
Li Chunhua: if you don't mess with it, you won't get money.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Li Chunhua: if you don't mess with it, you won't get money.

This is a precious tree species, and for such a precious tree, he wantonly destroyed it. Not only that, but also spread honey to attract trees' natural enemies "ants". He not only messed with other people's trees, others used to burn incense, but he ate a lot of it. It is such a man who behaves strangely. In four years, he has achieved annual sales of over 10 million yuan.

In the early morning of March 12, 2012, the police station of Luofu Mountain Scenic spot suddenly received a report that someone had stolen and cut down trees in the mountains and forests of the scenic spot. But when the police arrived at the scene, they were puzzled by the scene.

During the interview, the police who solved the case at that time brought the reporter to the crime scene again.

Policeman: it is this kind of tree, this kind of tree, originally this tree is so big, such a big tree, he cut off all this section.

The tree that was stolen was cut down for hundreds of years, and the thief cut down only one piece of it, not the whole one. This is the first time this has happened.

But in less than a month's time, another report was received on April 1, 2012, and another same tree was stolen and cut down in the same way.

Policeman: you see, this head is so big, he cut it so high, he cut down a big tree, including this side, this side is so big, you see, he took it away.

After comparing the two cases, the police determined that it was done by the same group of people. After going up the mountain, it was found that seven of the same old trees had been damaged to varying degrees, and there were hundreds of valuable trees on Luofu Mountain, but the robbers took aim at this kind of tree, and only part of each tree was cut down.

Interviewer: he only cut down this kind of tree, not other trees?

Policeman: no other trees. Our Luofushan police station has more than 20 police officers and police force. at the same time, in order to increase the protection of this plant, more than 20 additional assistant police have been deployed, and monitoring has been urgently installed in order to protect it.

In only one month, the local police solved the case, but the result of the case was complicated and confusing.

Police: a couple, in our place, they have been lurking for eight years. They often come to this Luofu Mountain every day to pretend to be tourists and survey the place. After careful investigation, we found that their couple were suspected. They determined to us that they were the greatest suspects in the crime, and we arrested them again. Now they have been sentenced to us, sentenced to eight years.

In order to illegally cut down this kind of tree, a couple actually lurked for eight years, which made the reporter feel incredible.

Police: this tree is called Chenxiangmu (tree). This value is very large, its value is very great use value.

Reporter: how much is it, this one?

Policeman: this is more than 100000 yuan.

Reporter: if this tree is cut down, how much does it cost to operate?

Policeman: this value, at least worth more than 200000.

Here is an artificially planted incense forest, according to common sense, for this precious tree, no matter who, should be carefully taken care of, for fear of accidental death.

He is Li Chunhua, the protagonist of today's program. These trees are not his, but Li Chunhua has made an amazing move on these trees, showing that he will never stop until they are killed, and the owner of the tree not only does not stop it, but also cuts down the tree together.

Not only did Li Chunhua cut down trees, Li Chunhua also found an electric drill to punch holes in the good trunk. Even with such wanton damage, Li Chunhua still seemed not satisfied. Then he made an even weirder move and put a drip on these incense trees. But what is injected is not nutrients that are beneficial to the growth of trees, but fungi that specifically destroy the growth of trees. He will even spread honey on the tree trunk to attract the tree's natural enemy "ants" to nibble.

Li Chunhua: if a tree like this doesn't mess with it, if it doesn't get money, it has to toss it.

Li Chunhua could not start his business without this kind of incense tree. He achieved annual sales of more than 10 million yuan in four years. And what does the creation of his wealth have to do with destroying these trees?

Li Chunhua's hometown is Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. In 1999, 33-year-old Li Chunhua was laid off from a state-owned enterprise in his hometown. In 2003, he came to Dongguan City, Guangdong Province alone and became a forest ranger in Luofushan.

Li Chunhua: I was working in this area of the park at that time. This area has more than 600 mu. I don't know what trees were planted at that time. This area, the whole area is the boss's tree. I am responsible for management to prevent the occurrence of some illegal felling, so I have to walk along these roads every day, patrolling dozens of kilometers. On a mountain road like this, I have to walk back and forth several times a day, which is very steep and difficult.

When he revisited the hometown, Li Chunhua was suddenly in high spirits and showed the reporter his scene of touring the mountains at that time.

Li Chunhua: it was very difficult to walk at that time. I'll try again.

Reporter: pay attention to safety, slow down, very neat.

Li Chunhua: yes, because I am also familiar with this road, like this forest area, I didn't know anything about the trees here at that time, so I just took care of this area.

Although Li Chunhua toured the mountains every day, something happened. One day in August 2008, the police suddenly came to the door and said that they had caught several tree cutters. After the thieves' confession, the trees in the park under Li Chunhua's care had also been illegally felled. Li Chunhua and Luo Wencang, the owner of the trees, were unaware of this.

Interviewer: then why didn't you find out at first?

Park owner: because our park is too big, our park is too big, sometimes the loss of a few trees, all of a sudden is not a large area, will not feel, are small areas of such a loss.

Reporter: I heard that you have the most expensive one here, the same tree as the one that was stolen. Please show me.

Boss of the park: good.

Interviewer: where is it?

Owner of the park: this is the one.

Interviewer: is this the tree?

Boss of the park: yes.

Interviewer: is this the most expensive tree you have?

Park owner: this is the most expensive tree here.

Interviewer: how much is a tree like this worth?

The owner of the park: if the minimum market price of this one is about 80,000 or 100000 yuan. But if there are some mass ingredients in it, if there is more, it will go up to 300,000 to 400,000 yuan.

This kind of tree that was stolen was the incense tree. Li Chunhua knew the value of the incense tree only through taking care of the park for five years.