
There is a boy who will make money in the border village.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is a boy who will make money in the border village.

He grew up in the city, but he had to live in a small village on the border between Yunnan and Myanmar, where the villagers had their own language, and the flowers, fruits and wild vegetables on the mountain were their delicacies. Here, he went from being unable to eat at first to letting the villagers make a fortune with him. See how this post-85 generation creates a new industry with annual sales of more than 10 million yuan.

On March 14, 2016, the reporter came to Huwa Village, Ruili City, Yunnan Province, which is a typical border village.

Duan Biqing: "this is a ferry in our village." This side is Myanmar, this side is China, and our side is bounded by the river. "

Duan Biqing's chicken farm is built in Huwa Village, where there is a special food that chickens like to eat.

Duan Biqing: "plantain, it's very sweet." Below are banana flowers, very sweet, with a lot of honey-like things. This is honey. Bees gather honey here. "

To the reporter's surprise, what the chicken likes to eat is not the banana flowers, but the tree trunk of the wild plantains.

Duan Biqing: "pay attention, it's going to fall, it's going to fall right away."

The reporter has heard of chickens eating grass and bark, but eating whole tree trunks is the first time they have heard of it.

Reporter: "it looks dry, there is so much moisture in it."

Duan Biqing: "Chicken is very fond of eating. We have planted a lot of banana trees in the place where we villagers raise chickens." When I go to see it in two days, another banana tree will fall, and in two days, the chicken will peck its root, peck it around, make it thinner, and then it will fall. "

Duan Biqing is one of the largest raw Taiji farmers in Ruili. Those who are familiar with him all know that his chicken is different. The price of this chicken is 30 to 40 yuan higher than that of surrounding chickens, with annual sales of more than 10 million yuan. But more than three years ago, Duan Biqing was so depressed that he could not even eat. When he talked about his entrepreneurial experience, he was very excited.

Duan Biqing: "these two days seem to release all my feelings and those things in recent years."

One day in early September 2012, Duan Biqing, who had been angry and had not contacted his father for more than a year, finally dialed his father's phone after hesitating for a long time.

Duan Biqing: "I haven't eaten for five or six days. I just eat pickles. Can you send me some meat to eat?"

Hearing the call for help, father Duan Shengming immediately came over with his son's favorite food, rice noodles, and he will never forget his son's embarrassment at that time.

Duan Biqing's father, Duan Shengming, said: "A large bag of rice noodles is usually inexhaustible. It takes more than ten minutes to eat all of it with swallowing."

Duan Biqing's home is in Ruili City, is the only son of the family, the father only had this son at the age of 33, love very much, never let suffer grievances, suffering. In 2009, Duan Biqing graduated from university to apply for village officials, full of longing for work, came to Huwa village.

Huwa village is located at the border, information is blocked, Duan Biqing wants to make a difference in his job through his own knowledge. But what he didn't expect was that he found a lot of maladjustment when he got here.

More than 80% of the villagers in Huwa village are Jingpo people, and the knife is inextricably linked to their lives. Dashan is their vegetable garden. Years of living in the mountains have taught them to distinguish between edible flowers, fruits and wild vegetables and become delicious on the dinner table.

In Huwa village, cooking with firewood is the most basic life skill, but for Duan Biqing, who grew up in the city, it is a big problem.

Duan Biqing: "I haven't gone too far before. I wouldn't light the firewood one by one like this. I just throw a lot of firewood here, and I can't light it for half an hour."

Villager Shi Yankang: "can not boil water, electricity did not come, buy instant noodles, how to do, dry to eat."

The Jingpo people have their own language, and most of the villagers can't speak Putonghua well. Duan Biqing wants to integrate into the villagers' life. He can hardly pull lesbians and lesbians, and the villagers are unwilling to work with him. When he first came to work as a village official, Duan Biqing believed that the village official, the size of the village official, was an official, but he did not expect that the reality was far from the imagination.

Duan Biqing: "at that time, I had to sweep the floor, clean the table and flush the toilet." The sense of frustration was particularly strong at that time. "

Gradually, Duan Biqing felt incompatible with the life of Huwa village, his youthful ambition had no place to display, emptiness and confusion climbed into his heart, and Duan Biqing backed out.

Duan Biqing began to lose sleep all night. He felt that it was time to change and do something. After visiting more than 300 families in Huwa village in two months, he made a wealth discovery.

Duan Biqing: "at that time, I thought it was more important to be a village official to find the problems here and find the opportunities here."

Duan Biqing decided to start a business while working. Despite his father's opposition, Duan Biqing asked his mother to borrow 60,000 yuan to contract 10 mu of barren mountains. In order not to delay the work in the village, but also brought in a classmate to partner, Duan Biqing plans to build a money-saving bamboo house, but to his surprise, cutting bamboo is not easy.

Reporter: "what are you looking for?"

Duan Biqing: "I am looking for bamboo."

Reporter: "there are so many bamboos, it's amazing to find any one."

Duan Biqing: "it is very easy to cut it, but it is very difficult to take it out. It is intertwined one by one. It is very difficult to fall. It is difficult to cut down here. It does not cut down trees. Bamboo will not. It is just like demolishing building blocks. If you want to cut it down indiscriminately, you will not be able to remove it."

Duan Biqing is now an expert at cutting bamboo, but at first he didn't know how to do it. Moreover, it is even more difficult to carry the cut bamboo out of the mountain.

Duan Biqing thoroughly realized the hardship of starting a business in front of reality. After clenching his teeth for more than a month, Duan Biqing finally built this bamboo house in the mountains.

Duan Biqing: "at that time, we lived here, and it was all ventilated. You can see that the bamboo was ventilated outside. When it was foggy, it was foggy outside and inside. We had to sleep with our heads covered at night, otherwise our eyebrows and hair were all wet. I couldn't keep warm at that time."

At that time, although Duan Biqing lived in this ventilated house, his blood was boiling. What on earth Duan Biqing is going to do on the barren mountain, the villagers are waiting to see.

In early 2012, Duan Biqing bought 1000 native chicken seedlings. He thought that Duan Biqing had spent a long time planning a big plan, but in the end, it was just raising chickens, and people were suddenly surprised.

Villager: "We raise chickens here, and many chickens die every year. We don't want to raise chickens ourselves. He comes here to raise chickens, and everyone doesn't believe him."

Villager: "I'm afraid I can't afford it, I can't keep it, it's a waste of my parents' money."