
Simultaneous law enforcement in six provinces and regions of the Pearl River fishing ban in 2016

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Simultaneous law enforcement in six provinces and regions of the Pearl River fishing ban in 2016

Original title: the Ministry of Agriculture deployed to launch the 2016 Pearl River fishing ban and law enforcement action

2016 fishing ban on the Pearl River (network map)

Starting from 12:00 on April 1, the Pearl River has entered a fishing ban period in the main streams, important tributaries and lakes of Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces (regions). In order to do a good job in the management of law enforcement during the closed fishing season, on the morning of April 1, the Fisheries Administration Supervision and Administration Office of the Yangtze River Basin of the Ministry of Agriculture organized six provinces (regions) in the Pearl River Basin, including Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan, to carry out synchronous law enforcement actions during the closed fishing season, requiring all localities to do a good job in organizing mobilization and law enforcement management in the light of the actual situation in their respective regions, and to organize fishery administration boats and law enforcement forces to strengthen law enforcement inspection during the closed fishing period. Clean up and ban illegal fishing gear and illegal fishing, and strictly investigate and deal with illegal and criminal acts such as electric fish explosion that seriously damage resources and ecology in accordance with the law. During this period, the Ministry of Agriculture will also organize cruise inspection and cross-inspection to ensure the smooth implementation of the fishing ban system.

The Ministry of Agriculture stressed that governments at all levels along the river should fully understand the great significance of implementing the fishing ban system for the conservation of aquatic biological resources and protecting the ecological environment of water areas, and organize and implement social management work such as organization and mobilization of fishermen and living subsidies during the fishing ban period. Fishery departments and law enforcement agencies at all levels should attach great importance to it, scrupulously perform their duties, enforce the law in a fair, strict and civilized manner, ensure that the management of the fishing ban is in good order, and ensure that the fishing ban produces the desired results; the vast number of fishermen should consciously abide by the regulations on the administration of the ban, put an end to illegal fishing, supervise and report illegal acts, and jointly maintain the order of the ban.

In order to better implement the Pearl River fishing ban system and strengthen the ecological conservation of the Pearl River, the Ministry of Agriculture will also organize a series of law enforcement actions.

Illegal fishing clean-up and rectification. In the Pearl River basin, we will step up efforts to clean up and rectify "no-household nets", ban fishing-related "three-no" vessels, and crack down on electric explosives, consolidate the achievements of previous law enforcement, and conserve aquatic biological resources. Focus on investigating and dealing with electric explosive fish, the use of ecstasy array, ground cage nets, lifting nets and other illegal fishing gear for fishing.

Proliferation and release activities of aquatic organisms. The Ministry of Agriculture will extensively organize various localities to standardize the activities of proliferation and release of aquatic organisms, so that the management of the fishing ban season and the ecological restoration of aquatic biological resources and water areas complement each other, further promote the green development of fisheries, and earnestly strengthen the ecological protection of the Pearl River Basin. We will promote the building of ecological civilization in water areas in an all-round way.

Do a good job in related job security. Fishery administration departments at all levels will vigorously organize activities such as training and counseling to promote fishery efficiency and fishermen to change jobs; conscientiously implement the central policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, such as diesel subsidies, and wholeheartedly do a good job in solving fishermen's difficulties; and actively organize fishery scientific research institutions to carry out monitoring and evaluation of fishery resources to provide scientific and technological support for the implementation of the fishing ban system. (long Xin)