
Zhongshan fish for Hong Kong and Macao "slimming" on the market taste good

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Zhongshan fish for Hong Kong and Macao "slimming" on the market taste good

Original title: 8 enterprises are expected to be awarded the first batch of agricultural products export demonstration bases in Guangdong

Fish for Hong Kong and Macao "slimming" before listing

Zhongshan is one of the aquaculture bases for Hong Kong and Macao. Reporter of Nanfang Daily Photographed by Wang Yun

"When the fish is raised to the specifications that can be listed, because the meat is still a little fat, it is necessary to 'slim down' the fish in the last month. Many Hong Kong and Macao consumers have become accustomed to our breeding method, which is also a method with Zhongshan characteristics." Zhongshan Food Aquatic Import and Export Group Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Zhongshan Water Group") breeding base management director Mr. Ou introduced, This "slimming" process is called "fine breeding" in the industry, That is, in the pond fish listed in the last month, Often change water, Increase grass, Reduce feed, So that fish meat more solid, Taste more delicious, At the same time improve quality.

On the 5th, the author learned from Zhongshan City Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau that eight export agricultural products demonstration bases, including Tanzhou Aquaculture Farm and Pujin Aquaculture Farm under Zhongshan Shuichu Group, passed the evaluation and identification organized by Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry Department, Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and Provincial Ocean and Fisheries Bureau, becoming the first batch of Guangdong agricultural products export demonstration bases. Zhongshan ranked fourth among prefecture-level cities in the province.

Three-way inspection to ensure the quality and safety of export products

"Before aquatic products go on the market, they need to go through three tests. In order to ensure the quality and safety of export products, we have taken multi-level and all-round measures." Mr. Ou said.

According to Mr. Ou, the first test is the detection of fry, before fry into fish pond breeding, marine fishery bureau and inspection and quarantine department will regularly sample fry inspection; The second test is the whole process monitoring in the breeding process. After fry enter the farm, Shuichu Group will continuously carry out spot check monitoring on fish pond, and supervise the farm to breed in a pollution-free way; The third test is that before listing, the inspection and quarantine department will also carry out strict spot check.

In addition, in order to ensure the quality and safety of exported pond fish, Zhongshan Inspection and Quarantine Bureau carries out tracking and monitoring on the source of seedlings, the use of fishery drugs and the quality of feed. Each batch of pond fish is inspected 7 days in advance before export, and dozens of items are detected. At the same time, the whole process of pond fish export transportation shall be subject to seal management to avoid cross pollution.

Shuichu Group Pujin Aquaculture Farm is located at the Danan River of Pujin Village, Port Town, Zhongshan City. It is also one of the first batch of Guangdong agricultural product export demonstration bases selected this time. According to introduction, the base adopts the breeding mode of grass carp, bighead carp and mud carp. The annual production of Baoping brand grass carp, bighead carp and other freshwater fish is 3000 tons, mainly supplying Hong Kong and Macao markets. Since the farm engaged in product export, there has been no food quality safety accident, and it has won relatively stable customer base with stable quality.

"In 2011, we introduced the aquatic animal disease remote consultation system and aquatic product quality traceability information system platform successively, among which, the latter also won the first prize of science and technology progress in Zhongshan City in 2011," Mr. Ou introduced, among which, the aquatic animal disease remote consultation system is networked with Guangdong Province Marine and Fishery Bureau. After the fish is dissected on site in the farm, the obtained data information can be transmitted to the experts of the provincial bureau through the network to solve the epidemic disease problem in time; The aquatic product quality traceability information system platform realizes the whole process tracking of fish products."In the past, the data information from breeding, breeding and marketing was recorded with paper. Now it is directly input into the computer through the terminal system. Before listing, the QR code label can be marked. Consumers can scan the QR code to understand the origin, production time, breeding process and other relevant information of this fish."

Zhongshan accounts for 70% of Hong Kong's live fish market

A total of 8 agricultural product bases in Zhongshan were awarded the first batch of Guangdong agricultural product export demonstration bases. In addition to Tanzhou Aquaculture Farm and Pujin Aquaculture Farm, Zhongshan Planting Base of Guangzhou Colorful Horticulture Co., Ltd., Baishi Branch of Zhongshan City Shiqi Pigeon Breeding Co., Ltd., Baishi Chicken Farm of Zhongshan City, People Farm of Zhongshan Wantong Frozen Food Co., Ltd., Kaixin Farm of Guangdong Province Food Import and Export Co., Ltd. and Zhongshan City Dacheng Frozen Food Co., Ltd.

"Zhongshan can have 8 enterprises and bases selected into the first batch of agricultural products export demonstration bases in Guangdong Province, which to a certain extent shows that Zhongshan's agricultural products have good quality and quality guarantee, which is closely related to Zhongshan's geographical environment and location advantages." Sun Jian, assistant dean of Zhongshan Branch of Guangdong Province Academy of Social Sciences, thinks. Zhongshan is located in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao. It is rich in agricultural products resources and has distinctive agricultural products export. The export agricultural products include live fish, aquatic products, live livestock and poultry, fresh vegetables, flowers and seedlings, etc. As early as 2013, Zhongshan City was built as a national-level demonstration zone for the quality and safety of aquatic products supplied to Hong Kong and Macao. Developed water resources and convenient transportation and other good conditions make Zhongshan the largest aquaculture base for Hong Kong and Macao in China, with exports accounting for 40% of the Hong Kong market and 70% of the Macao market. According to Zhongshan City Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Zhongshan currently accounts for 70% of Hong Kong's market share of live fish, live poultry for Macao, vegetables for Macao exports in Guangdong ranked first.

It is understood that Zhongshan attaches great importance to the construction of export-oriented agricultural carriers in recent years, and promotes the development mode of export-oriented, standardized, large-scale and standardized in combination with the characteristics of industrial distribution and the advantages of characteristic resources. After more than two years of development, the demonstration and driving function of aquatic products quality and safety for Hong Kong and Macao has been further enhanced, the scale of the base has been significantly expanded, the quality of exported agricultural products has been significantly improved, and the effect of driving income has been obvious. In 2015, Zhongshan jurisdiction exported 65219 batches of agricultural products with a value of US $470 million. There were 73 registered (registered) production enterprises and breeding bases for export agricultural products.

Some personage inside course of study thinks, Zhongshan 8 enterprises become the first batch of export agricultural products demonstration base in Guangdong Province, will further improve Zhongshan export agricultural products quality safety management level, promote Zhongshan agricultural products brand construction, form export agricultural products demonstration area, demonstration base joint force, promote Zhongshan agricultural transformation upgrading and healthy sustainable development. "We have always been at the forefront of pigeon breeding and disease prevention. Being selected as a provincial-level agricultural export demonstration base is conducive to enhancing brand awareness and further exploring the domestic market while consolidating the Hong Kong and Macao markets." Zhongshan City Shiqi Pigeon Breeding Co., Ltd. General Manager Li Zhengsheng said.

■ Sample observation

Guangdong Province Zhongshan Food Import and Export Co., Ltd. Kaixin Farm:

Only after the self-provided rapid detector meets the standard can it be picked

"The farm has added two rapid agricultural product detectors and is equipped with special personnel to control them. All agricultural products must be tested in advance and can only be picked and sold after they meet the qualified standards." Guangdong Province Zhongshan Food Import and Export Co., Ltd. Happy Farm Deputy Director Xie Chuanliang said.

As "vegetable basket base of Guangdong Province" and "assured vegetable production base of Zhongshan City," Kaixin Farm has some experience in ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products. On the 5th, the reporter learned from Guangdong Agricultural Information Network that the farm is expected to be rated as "Agricultural Products Export Demonstration Base of Guangdong Province."

In a telephone interview with reporters, Xie Chuanliang had already learned the good news, he was very happy and did not feel too surprised,"In Zhongshan, we really have our own advantages and characteristics." Xie Chuanliang introduced that the total area of Kaixin Farm Base reached 2000 mu, and the actual planting area was more than 1600 mu. The farm mainly grows vegetables and fruits, among which cabbage and broccoli have the largest area, totaling 600 mu. Last year, the farm produced about 7000 tons, of which 30%-40% was used to supply Hong Kong and Macao markets. At the same time, Kaixin Farm has superior geographical environment, located in Hengmen Mangrove Ecological Reserve of Nanlang Town, with fertile soil.