
From experiential planting to scientific planting of village branch secretary to lead villagers to shake off poverty and become rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, From experiential planting to scientific planting of village branch secretary to lead villagers to shake off poverty and become rich

Liang Jieyan instructs villagers to plant at the base

From single planting to multi-variety planting, from experience planting to scientific planting

Leading villagers to get rid of poverty and become rich, village branch secretary does not take the usual road

Liang Jieyan, 54, secretary of the Party General Branch of Qunnan Village, Tanluo Town, Xixiangtang District, NanNing City, recently worried about citrus planting. In a few months, the new variety of Maogu orange planted in the village will be picked and listed. He often goes to the citrus planting base to have a look and tells the villagers to pay attention to the last "checkpoint." Since 2013, he led the villagers to make a bold transformation, no longer planting bananas alone, planting rare Maogu citrus in Nanning according to local conditions, using less or even no pesticides, and creating a citrus planting base of "seeing his fruit, you will think of green fruit", so that everyone can eat "safe fruit".

Two Innovations

from a single sugarcane

Bananas, oranges.

When the reporter saw Liang Jieyan, he was checking the fruitful Maogu citrus trees at the headquarters base of Dingpo Village, Qunnan Village, Tanluo Town.

"Starting from zero is not easy. In particular, we must change the original planting structure of the villagers, just like 'revolution'." Liang Jieyan said that in 2007, he returned to his hometown as a retired soldier to start a business. He started planting from his 50 mu private land. He had no capital, no technology and no assistant. He took his wife and children to drive tractors to turn farmland and reclaim barren hills into green banana fields. With the gradual expansion of planting scale, he established Guangxi Guijie Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in banana planting.

"Agriculture cannot be static. We must innovate according to the actual situation." Liang Jieyan told reporters that the first transformation is to turn part of sugar cane into bananas, this time trying to let villagers taste sweet, but also let him think a little more about the future. In 2012, a large-scale outbreak of yellow leaf disease broke out in banana fields, and single banana cultivation would face harvest loss. To break through the bottleneck, transformation was necessary. Soon, Liang Jieyan began to shift his eyes from bananas to oranges and began his second bold attempt. He started planting Maogu oranges at the contracted base, driving the surrounding villagers to enter the ranks of citrus planting.

continuous training

LED the villagers

Scientific development of crop farming

At present, Liang Jieyan's planting scale has expanded to nearly ten thousand mu. After becoming rich, he led his team to introduce and promote 7 new planting varieties through various innovative modes such as "company + enterprise + farmer", and cooperated with surrounding banana farmers for more than 6000 mu. "Xixiangtang Science and Technology Bureau often gives us training, and I also go to Fujian, Guangdong and other places to study at my own expense." Liang Jie said that only continuous learning can solve problems. He not only "charges" himself, but also teaches what he has learned to villagers. Every quarter, he holds training classes, gives advice to villagers on planting, and invites well-known agricultural experts to give lectures. "We have held more than 70 beautiful pastoral planting innovation classes and production technology training classes so far, and also presented scientific and technological materials on site, benefiting many villagers."

In addition, Liang Jieyan also pays attention to technological innovation. From seedling cultivation to product export, transportation are strictly managed according to production standards. "It's definitely impossible to develop farming without technology." He introduced that they adopted new technologies such as drip irrigation with integrated water and fertilizer, double-row planting mode, three-avoiding bagging and integration of non-injury harvesting and transportation, among which the dropper equipment introduced advanced equipment from Israel and Turkey, breaking the traditional irrigation and planting and harvesting mode in planting industry and driving the banana industry in Tanluo Town towards scale, standardization and branding. One person can complete irrigation and fertilization of several hundred mu in 1-2 days, save fertilizer by more than 36%, and increase yield per mu by more than 20%.

Green First

"Safety Fruit"

Let the villagers get rid of poverty and become rich

In Liang Jieyan's view, planting fruit should not only pursue maximum yield, reasonable price, but more importantly,"green". As he spoke, he gestured: "Now many crops have worms and are sick. The growers don't find the cause and prescribe the right medicine. They directly spray pesticides. Although the insects are quickly killed, the fruits have become unhealthy and unqualified." He explained that this was also the reason why he was constantly learning. Whatever you plant, you must start with safety. "Others buy your products, eat is rest assured, if everyone is looking for trouble, no one will dare to eat your things in the future."

Not only should pesticides be used with caution, but he should also give products "grading", that is, everyone should do it according to the standards of safe food and create a "green safety card". In the office on the second floor of an office building in the planting base, many of his scientific and technological certificates and green certificates were displayed. "I want to make sure that my products are green." Pointing to the certificate, he said that the "sweet bend" brand he has built over the years is green food, including bananas, granulated oranges, Maogu oranges and other products, which will be loved by consumers as soon as they are listed.

Lu Zunchang, a villager of Dingpo Village in Qunnan Village, looked at the fist-sized citrus and said that planting these green safe fruits made her get rich from poverty."In the past, we grew fruits by experience, but now we rely on science and technology. The most important thing is green pesticide free. You see, these are our 'treasure'." She smiled.