
The southern and northern species of Dendrobium drive the villagers to become rich by riding the east wind of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The southern and northern species of Dendrobium drive the villagers to become rich by riding the east wind of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Dendrobium candidum is listed as the first of the nine immortal herbs in traditional medicine, which has great medicinal value and broad market prospects. However, Dendrobium grows mostly in the deep mountains of Yunnan and Guangxi. In order to break through the regional restrictions of traditional planting, Liu Zhonghua, general manager of Qingyun Watson Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. through scientific and technological innovation, realized the "species of Dendrobium and Dendrobium" for the first time, developed a series of products of "Dendrobium", successfully promoted local employment and promoted industrial rich farmers.

At present, Liu Zhonghua is conducting planting skills training for newly recruited female workers this year. After post practice, these ordinary rural women will be transformed into technicians to go to local Dendrobium planting bases. Liu Zhonghua's "Dendrobium species" technology will be extended to more places. Compared with other crops in the south, Dendrobium is extremely demanding on the environment and difficult to operate. In terms of plant transplanting characteristics, usually only a few hundred kilometers of transplanting, so the risk will be relatively small, Liu Zhonghua suddenly transported from thousands of miles away to Qingyunbian, the technology is very difficult. It took Liu Zhonghua five years from preparing the project in 2010 to popularizing planting technology on a large scale.

In order to realize his dream, Liu Zhonghua found his university teacher, Cao Chunying, an expert in plant tissue culture, and asked the teacher to serve as the company's chief expert to give technical guidance, but the teacher refused.

Recalling the situation at that time, Liu Zhonghua said: our head teacher said at that time that if you could invite Mr. Cao out of the mountain and visit him a hundred times, it would be nice to meet him. It was a great blow to me at that time. I went back and forth to Qingdao more than 10 times. I was moved by my sincerity and thought that I could make a career in this area.

With the help of the teacher, the first batch of Dendrobium seedlings began to be planted in batches, and when they were confidently waiting for the harvest, reality gave them a blow in the head. Because only heat preservation was considered and ventilation was ignored, some seedlings had germs in about a week at that time.

After thousands of repeated experiments, Liu Zhonghua and his team overcame many problems such as high latitude, cold and dryness, and successfully cultivated Dendrobium candidum, which is suitable for planting in the north, which has better taste and medicinal value than Dendrobium candidum in the south. This year, Liu Zhonghua's planting scale of Dendrobium will exceed 400 mu, pulling more than 100 villagers around to achieve employment on their doorstep, and more than 90% of them are female workers. Under the guidance of the Qingyun County government, Liu Zhonghua also docked with the four surrounding villages to help the poor, through industrial poverty alleviation, to achieve farmers' employment, get rid of poverty and become rich.

With the accelerated integration of Dezhou into the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Liu Zhonghua is also taking advantage of this east wind to actively dock with colleges and enterprises in Beijing and Tianjin, extend the Dendrobium industry chain and create a high-end health care brand.

Liu Zhonghua plans to build a production and processing base of 5,000 mu of Dendrobium candidum in five years. At the same time, on the basis of sightseeing picking and catering of characteristic traditional Chinese medicine, we should develop characteristic rural leisure tourism to increase the income of the surrounding people. To create an agricultural science and technology demonstration park that integrates biotechnology research and production centers, seedling areas, planting and picking areas, innovative leisure and sightseeing areas, breeding areas, and "four zones of one mind".