
Sun Xuelin, Qionglai, Sichuan: raising Loach "raises" a way to get rich

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Sun Xuelin, Qionglai, Sichuan: raising Loach "raises" a way to get rich

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is rich in protein, known as "water ginseng". Taiwan Loach with short cycle and high profit has become a breeding hotspot in the past two or three years. Driven by market demand, the breeding grounds of Loach seedlings in Taiwan have sprung up since the second half of 2013. Sun Xuelin, head of Muli Town Forest Farm, is one of them.

"I am still young, do not want to become a 'useless person', I want to make the breeding base bigger and stronger, drive the surrounding aquaculture farmers to improve economic benefits." Although he is over 50, Sun Xuelin still retains a young mentality. He told reporters that he most likes to watch the entrepreneurial programs of CCTV 7 and the Finance and Economics Channel. He was encouraged to see that people older than him also worked hard and succeeded in starting a business, and in early 2013, he invested hundreds of thousands of yuan to build a new breeding base of more than 40 mu in Huabi Reservoir, Mouli Town.

Learn to "recharge" and keep pace with the times

On March 29, the reporter came to the wooden Forest Farm and saw that a large area of water was separated into several small ponds. The Loach was happily tossing and foraging in the water, and an anti-theft net was set up in the air to prevent egrets and other waterbirds from eating Loach. "an anti-escape net should be set up at the outlet of the pond to prevent Loach from escaping or wild fish from entering the pond. Fish slips are set up in the pond to facilitate fishing and Loach to avoid the heat in the hot season. " When it comes to Loach farming tips, Sun Xuelin goes on and on.

Sun Xuelin said that in addition to conventional pond culture, Taiwan Loach can also be cultivated indoors, in cages, in rice fields, and in symbiosis of aquatic animals and plants. Among them, the cultivation and cultivation cycle model of rice field is especially worth popularizing, Loach fully ingest bait and weeds in water, reduce culture cost, and excreta can be used as rice fertilizer. In addition, Loach activities can help rice loosen the soil and promote the growth of rice roots. The cultivation of Loach in rice fields saves water and land, and farmers not only increase their economic income, but also play a role in environmental protection.

In 2015, Sun Xuelin successively attended the training of new professional farmers in Qionglai and Wenjiang, and obtained the primary certificate. "I didn't expect to be able to enter school at this age. I feel very lucky." Sun Xuelin said that the training broadened his horizons, expanded his thinking, and learned knowledge such as management and identification of agricultural products, which benefited him a lot. He was impressed by the lecture on Internet + 's agricultural products. After the training, he immediately bought a smartphone, downloaded Wechat, set up a WeChat group with his classmates, and exchanged technical and market information with each other. He said that agricultural projects also need to rely on the power of science and technology, continuous innovation in order to grow. This year, he will apply for intermediate training for professional farmers to make himself a new type of high-quality professional farmer who understands technology, is good at management and knows how to manage.

Make up your mind to go back to your hometown to start a business

Sun Xuelin's first half of his life can be said to be a "drama". In the 1990s, he was a large professional pig farmer, then went into business, sold motorcycles, opened processing plants, etc., and gradually accumulated wealth and almost became a millionaire. But later, because he was addicted to gambling, within a few years, Sun Xuelin not only lost all his family savings, but also owed more than 300,000 yuan.

Her daughter had to support her, and her debts had to be repaid. Sun Xuelin decided to go to Tibet to work as a prodigal son. In his foreign days, he worked hard to make money. In 2009, Sun Xuelin returned to his hometown, paid off his debts, bought a house, and his daughter graduated to work.

"I am free and have time to do what I want to do. Later, I took a fancy to the cultivation of Loach. " In the days after that, Sun Xuelin and his wife went to Longchang County to do his "Loach industry." Through its own continuous practice and summary, Sun Xuelin's breeding technology has developed by leaps and bounds, and the farm has also achieved good economic benefits.

In 2013, he came up with the idea of going back to his hometown to start a business, but he was opposed by his family: "you are already in your fifties, so why do you go back to that hard work? your health is important!"

However, Sun Xuelin is very stubborn: he is only in his 50s, so he has to do something else. If you go back to your hometown to develop the agricultural industry, you can not only get a better income, but also help the villagers who want to increase their income.

As a result, he set up a wooden forest family farm in Mouli Town, engaged in the development of Loach culture and culture technology, and the breeding, cultivation, marketing and technical guidance service of Loach seedlings.

"Taiwan Loach is an artificially selected variety. Compared with the local Loach, it has the characteristics of strong immunity, short growth cycle, large size, no drilling mud, delicate meat and high medicinal value." When it comes to Loach, Sun Xuelin is like a family treasure. He told reporters that it takes about a year for the local Loach to go from spray (seedlings) to commercial specifications (20 grams each), while it only takes three or four months for the Loach in Taiwan, which means that two batches can be raised every year. After fully investigating the market demand, in 2014, he spent a lot of money on the introduction of Taiwan Loach to carry out breeding.

Open up the market without fear of difficulties

It is definitely not possible to expand business on your own. This is Sun Xuelin's experience in starting a business. As a result, getting nearby farmers to accept Taiwan's Loach has become an important task for him. In the following days, Sun Xuelin and his wife spent more than three months visiting aquaculture farmers in Qionglai, Xinjin, Pujiang and other places to learn about the local species and growth characteristics of Loach, while promoting their own new varieties.

Of course, sales promotion requires a "strategy". In the face of the concerns of farmers, Sun Xuelin promised that if Taiwan Loach lost money, the second batch of seedlings would be given away free of charge. "I have confidence in my own breed." Sun Xuelin said that in order to improve the enthusiasm of farmers, he provides free aquaculture technology, scientific management and other services to customers. After raising Loach for many years, he has met many Loach farmers and purchasers. Through these friends, he can keep abreast of market trends, provide customers with market price information and introduce buyers regularly.

At the end of last year, Gao Tianli, a farmer in Qianjin Town, raised more than 3 mu of Taiwan Loach. Under the guidance and help of Sun Xuelin, he reaped a bumper harvest, caught up with the good price of the Spring Festival, and made a net profit of more than 60,000 yuan. In March this year, Gao Tianli pre-ordered another 2 million seedlings.

After trial cultivation, customers are very satisfied. In 2015, Mu Forest sold 80 million Misgurnus anguillicaudatus seedlings and 30 million standard seedlings, which has developed into the ability to incubate more than 300 million Loach seedlings annually.

Feed Loach every morning and evening, run sales, one step at a time, career development in the busy, Sun Xuelin is very happy, feel that all the efforts are worth it. When it comes to the difficulties in starting a business, Sun Xuelin laughed it off. "only by not being intimidated by difficulties can we overcome them. As long as we have such a state of mind, any difficulty is not difficult. "