
The dream of getting rich in "the Duck King"

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The dream of getting rich in "the Duck King"

On March 2, walking in the warm sunshine of early spring, the reporter came to Wenchuan Yongjun Duck Industry Co., Ltd., which is located in Shuimo Town, Wenchuan County. Walking into the company's farm, we can see the staggered enclosures, standard disinfection channels and green pastoral breeding environment, where flocks of ducks are pecking at food.

In Shuimo Town, Liao Zhongming, the person in charge of Yongjun duck industry and the "duck king", is a household name. From Dayi, he founded Wenchuan Yongjun Duck Industry Co., Ltd with hard-working hands and unremitting persistence. Last year, the company raised more than 800000 meat ducks, with an output value of more than 1500 million yuan and a profit of more than 800,000 yuan.

When he saw Liao Zhongming, he was very busy inspecting the eating and drinking of ducks. "these babies are bumpy, but they must not be careless and must be taken good care of." While Liao Zhongming took the reporter to visit the farm, he talked about the details of raising meat ducks.

After the wind and rain, he propped up the sky with faith

"Ten years ago, I engaged in sheep slaughtering in Chengdu. Through slow efforts, I had my own slaughterhouse. At that time, most of the sheep in Chengdu were provided by my slaughterhouse." Speaking of past experience, Liao Zhongming looks proud.

In 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake made Liao Zhongming feel extremely sad in Chengdu, and the disaster has been affecting his heart. Shortly after the earthquake, Liao Zhongming drove to Wenchuan to visit the people in the disaster area and express his love. "I always come four or five times a year, and I feel like I'm half of Wenchuan before I know it." After many visits, he found that due to the influence of natural factors and infrastructure conditions, the local people lived in poverty and had few ways to get rich.

"how can we make people in disaster areas have a skill and a career and live a happy life?" After returning to Chengdu, Liao Zhongming couldn't sleep all night. After a period of market investigation, he learned that raising meat ducks is a way to get rich with little investment and quick results. "combined with the advantages of climate and environment in Wenchuan area, coupled with duck farming as a traditional family breeding industry, it is easy for villagers to master technology, and at the same time, relying on their own market resources and sales channels accumulated over the years, it will be able to ensure the smooth acceptance of meat ducks in the market." Liao Zhongming said.

The train of thought is clear, Liao Zhongming just does what he says. In 2009, Yongjun Duck Industry registered as an investment attraction enterprise in Wenchuan County, with a total investment of more than 2000 million yuan, and settled in Shuimo Town, Wenchuan County.

"in 2010, as the first year of full production, the company entered the formal and made a profit, and the people who joined the company also tasted the benefits and was rated as the leading enterprise at the county level in Wenchuan that year." Speaking of past achievements, Liao Zhongming smiled.

Seeing the company getting better day by day, God played a joke with Liao Zhongming. In 2011, a mudslide suddenly hit and destroyed the farm built on the mountain. The sudden natural disaster put the company in trouble, and the breeding of ordinary people also suffered a lot of losses.

"I really didn't know what to do at that time. In the face of a huge loss of 17 million yuan, I felt that the sky was going to collapse." Recalling the most difficult time, Liao Zhongming said that things have already happened, and withdrawal is never the solution to the problem. No matter how difficult it is to grit your teeth, you have to survive.

"where there is a will, there is a way; if you work hard, you will live up to it." Under the concern and encouragement of the Wenchuan county party committee and county government, Liao Zhongming regained his strength. After two years, he finally returned to production in 2013 and achieved a bumper harvest in 2015. Last year, a total of 800000 meat ducks were sold, with an output value of more than 1500 million yuan and a profit of more than 800,000 yuan.

Turning waste into treasure, he will lead more farmers to become rich.

With the expansion of the scale of breeding, while bringing huge economic benefits, practical problems such as the treatment of wastewater from the cleaning and breeding plant and the accumulation of several tons of duck manure are placed in front of Liao Zhongming.

"the wastewater produced in the process of culture contains a certain amount of pollutants, which will cause a certain degree of pollution to the surrounding water environment if it is discharged directly without treatment." In the face of such a difficult problem, Liao Zhongming already had a brilliant plan. He immediately introduced the wastewater treatment company to formulate a treatment plan for the farm. Starting from the goal of reducing the project cost and operating cost of the wastewater treatment project, he adopted advanced wastewater treatment technology and equipment, which not only solved the problem of sewage treatment, but also played the purpose of recycling water for environmental protection.

When he came to Liao Zhongming's organic fertilizer chemical workshop, the reporter saw that a bag of microbial organic fertilizer processed from duck dung was being packed and loaded into a car, ready to be transported out of the workshop.

"this kind of organic bacterial fertilizer has the advantage of being green and pollution-free, and it is a 'baby' for growing fruit trees in urban farms. The fruits and vegetables grown are particularly good in taste and have a long shelf life, so they are especially popular with consumers." Chen Zhongwen, who came all the way from Chongzhou to pull fertilizer, said that although it is a long way from Chongzhou to water mill, this kind of microbial and organic fertilizer is in demand under the current market demand for ecological green agriculture.

According to Liao Zhongming, last year, the company sold a total of 600 tons of microbial organic fertilizer to the orchards of farms around Chengdu, such as Chongzhou and Pujiang, with a profit of 1.02 million yuan, and successfully disposed of 10500 tons of duck manure and sewage mixture, truly realizing "zero pollution discharge." the concept of ecological circular agriculture of turning waste into treasure.

Now, Liao Zhongming's breeding career has been on the right track, and he has a new idea. "Earthworms are good feed for raising ducks, while duck manure can be used to feed earthworms." Liao Mingzhong told reporters that this year he plans to use duck dung to breed earthworms, and then process earthworms into feed for meat duck farmers, while the company will sign acquisition contracts with farmers to minimize farmers' breeding risk.

"We should give more material benefits to the common people." Liao Zhongming said that in the next step, the company will adjust the farming mode of farmers from "factory scale farming" to "family free breeding" from the perspective of farmers' breeding cost and culture environment, so as to maximize the farming cost of farmers.

"through the unremitting efforts of all our staff and workers, we will still create resplendence, do something, and lead more people to shake off poverty and become rich." Liao Zhongming said confidently.