leek in Hongxingcun came back to life after a heavy snow, and the leek stubble that had just been cut showed a new green. Ma Zhenhua was busy in the chilly ridges of spring, patiently instructing workers to water and fertilize leeks.

"what I am most afraid of is that even the leeks (leek roots) are frozen in the heavy snow, but fortunately, only one hair of leek has been lost, which is inevitable! As long as careful care and cultivation, the loss can be quickly recovered. " Ma Zhenhua told reporters confidently that planting is a job that depends on heaven for food, and it is impossible without risks, and as long as we do our best to provide the masses with technology, resist risks, sell best-selling channels, and develop in groups, we can lead the masses to become rich together.

"I have only one purpose, that is, to lead the masses to get rich!"

Hongxing Village, located in the western dam area of Baishui Town, Luxi County, is a traditional Hui village with a large population and little land, and the problem of farmers' poverty is more serious. Ma Zhenhua, 54, is the secretary of the general party branch of Hongxing Village. He has joined the Hongxingcun group since graduating from high school. He has successively served as the group leader, deputy director and director of the Hongxingcun village committee, and has been the general party branch secretary of Hongxingcun since 2013. "I have only one purpose to do as much as I can, and that is to lead the masses to get rich!" This is Ma Zhenhua's promise to the masses. "Ma Zhishu never speaks vernacular." In the eyes of the masses, he is a reliable village cadre.

Hongxing Village has relied on the "one-tree tobacco economy" for many years. In recent years, due to the policy regulation of flue-cured tobacco cultivation and the ascendant of other "alternatives", the people's income has been increased slowly, and the collective economy has been at zero for a time. Seeing that the "purse" of the fellow villagers could not be bulged all the time, Ma Zhenhua felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy. If we only develop traditional industries and rely on the masses to fight alone, even the daily expenses will be a problem, let alone get rich. Then how can we lead the masses to shake off poverty and become rich? Ma Zhenhua couldn't sleep over and over again all night, and finally came up with a new way for the masses to get rich: only by readjusting the industrial structure, carrying out efficient agriculture, and implementing the "joint-stock cooperative economy" project around characteristic industries, can we promote the masses and the collective to "win-win"!

"Red apricot people do not have the habit of doing business or working in other places. They have been farmers for generations and live on one mu of land. "Food is the most important thing for the people." as long as we make enough efforts on the land, we can lead the masses to shake off poverty and become rich. " Ma Zhenhua decided to go first and find a way suitable for the current situation of Hongxing Village. "if you want the masses to follow them willingly, your way to get rich must stand the test." He knew that the road was full of thorns, but he had to go on, and only when he succeeded could he rest assured that he would lead the masses. In order to lead the masses in readjusting the industrial structure, Ma Zhenhua made a loan of 200000 yuan, led three party members to transfer 110mu of land to plant marigolds, took the initiative to take the risk, became "the first person to eat tomatoes" and took the "key step" of being the first to try. After Erigeron breviscapus failed, he began to try to develop marigold, pyrethrum and ginkgo. Due to inexperience, market instability and many other factors, he lost all his money and owed debts everywhere.

As the saying goes, pay for experience. Ma Zhenhua's "tuition fee" has been paid enough, and his heart has become thinner, but "if you are poor, you will think about change," but he has not become less daring. In order to fulfill his promise to the masses, he has become more and more courageous. He has never felt the urgency of learning as much as now, and he began to look up materials and study all day. In 2015, he took the opportunity of "double promotion" to lead village cadres to inspect and understand the market situation in places such as Maitreya Dongfeng Farm and the agricultural products trading market in eastern Yunnan. He found that growing yellow bud leek has the advantages of high price, good market, small investment and easy to learn. After full investigation and demonstration, Ma Zhenhua carefully calculated an economic account and wanted to solve the technical support and smooth sales channels by "borrowing strength." he invited technical personnel and sales experts from Maitreya and Yuxi to sign an acquisition "order" with Yuxi Chengliang Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., and Hongxingcun launched and implemented a strong-based Huifong "joint-stock cooperative economy" yellow bud leek planting project. The first batch planted more than 100 mu, and his cost came back after the first batch of leeks had been cut. The masses saw the real benefits, and everyone rushed to follow suit, and the enthusiasm of those who went to the base to work and learn skills was suddenly ignited.

"the groups of the two committees are twisted into a rope and make the same voice, so that the masses can have centripetal force!"

The news of Ma Zhenhua leading the masses to get rich spread like wildfire, and everyone in front and behind praised him as "amazing." he has his own saying, "there is nothing I can do alone. Only the 'two groups' of the village committee are twisted into a rope and make the same voice. only the masses have centripetal force!" Today, the "joint-stock cooperative economy" project in Hongxingcun has blossomed in various villages, professional cooperative organizations have sprung up, religious relations are in harmony, and a magnificent picture of strong organization, excellent service, prosperous industry and rich people is spread out on the red land. This is due to the fact that Hongxing Village has a contingent of grass-roots cadres with excellent politics and excellent work style, which guides party members, cadres, and the masses to trust the party more, rely on the party and support the party, stride forward under the leadership of the party, and work together on the road to a well-off society.

"it is my bounden duty to unite the Hui people to build a religious, prosperous and strong Hui village!" Ma Zhenhua is not only a veteran party member, but also a Hui cadre. Ma Zhenhua is well aware of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. He never interrupted the study of the party's political theory and principles and policies. How to publicize the party's principles and policies through the mosque management committee so as to be a "sensible and leader"? How to strengthen the role of the party's leadership and political function, guide the masses to develop industries and lead the masses to become rich? This is the issue that Ma Zhenhua has thought about most since he became the party secretary. "We usually have many opportunities to participate in learning. 'three meetings and one lesson' and the distance education platform for party members are all our means of learning, which are mainly about the party's principles and policies and the idea of how to get rich." Party members in the village said that apart from improving his political literacy, Ma Zhishu did not relax for a moment in the study and growth of the members of the team.

Ma Zhenhua has always put "doing a good job in party building and promoting development" in the first place, grasping the software construction of the general party branch of the village on the one hand and the hardware construction of rural infrastructure on the other. In view of the aging knowledge, weakening ability, and rigid thinking of some party members and cadres, Ma Zhenhua set an example and took the lead in conscientiously studying policy theory, rural practical technology, market economy, and other knowledge. We should give prominence to the building of the leading team, hold meetings many times, analyze the existing problems of the leading team, rectify the work style of the "three committees" in response to symptoms, and take "three meetings and one lesson" and distance education platform as specific rectification measures. we will persist in organizing centralized study and discussion once a month, and carry out practical technical training in rural areas every two months to lead village cadres to exert pressure and improve themselves. At the same time, we will strive for 2.7 million yuan for the "Beautiful Home" construction project to build a new party branch activity room of 120sqm in Xiaohongxingcun, and coordinate a fund of 60,000yuan to renovate and transform the seven school buildings of the original Kebao primary school into a 150sqm Party member activity room. Leading party members and the masses to actively integrate into the "double promotion" work of poverty alleviation and development in Baishui Town and grass-roots party building and township consolidation, in the hardening project of the 1070-meter road entering the village in Hongxing Village, cadres and masses work together to do a good job in the construction of the "three piles" clean-up, sanitation renovation, traffic control, dispute mediation, manpower supply and other work.

Ma Zhenhua actively promoted the "grid management service". According to the standard of 50 to 150 households, Hongxing Village was divided into 10 grids, each grid selected one grid length, so that more than 4800 grid party members and people in 10 grid districts of Hongxing Village were "active" in the grid service, and carried out services such as rotational duty, comprehensive management patrol, health renovation, industrial publicity, household agency and so on. So that the reserve cadres at the village level, the development objects of party members and the capable people who become rich can be trained and trained in the grid, thus naturally forming the normal working state of organizing people with grid, training people with grid, serving people with grid, and gathering people with grid. The "small grid" of party building has gradually become the "big stage" of mass autonomy in ethnic and religious areas, and the party's work has gradually extended to the "nerve endings".