
Liyang planting mulberry and sericulture: Bombyx mori and Cordyceps sinensis are integrated

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Liyang planting mulberry and sericulture: Bombyx mori and Cordyceps sinensis are integrated

This cooperative in Liyang has made great achievements in growing mulberry and sericulture. Not only the new mulberry variety has won the national invention patent, but also the baby silkworm and Cordyceps sinensis "fit together".

Cordyceps sinensis this Chinese herbal medicine, if combined with other creatures, what will be the magical result? In cooperation with Jiangsu Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liyang Tianmu Lake sericulture professional cooperative successfully developed silkworm Cordyceps sinensis.

The fungus of Cordyceps sinensis is "integrated" with live silkworm or silkworm pupa, and Cordyceps sinensis grows.

Cordyceps sinensis is based on the fungus of Cordyceps sinensis, which grafts live silkworm or silkworm pupa with the fungus, and it can grow into Cordyceps sinensis in about a month. Its growth process is shorter than the real Cordyceps sinensis, and the price is also lower, 4000 yuan per kilogram. The growing silkworm caterpillar fungus is recycled by the Plant Research Institute for deep processing to make health products.

Xia Ankou, director of the cooperative, said that silkworms or silkworm pupae contain a lot of protein, which provides very favorable conditions for the smooth growth of silkworm Cordyceps sinensis. At first, the silkworm pupa after high temperature sterilization was grafted into the strain, and after many experiments, it was found that the activity of Cordyceps sinensis was better when the male live silkworm was used to graft Cordyceps sinensis.

Apart from white, can you make silkworms spit out colored silk? This is a subject that people in the sericulture industry have been working hard for many years. There are two ways to make silkworms spit out colored silk, one is to change the genetic structure of silkworms, and the other is to give silkworms food with phytase pigment. Using the color cocoon produced by the former method, the color will not fade even if the silk fabric is washed and dried in the sun.

In everyone's puzzled eyes, the cooperative introduced a new silkworm seed, "Prairie × Verve", which can spit out green silk, which was cultivated by researchers through gene mapping to change the structure of silkworms. The income of the members of the new silkworm breeding "Prairie × Shenyun" increased in the first year, the price of colored cocoons exceeded that of ordinary white cocoons, and the silk reeled into colored cocoons eliminates the process of dye, making it more environmentally friendly.

There are more than 100 kinds of fruit mulberry, including mulberries that can grow to 14 centimeters.

In the agricultural system of Liyang City, there are two professional and technical personnel who enjoy the special allowance of the State Council government. One of them is Xia Ankou, who is one of the people who enjoyed this special allowance in 2010.

Xia Ankou majored in sericulture when he was in college. After working, he spent more than half of his time dealing with sericulture. He only did two things in his life: planting mulberry and sericulture. Even if he retreated to the second line, even if the price of cocoons plummeted in 2008, a large number of farmers cut down mulberry trees, he was still inseparable from the beloved sericulture cause.

In the 1990s, sericulture was an important industry in Liyang City, and planting mulberry, sericulture and selling cocoons was the best way for farmers to get rich. at its peak, there were 10 ~ 120000 mu of mulberry fields and 5 silk reeling factories in Liyang. With the development of the times and the adjustment of economic structure, sericulture is shrinking day by day. At present, only Hengjian Heping Bridge and Hengjian are still engaged in the traditional sericulture industry, and the mulberry garden area adds up to just over 10,000 mu, and most of them are members of the cooperative.

Xia Ankou said that the traditional mulberry varieties and the improved mulberry varieties in the heyday of the sericulture industry were mainly for picking mulberry leaves. If there are more mulberry leaves, mulberry fruits will bear less or no fruit, but now this contradiction has been alleviated. Xia Ankou, in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has selected and bred a new variety of mulberry for both fruit and leaf over a period of 10 years, and has also obtained the national invention patent. The mulberry leaf yield of this new variety is 20% higher than that of ordinary mulberry trees, and it can also produce 3000 to 4000 jin of mulberries per mu.

In the mulberry garden base of the cooperative, more than 100 varieties of mulberry have been introduced. Among them, there is a kind of fruit mulberry, the sapling costs 100 yuan each, and the mulberry fruit can grow to 14 centimeters, which is about the length of a cigarette. The picking tour of the mulberry garden is also open to tourists. The response was good when it was opened to the public in the first year of last year, and it will continue this year. It is expected that the garden will open in mid-late May, where tourists can eat mulberries of different colors and varieties.