
Scientific and technological innovation is a difficulty in making up for deficiencies in modern agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Scientific and technological innovation is a difficulty in making up for deficiencies in modern agriculture.

Original title: to make up for the deficiency of modern agriculture needs science and technology first.

There are shortcomings in modern agriculture (network map)

Compared with the rapid development of urbanization, industrialization and informatization, the level of agricultural modernization in China lags behind, which seriously affects the synchronous development of the four modernizations. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee has included "Agricultural Modernization" in the title for three consecutive years, and the government work report just released defines speeding up the development of modern agriculture and promoting the sustained increase of farmers' income as one of the eight areas of work that should be done well this year. It also puts forward four subdivision work, such as speeding up agricultural structural adjustment, strengthening agricultural basic support, improving rural public services, and implementing poverty alleviation projects. It can be seen that the development of modern agriculture has become the primary breakthrough to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and it is also the key task of "filling the deficiency board" in the "three go, one drop and one supplement" put forward by the central government.

Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said on the 7th that remarkable progress should be made in agricultural modernization, which is a goal and requirement put forward by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. In the strategy of promotion, efforts should be made to achieve three transformations and upgrades. In the agricultural management system, it is necessary to cultivate a new type of management main body and give full play to the leading role of various forms of moderate scale operation in modern agriculture; in the agricultural production system, it is necessary to speed up the scientific and technological innovation and popularization of agriculture, give full play to the supporting role of material, technology and equipment, and realize the transformation of agricultural growth power in an all-round way. In the industrial system of agriculture, it is necessary to extend the industrial chain, enhance the value chain, and give full play to the multiplier effect of the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. In terms of work layout, agricultural modernization should be realized first in places where conditions permit, and agricultural modernization should be basically realized at the end of the 13th five-year Plan in developed coastal areas, suburbs of big cities, national reclamation areas, and modern agricultural demonstration areas determined by the state.

With regard to the development of modern agriculture, Xia Qingyou, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and a professor of Southwest University, said in an interview with the Economic Information Daily that whether a country is strong or not depends on the countryside. As far as agriculture is concerned, China has made a lot of achievements in recent years, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in modern agriculture, such as the development of large-scale and technical content in the process of production. Agriculture with a relatively high degree of mechanization.

Liu Yonghao, deputy to the National people's Congress and chairman of the New Hope Group Co., Ltd., said: "the draft outline of the 13th five-year Plan proposes to vigorously promote agricultural modernization, and technological progress is a key factor in improving agricultural competitiveness and operational efficiency." In fact, as the primary productive force of modern agriculture, agricultural science and technology plays the most significant role in promoting agricultural production. Several deputies and members of the two sessions believe that in order to achieve the sustained and stable development of agriculture in our country, we must strengthen the innovation of agricultural science and technology, change the extensive mode of agricultural management, and strive to improve the ability of agricultural sustainable development.

The proposal of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang holds that there are still some problems in the innovation and development of agricultural science and technology in China: first, there is still a big gap between the major basic theories of agriculture, the cutting-edge core technology, and the application and popularization of agricultural high technology with the advanced level of the world. The second is the lack of effective integration of agricultural scientific research resources. Third, the dominant position of enterprises in agricultural scientific and technological innovation has not yet been formed.

To this end, they put forward four suggestions: first, to speed up the construction of a scientific and technological innovation center for modern agricultural industry. It is suggested that Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and other cities be selected to establish agriculture-related high-tech innovation bases, focus on cultivating a number of agricultural high-tech enterprises, strengthen the research on major basic theories of agriculture, and speed up the research and development of core technologies at the forefront of agriculture. The second is to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises, including private enterprises, in agricultural scientific and technological innovation. The third is to improve the management system of agricultural scientific research funds. At the present stage, under the background of deepening the management reform of the central financial science and technology plan, we should further clarify and strengthen the public welfare orientation of agricultural scientific research, and establish a stable and long-term investment system of agricultural scientific research funds. The fourth is to speed up the integration of "Internet + agriculture". Build a new modern agricultural development model of "Internet + high-tech + agriculture + finance", and effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of the whole agricultural industry chain.

Duan Huijun, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, believes that financial support must be given to increase agricultural scientific and technological innovation. We should establish a risk compensation fund for agricultural science and technology, give full play to the role of finance in guiding and prying, and guide and promote social capital to participate in agricultural science and technology innovation. He suggested that we should speed up the reform of the management measures for agricultural science and technology loans and lower the loan threshold as soon as possible. We will increase direct financing support and establish diversified financing channels for agricultural science and technology enterprises. At the same time, we should explore to expand the scope of agricultural insurance subsidies and increase financial premium subsidies for agricultural insurance. Insurance companies should explore bringing scientific and technological breeding, agricultural machinery, improvement of crop and animal husbandry varieties, and standardized breeding into the scope of agricultural insurance, and encourage the development of documentary agricultural insurance and other insurance varieties based on product orders. (reporter Lin Yuan / reporting from Beijing)