
Let the villagers think highly of me.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Let the villagers think highly of me.

He went home with confidence to raise sheep and start a business. The sheep farm was built but suffered the fate of being demolished continuously. In order to raise sheep, his family thought he was mad at his father. What makes his start-up so different?

Lai Xuefeng: go down there hand in hand and stop the sheep.

This is Lai Xuefeng's sheep farm. When the reporter came, Lai Xuefeng was catching sheep with his customers.

Lai Xuefeng: stop, stop the sheep. Stop it, don't let it run, hold hands and stop it. Which one wants to adopt the sheep? which one do you like to come and pick one to mark? Which end do you like? come here and don't walk too loosely. Surround that corner and choose this one here. Don't be afraid to hold on to it. Write it down.

Tourist: this sheep is much more noble.

Lai Xuefeng: yes. Xiao Dong, come on, this is yours. It will be called Xiao Dong.

Tourist: take two feet.

Lai Xuefeng: don't be afraid.

Tourist: put your head together.

Child: I can't get it.

Tourist: don't let it go.

Lai Xuefeng: I marked it.

Today, these people here bought more than 40 jin of lake sheep for 1380 yuan. Customers can choose to take them directly, or they can be raised by Lai Xuefeng. Customers need to pay for the feeding themselves. When customers need it, Lai Xuefeng is responsible for slaughtering the sheep and sending them to customers.

Tourist: hold your head.

Lai Xuefeng: what's your name? what will you name it? Make a mark first.

Tourist: you choose.

Lai Xuefeng: what's your name?

Child: it's so hot.

Lai Xuefeng: just call it hot. Grab the sheep's ears. It's hot. Take a picture. What's the name of this sheep?

Tourist: his name is Duoduo.

Reporter: call Duoduo, everybody applause, call Duoduo.

Interviewer: why did you choose this one?

Tourist: beautiful.

Interviewer: how beautiful do you think it is?

Tourist: clean and handsome.

Lai Xuefeng: I'm telling you, it's male, it has small balls, and there are chicks like you. Xiao Duoduo, call, Xiao Duoduo, in the future, my uncle will hang a sign for it, Xiaoduoduo's sign, this sheep is raised by you, and then you will come back to see it when you are free.

Child: afraid.

Lai Xuefeng: don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

According to the 2015 market price, these Hu sheep can only be sold for about 600 yuan, but Lai Xuefeng offered a price of 1380 yuan.

Reporter: do you think it's worth it?

Tourist: worth it.

Lai Xuefeng: how about it? Look how happy it is to buy my sheep.

Interviewer: why is it so expensive?

Lai Xuefeng: is this expensive? You do not see jubilant, the child holding, mother I want to buy sheep, but also to give it a name, very happy, if expensive, they will not buy my sheep, that cheap.

Interviewer: can you explain?

Lai Xuefeng: explain, let's go down and sit down and I'll explain it to you.

Lai Xuefeng's sheep raising business is full of twists and turns. After raising sheep for three years, building a factory three times and moving twice, Lai Xuefeng almost committed suicide in despair. But it is such a person, in a short period of three years, annual sales reached more than 4 million yuan. How did he do it?

On October 10, 2015, the reporter returned to his hometown with Lai Xuefeng. Lai Xuefeng's mother went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, but as soon as she returned home, she encountered such a situation.

Reporter: what did you just say? What happened?

Lai Xuefeng: mom said that my father was sick. I was sick because of me. I can't talk about it. It's okay.

Lai Xuefeng's brother: he is furious, isn't he?

Why is the family obsessed with the problem of father's anger? We found the portrait of his father again in Lai Xuefeng's hometown. What on earth is going on?

In March 2013, Lai Xuefeng, who opened a jewelry trading company in the small Commodity City of Yiwu, suddenly returned to his hometown and went out to work for 19 years. He had a career of his own and more than one million yuan in savings, which can be regarded as honoring his ancestors at home.

Originally, the family was very happy to see his son come back, but this time Lai Xuefeng made an unexpected move and suddenly uprooted the 10-mu orange tree that the family would see benefit immediately.

Lai Xuefeng: I pulled out several groups of trees myself. All of them are bigger than this. It is also time to hang the fruit. The fruit is green, but it is not ripe now.

Reporter: how many trees were planted at that time?

Lai Xuefeng: about 600 trees, and after I dug them up, they rotted away and were used as firewood for others. All of them are bigger than this. Like this root, this is the smaller tree I dug that year.

This move suddenly angered the whole family, and when the family found Lai Xuefeng and asked, they knew that Lai Xuefeng would not return to Yiwu, but would stay at home to raise sheep.

Mom: if you want to come back and raise sheep, you can't wait for us to say. He won't listen to me if I ask him to do something. He must do it. Our whole family disagrees, and the whole family will be furious.

Why did Lai Xuefeng go home to raise sheep instead of doing a good jewelry business?

Lai Xuefeng: in the two or three years after SARS, the profits were very high. There were some orders a year. A list could earn tens of thousands of dollars, and it was very easy to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. By the end of 12 to the beginning of 13, the financial crisis came, and business fell. Slowly, it was not good. In the end, it was really not good. Many, our older generation made accessories and left.

Jewelry business is depressed, Lai Xuefeng has been struggling to find a new way out, accidentally went to a restaurant with friends, chat with the restaurant owner, Lai Xuefeng found such a business opportunity.

Tourist: during the meal, we chatted and chatted. He said that he was making ornaments in Yiwu and wanted to come back and start a business. I said that raising sheep would definitely make money. After the ewes bought it, they gave birth to lambs the next year, two or three lambs a year.

Lai Xuefeng: if it is calculated that one sheep can give birth to three sheep a year, then this sheep can sell better in this market without arrears. This sheep is traded in cash, the market is large, and it is consumed repeatedly. You eat this sheep today, and you still have to eat sheep tomorrow. You still have to buy a sheep this year and a sheep next year.