
The wife of the city goes to the countryside to grow strawberries and find another way to get rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The wife of the city goes to the countryside to grow strawberries and find another way to get rich.

The earth returns to spring, and everything recovers. On March 14, in the strawberry picking garden in Qingliangsi Village, Liangjiadun Town, there was a scene full of spring. The green leaves in the greenhouse were silhouetted against the white flowers, the industrious bees were flying in the flowers to collect honey and pollinate, and the red strawberries hung on the green leaves and on the edge of the ridge, making people mouth-watering.

"it's so tempting to see other people picking strawberries, so come and feel it." Ms. Zhang, who is picking strawberries in the ridges, told the reporter that she and several friends came here to experience the fun of pastoral life picked by hand with the children.

"it was planted in September last year and matured one after another at the end of December. Tourists come to pick it every day, and it is even more popular on weekends." Luo Xuemei, the owner of the raspberry orchard, said happily, "nowadays urban people seldom have the opportunity to come into contact with pastoral life, and picking safe strawberries that can be seen and touched by hand is even more popular."

What the reporter did not expect is that Luo Xuemei is a city dweller, and the three strawberry sheds she runs are all rented by local farmers. "A lot of people ask me how the city people come to the countryside to farm. On the one hand, it is out of interest, and on the other hand, it feels that leisure agriculture has great potential. " Talking about the original intention of renting a shed to grow strawberries in the countryside, she said so. She used to be in the business of building materials and did a good job in business. Two or three years ago, she went to a strawberry picking garden to experience the fun of picking strawberries. She found that leisure and sightseeing agriculture had great potential for development, especially in recent years, when Zhangye's strawberry picking was very popular with the public. at that time, she came up with the idea of renting a greenhouse to grow strawberries in the countryside. In my spare time, I have traveled to Hainan, Jiangsu and other places to inspect the market, understand the business model, learn planting techniques, and prepare for the realization of my dream. In September 2015, she chose the demonstration site of Qingliangsi Village, Liangjiadun Town, which is close to the city, and rented three solar greenhouses at the price of 10,000 yuan per shed, with an early investment of 120000 yuan to start her entrepreneurial dream.

Starting a business is hard, and it is even more difficult for city people who have not done farm work, not only to break through the technical hurdle, input hurdle, but also to break through the market hurdle. Without any planting experience, she learned lessons from nearby farmers through books. The days after strawberry seedlings were planted were the most difficult. Due to the lack of technology, some strawberry seedlings began to die, and she was anxious. "you say that a city dweller goes to the countryside to farm, and if he succeeds, some people will say that he is not doing his job." At that time, she had the idea of giving up, thinking that the investment could not be wasted, and that her dream of several years could not be stopped because of difficulties. As soon as she clenched her teeth, she stuck to it. During the day, she carefully observed in the greenhouse, and at night she went back to look for materials and solve technical problems. Seize the time to take remedial measures to make up the dead strawberry seedlings. Kung fu is worthy of dedicated people. after various investigations, she has introduced new varieties with symmetrical size, mellow taste, tender and smooth juice, and ruddy color. as soon as she goes on the market, she is very popular with tourists, selling it for 40 yuan per catty. So far, the three sheds have earned 70,000 yuan, and the cost is expected to be recovered by May this year. "I've been here several times, and the strawberries here are moderate in size and reliable in quality, and you can eat them without washing," praised Mr. Kui, who picked and tasted them.

Luo Xuemei, who is in her early thirties, although she is from the city, the success of strawberry cultivation has given her great encouragement. Now she has begun to continue to introduce new varieties to meet the public's demand for green and organic safe food, so that the public can enjoy a good life of "berries." she firmly believes that there will be great prospects for the development of leisure and sightseeing agriculture.