
Several misunderstandings of apple tree pruning

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Several misunderstandings of apple tree pruning

Apple trees have a wide distribution area in our country, many places have a certain planting, in the process of planting apple trees, orchard management is very important. And pruning is also indispensable, although many people know to prune. But pruning method is wrong, there are many errors, resulting in poor results. So Xiaobian below brings you a few major mistakes in apple tree pruning. Let's take a look together!

1. Angle discomfort

Many friends will only pay attention to whether the fruit tree is transparent enough when pruning, and ignore the angle of the fruit tree. The angle of fruit bearing main branch is too small, which enhances the top growth ability of young trees and causes the bald phenomenon at the back of young trees to be aggravated. If the angle is not suitable, then be sure to open the angle in time. In early summer of each year, use methods such as bracing to expand the angle to ensure that the angle is about 60 degrees.

2. Improper tree shape

Apple trees in many orchards are planted mainly on arbor rootstocks, while fruit growers are mainly scattered and layered when pruning. This pruning method is very poor effect, will lead to fruit tree permeability decline, flower bud differentiation blocked, seriously reduce the rate of flowering. Therefore, for this orchard, we should try to organize the fruit trees into small crowns and less graded trees. According to planting density and form, pruning methods should be changed reasonably to improve the growth ability of fruit trees and increase yield.

3. Reasonable branch pulling

Branching is a necessary task in apple pruning, but there are certain technical requirements for pulling branches. The angle can not be too large, too large, then it will lead to apple trees take the strip and other undesirable phenomena. If it is too small, the first phenomenon will occur. Therefore, we should deal with this orchard flexibly according to the actual situation, and the fruit trees with less space should be properly thinned. On the contrary, fruit trees with appropriate space can be used to promote flowering and cultivate fruiting branches.

4. The primary and secondary are not divided

Many fruit growers are reluctant to cut off some healthy branches when pruning, resulting in some of the main branches 30 cm above the ground on the fruit trees all together. This causes the phenomenon of primary and secondary indistinction. For this orchard, we should pay attention to the spacing between branches when pruning. The spacing between the main branches will be controlled at about 20 cm to ensure that the layers are distinct. Then expand the angle of the main branch with strong growth ability, and cut off the place where there are too many branches every year. For some 3-year-old auxiliary branches to control their growth capacity, promote early flowering.

5. Pay attention to tree potential

Different varieties of apple trees have different growth advantages, such as red Fuji apple fruit top branch growth ability is relatively strong. If not pruned according to the tree potential, too many branches at the top are easy to appear strong and weak. Therefore, we should change the pruning method according to the tree vigor. This kind of fruit tree should be thinned in time to reduce the number of branches and leaves. Improve the growth ability of lower branches and increase yield.

Finally, we should pay attention to pruning in summer. Summer pruning has a great influence on the results of young trees. Therefore, we need to do a good job in winter shear work, in summer also need to do eye injury, pull branches and other basic summer shear work. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to be helpful to everyone.