
Multi-function big circulation new agricultural information play

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Multi-function big circulation new agricultural information play

Original title: construction of multi-functional circular agriculture in six areas

Schematic diagram of multi-functional large circulation agriculture

In 2013, on the basis of long-term practice and repeated thinking, I clearly put forward "multi-functional large-cycle agriculture" for the first time, and constructed a "multi-functional large-cycle agriculture map". In the picture, 15 circles of large, medium and small are used to vividly show the large circular agriculture: the first layer is a big circle, which represents the big circle of the whole linkage; the second layer is 6 middle circles, which represent planting, aquaculture, microbiological industry, processing industry, marketing industry and tourism respectively; the middle circle of the third layer serves as a link between the past and the future. The fourth floor is six small circles, which represent circular economy, creative economy, service economy, science and technology, culture and finance, while the fifth floor is a small circle located in the center, representing information.

In the "Multi-function large Circulation Agriculture Map", the 15 large, medium and small circles are tangent, connected, connected and linked to each other, forming an overall multi-functional cycle. From a large number of advanced typical practices, I generalize that multi-functional circular agriculture has nine functions, such as economy, society, ecology, environmental protection, culture, tourism, saving, high efficiency, health and so on. Multi-functional circular agriculture is different from general circular agriculture and the six industries popularized in Japan and South Korea, but it is not invented out of thin air from the above-mentioned different forms of agriculture, but continues to deepen and expand on the above-mentioned basis. It is a large-scale systematic and comprehensive new business type, a new model of cross-industry and cross-discipline, and an important strategic emerging industry.

In my opinion, "multi-functional circular agriculture" has ten major effects: constantly turning waste into harm, reducing production costs, reducing environmental pollution, optimizing the ecological environment, expanding labor and employment, and increasing farmers' income. continue to improve the output rate of resources, continue to improve the overall efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture, continue to solve the problems in development, and constantly make innovations.

How to realize "multi-functional large-cycle agriculture" is to establish a strong multi-functional large-cycle agricultural producer service R & D guidance center in an agricultural park or a county. Under this guidance center, each of the six areas realizes its own operation.

In the planting industry, we should adhere to the "four good" and "three cultivation". Improved varieties are to further select the improved varieties of all kinds of agricultural products according to the ecological environment conditions such as soil, climate and water sources, so as to achieve the requirements of "high output efficiency, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly". According to the good method, the agricultural cultivation and management methods suitable for local and local varieties should be selected by agricultural technicians. Good land, one is to pay close attention to the control of soil pollution and water pollution, and the other is to adhere to "land use, land use". Good condition, in fact, is the co-cultivation of rice fields and the optimization of farmland ecological environment. "Nine economy and one reduction", that is, saving land, water, fertilizer, medicine, seeds, electricity, oil, firewood (coal), grain and people (reducing the number of farmers engaged in primary production).

Aquaculture, I hope healthy farming, is from healthy soil to growing healthy plants, breeding healthy animals to processing healthy food to raising healthy human beings. The virtuous circle and linkage development among planting industry, aquaculture industry and microbial industry, according to the area of farmland and planting industry, how much organic manure and green manure are needed, and coordinate the scale and types of planting industry, aquaculture, green manure, farm manure and agricultural microorganisms. Solve the feed problem. The improved breeds of high-quality livestock and poultry with high feed reward can be cultivated, and scientific breeding methods such as sectional feeding and the best selling period can be adopted to reduce feed consumption. Recycle the excrement of livestock and poultry. Promote advanced and applicable aquaculture technology.

Microbiological industry, agricultural and forestry wastes, straw, vinegar dregs, distiller's grains, brewer's grains and other wastes, after microbial fermentation, can become high-quality feed and high-quality organic fertilizer, inhibit the growth of weeds, restore and optimize the ecological environment, and improve the quality and efficiency of the planting and breeding industry. At present, biogas and edible fungi are being used as bridges in circular agriculture in many parts of our country. Practice shows that microbes are like an invisible chain, which connects planting, aquaculture, microbial industry, processing industry, marketing industry and tourism industry, and has the effect of mutual linkage, integration and amplification, which has the remarkable benefits of increasing production, saving, high efficiency, safety, high quality, health and environmental protection.

Processing industry and agricultural products processing industry are an indispensable part of multi-functional circular agriculture. Deep processing and utilization of all kinds of agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing products is the key measure to adjust structure, transfer mode, expand demand and increase benefit. The series development and deep utilization of the by-products after the processing of agricultural products sometimes the benefits can exceed that of the main products. Recycle various wastes and pollutants produced by planting, aquaculture and agricultural products processing industry.

First of all, the marketing industry should start with the market demand, which is the scarcest resource in the world today, and the industrial structure must be adjusted and optimized according to the market demand. In 1998, I proposed that we should adjust the rural industrial structure from the 'six needs', that is, basic demand, special demand, development demand, change demand, processing demand, and security demand. In fact, these six needs can still be used as a reference for today's adjustment and optimization of rural industrial structure, which is conducive to the marketing of agricultural products. It is necessary to learn from the advanced experience at home and abroad and the creation of various places to solve difficult problems. Through the partnership between producers, sellers and consumers, products are sold in the form of direct sales, collective purchase (consumer cooperatives), household distribution, small-scale retail stores and so on. It is necessary to strengthen the research and application of circular economy and Internet thinking, and closely combine Internet thinking with the mass line.

Tourism, tourism is not only driven and economic, but also has cultural attributes. Tourism in multi-functional circular agriculture is different from general sightseeing agriculture and leisure agriculture. It can not only promote the marketing industry, but also promote the development of planting, aquaculture and processing industry. it is an effective way to publicize, display and promote the development of multi-functional circular agriculture.

To develop multi-functional circular agriculture, we should actively explore the integration of circular agriculture, creative agriculture and service agriculture, integrate circular economy, creative economy and service economy, and adhere to the principle of circular economy and creative economy as the engine. Good and rapid economic and social development can be achieved by taking the service economy as the link, science and technology as the support and the policy mechanism as the guarantee. Some groundbreaking ideas can also solve difficult problems, reverse difficulties, overcome difficulties, and tide over risks.

(the writer is the former vice director of the standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial people's Congress and the director of the Anhui Institute of Circular economy)