
"Women's Day" strong winds across the country cool down farming to guard against rain and snow

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "Women's Day" strong winds across the country cool down farming to guard against rain and snow

Original title: the Ministry of Agriculture urgently deploys to guard against strong cooling and cold wave, rain and snow

Forecast chart of gale cooling in China (08:00-08:00 on March 8-11), data chart: China Weather Network

At present, it is a critical period for wheat turning green and jointing, rape flowering and early rice seedling raising and transplanting in the main producing areas. According to the forecast of the China Meteorological Administration, from March 8 to 11, there will be a wide range of rain and snow and a strong drop in temperature in central and eastern China, with a temperature drop of 6-8 ℃ and a partial drop of 10-12 ℃. The minimum temperature in some areas such as Jiangnan and Guizhou will drop to about 0 ℃, which is close to the historical extreme value. In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture attaches great importance to this and urgently deploys the preventive work, requiring the agricultural departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to earnestly do a good job in defense against strong cooling and cold wave, rain and snow, and spare no effort to ensure the safety of agricultural production, so as to win the initiative for winning summer grain and oil and a bumper agricultural harvest for the whole year.

First, strengthen organizational leadership. Strong cooling and cold wave rain and snow weather will adversely affect the growth and development of wheat and rape and the production of early rice seedlings, vegetables and fruit trees. All localities should base themselves on disaster resistance and win a bumper harvest, conscientiously regard preventing strong cooling and cold wave, rain and snow weather as an important task in current agricultural production, earnestly enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency, make arrangements as soon as possible, implement responsibilities, scientifically study and judge, and strengthen measures, minimize the impact and losses of disasters, ensure the smooth development of spring ploughing production, strive for a good harvest of grain and oil in summer, and lay a good foundation for the stable development of agricultural production throughout the year.

The second is to strengthen monitoring and early warning. It is necessary to strengthen communication and consultation, pay close attention to weather changes, and issue early warning information in a timely manner. Strengthen disaster monitoring and scheduling to ensure that information is submitted timely and accurately. Make use of television, radio, mobile phone text messages and other media to issue early warning information in a timely manner, and make technical, financial, and material preparations to guard against strong cooling and cold wave rain and snow in advance.

The third is to respond scientifically and effectively. In view of the fact that the seedling situation is complex this year, the northern winter wheat area should organize farmers to top fertilize and water according to local conditions, paddle and hoe to suppress, preserve soil moisture and increase temperature, promote the transformation and upgrading of seedling conditions, and improve their ability to resist cold and prevent freezing. Wheat fields with insufficient moisture should be watered in time, and according to the leaf color of wheat in the field, nitrogen fertilizer or foliar fertilizer and plant growth regulators should be applied to promote the normal growth and development of frozen wheat. In the southern region, rape field management should be strengthened, farmers should be guided to clear ditches in time to manage soil moisture, drainage and reduce humidity, and boron fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be sprayed to improve stress resistance. Implement anti-freezing and snow-removing measures for vegetables and fruit trees, strengthen greenhouses, regulate temperature and humidity, and enhance heat preservation and cold resistance.

Fourth, do a good job in guiding services. Organize experts to refine the technical plan of strong cooling and cold wave defense as soon as possible. Organize cadres and technical personnel to go deep into the production line and guide farmers to implement cold prevention and anti-freezing measures due to local and local conditions. Once a disaster occurs, we should quickly organize agricultural technicians to check and check disasters and help guide farmers to do a good job in disaster relief and resume production. We should strengthen demonstration and guidance, and do a good job in creating high-yield and high-efficiency grain production and tackling key problems of increasing grain production model. We will strengthen the adjustment and transportation of the means of production for disaster relief, ensure the need for disaster relief and self-rescue, and strive to minimize disaster losses. (long Xin)