
Small edible mushrooms move towards a wider world

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Small edible mushrooms move towards a wider world

From the base to the market, from the local to the outside world, now it is about to build its own industrial park; in Yulin City, the small edible fungus has begun to move towards a broader world. Production bases are all over Fumian, Beiliu, Xingye, Rongxian and other places, with 7 demonstration bases; brands such as "Tianyuan Fungi Industry", "Precision Brand" and "Yikang Brand" have been established, with 10 market main bodies; more than 10 large-scale planting varieties such as Agaricus bisporus, Auricularia auricula and Xiuzhen mushroom have been formed, with an annual output value of more than 895 million yuan.

Demonstration bases have been set up in various counties, and the results of the 12th five-year Plan have been achieved.

In the Xingye Agaricus bisporus planting base, the planting greenhouse extends from one end of the road to the other; in the greenhouse, the three-dimensional shelf is covered with edible mushroom sticks, one layer on top of each other, and mushrooms grow from one end of the stick, densely packed, and workers are busy harvesting.

"now it is the first batch this year, which can produce one or two tons a day, which are mainly sold to Nanning and Guangzhou. We have 15 greenhouses with an annual output of 60,000 jin, each with an annual output of 500 square meters, which is basically sold at 6 yuan per catty. The profit is considerable." Chen Wenzhu, head of the base, said while doing accounts, that the base was established in 2011, due to the use of modern planting methods, coupled with large market demand, basically do not have to worry about sales, and the exemplary role of the base attracted many people to visit and study.

At present, every county and district in Yulin City has basically established a demonstration base for the cultivation of edible fungi. "in recent years, Yulin City has successively established demonstration bases such as Fumian edible mushroom industry, Beiliu fungus test, Luchuan Pleurotus ostreatus, Xingye Agaricus bisporus and so on." Lu Yuwen, director of the Municipal Institute of Microbiology, said that driven by the demonstration of the base, Yulin City has developed more than 10 varieties planted in large areas, such as Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus auricula, Xiuzhen mushroom, and Pleurotus ostreatus, which are distributed in the main producing areas such as Beiliu, Xingye, Fumian and Rongxian, and have formed base-based and large-scale development. During the 12th five-year Plan period, the area, output, and output value have all doubled compared with the Eleventh five-year Plan.

The Yulin Institute of Microbiology is mainly engaged in the research, demonstration and popularization of agricultural microorganisms and edible fungi, and has tackled key problems in scientific research and practice for many years. It has not only established a breeding center for famous and high-quality strains, but also cultivated, introduced and popularized more than 40 famous and quality varieties and more than 130 strains, but also developed more than 10 key technologies, such as temperature-controlled cultivation, cultivation of edible fungi using local raw materials, and out-of-season cultivation of Xiuzhen mushrooms. The research and development and promotion of technology and varieties is also a key to the development and growth of the edible mushroom industry in Yulin during the 12th five-year Plan period.

This year, Yulin will expand three bases, such as Xiuzhen mushroom production, Auricularia auricula test, and annual intelligent temperature control production of Agaricus bisporus.

The government plans to build an industrial park this year.

In recent years, the government has issued relevant policies to increase financial support and regard the edible mushroom industry as a modern characteristic industry. The development of edible fungi in Yulin City is getting faster and faster, and the area and output have accounted for about 10% of the whole region. Nowadays, in the face of the shortcomings of mechanization, automation and informationization in the development of edible fungi in Yulin City, Yulin City has given the answer to solve the difficult problem of industrialization development-- to build an edible mushroom industrial park.

"at present, all work is being carried out in an orderly manner." Lu Yuwen said that the Yulin Edible Mushroom Industrial Park project has started the site selection work in the "colorful Garden", initially located at the exit of Beiliutang Expressway, covering an area of about 1500 mu.

In order to speed up the construction of industrial parks, the city has set "three horses" before and after the Spring Festival this year: immediately go to advanced areas to learn lessons, immediately contact relevant departments, and immediately formulate specific construction plans. A few days ago, Yulin City has organized a delegation to inspect and learn from the rapid development of modern characteristic agriculture in Jiangsu and Zhejiang; next, it will strengthen contact and communication with Yudong New area, especially the "colorful countryside", implement the relevant work, and finally form a plan to report to the municipal government.

According to reports, the future edible mushroom industrial park will take innovation, green, recycling, efficiency, and health "five concepts" as the theme to create a collection of scientific research, production, processing, and post-natal waste recycling. It even includes edible fungus culture and catering as one of the park.

It may become a new poverty alleviation industry if the threshold is low and the effect is quick.

Edible fungus is a "short and fast" industry with small investment and quick results, and the cost can be recovered in a year and a half. Precisely for this reason, its "money" scene is becoming more and more optimistic for the world.

At present, more than 40 varieties and 130 strains have been introduced, cultivated, preserved and promoted in Yulin City. in addition to meeting the local market, the products are also sold to Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Guangzhou, Hainan, and even overseas through these transit places. export accounts for more than 80% of the total sales, and the market prospect is more and more broad. Among them, Auricularia auricula planting area of about 1.4 million square meters, annual output of 13700 tons, annual output value of more than 80 million yuan; Xiuzhen mushroom about 883000 square meters, annual output of 9442 tons, output value of 95.62 million yuan.

Lu Yuwen takes common Auricularia auricula and Xiuzhen mushrooms as examples to analyze their market prospects. "in recent years, the price fluctuation of edible fungus is relatively small. The wholesale price of fresh fungus is about 3 yuan / jin, dried fungus is 20 yuan / jin, and Xiuzhen mushroom is basically 5 yuan-9 yuan / jin. Fumian base recovered the cost that year and made a slight profit."

"We started planting in 2014, planting 35 mu, which can be planted twice a year, with an output value of 1.3 million yuan at normal prices." Although edible fungi have been planted for only two years, Yang Guoqin, head of Shiyikang fungus planting Co., Ltd., is full of confidence in the future, and they plan to expand production this year.

It is precisely because of "small investment and quick results", the cultivation of edible fungi has also become a good choice for farmers on the way to get rich.

This year is the key year for Yulin City to carry out accurate poverty alleviation. It is reported that Yulin City is preparing to take edible fungi as an industry for accurate poverty alleviation. By increasing technical training, demonstration drive and other measures, let more farmers participate in it to get rid of the "poverty cap". In terms of industrial scale development, Yulin City will take industrial upgrading as the main line, scientific and technological innovation as the driving force, market demand as the guide, and industrial efficiency as the goal. We will improve the level of specialization, scale, facilities, mechanization and branding of production, build an ecological circular economy of edible fungi, accelerate the process of modernization of edible fungi, improve industrial efficiency, and effectively increase farmers' income.