
Guangdong rural e-commerce has access to every village in 2020.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Guangdong rural e-commerce has access to every village in 2020.

Original title: Guangdong rural e-commerce development plan: covering all administrative villages in 2020

Illustration of the implementation Plan for promoting the Development of Rural Electronic Commerce in Guangdong Province (Chart: Ma Jiawen)

The provincial government recently issued the "Guangdong Province implementation Plan for promoting the Development of Rural E-commerce" (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"), requiring the overall promotion of rural e-commerce construction in the province, exploring and implementing the strategies of "Internet + countryside" and "Internet + modern agriculture", forming a two-way circulation pattern of online and offline integration, agricultural products going to cities and agricultural materials and consumer goods to the countryside, and promoting agricultural supply-side reform.

Build four state-level rural e-commerce bases in 3muri

The "plan" points out that by 2020, the application level of rural e-commerce in the province will be significantly improved, the supporting service system of rural e-commerce will be basically established, and two-way circulation channels for urban and rural products will be basically formed. the scale of online sales of agricultural products and online shopping in rural areas continues to expand, and the overall level of development is in the forefront of the country.

At the same time, 50 county-level e-commerce industrial parks and 100 township e-commerce operation centers have been built in the province to achieve full coverage of rural e-commerce service stations in administrative villages. The annual sales of agricultural products e-commerce in the province have maintained an increase of more than 30%. The competitiveness of rural e-commerce enterprises has been significantly enhanced, cultivating 5 rural e-commerce enterprises with annual sales of more than 1 billion yuan, 20 with annual sales of more than 100 million yuan, and 100 rural e-commerce enterprises with annual sales of more than 50 million yuan. Select 100 rural e-commerce demonstration enterprises, build three to four national comprehensive demonstration bases of rural e-commerce, and cultivate a number of agriculture-related e-commerce platforms with strong agglomeration effect. 100000 rural e-commerce application technical personnel have been trained, and the quality of the employees has been significantly improved.

Encourage all kinds of capital to participate in the development of rural e-commerce

The Program calls for expanding sources of funds and guiding and encouraging private capital and foreign investment in e-commerce, finance, commerce, trade and circulation in rural areas. We will improve the methods and channels for the integrated development of agricultural capital and commercial capital, and support the development and growth of rural small and medium-sized e-commerce enterprises, e-commerce service enterprises and modern agricultural material enterprises through the capital market.

Promote the diversification of investors and introduce domestic and foreign well-known comprehensive and professional third-party e-commerce platforms or leading enterprises to invest in the rural market.

In addition, agriculture-related e-commerce enterprises should be developed and strengthened. Support the construction of national e-commerce in rural comprehensive demonstration counties (Longchuan County, Raoping County, Pingyuan County, Nanxiong City) and National supply and Marketing Cooperation Electronic Commerce demonstration counties (Gaozhou City, Yangshan County, Yingde City, Xinxing County, Dapu County), cultivate a number of influential rural e-commerce enterprises. We will implement the province's rural e-commerce demonstration project, plan and build agglomeration areas such as online and offline rural e-commerce industrial parks, scientific and technological innovation centers, township e-commerce entrepreneurship centers and incubation bases, and actively and steadily promote cross-border agricultural products e-commerce pilot projects.

Support entrepreneurship and employment through e-commerce. Speed up the construction of rural e-commerce entrepreneurship park, build a rural e-commerce entrepreneurial platform for rural youth with the functions of entrepreneurship guidance, skills training, investment and financing services, and train a number of rural e-commerce professionals. We will cultivate a new model for increasing farmers' income, promote a close connection between agricultural production and marketing, support family farms, large growers, and farmers' professional cooperatives to set up "farm online stores", and innovate and develop order agriculture and online marketing of characteristic agricultural products. drive more farmers to get rich through e-commerce. (reporter / Liu Qian)