
An idea became popular in a village.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, An idea became popular in a village.

This spring, a "love maze" in Ganquan Village, Baitou Town, Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province, caught the limelight, attracting thousands of young men and women to "break through". This "love labyrinth" created by rape flower fields has successfully linked Baitou Town to the romantic love of "growing old together", and has become a wonderful scenery of rape flowers in Chengdu Plain this spring.

The reporter saw that the labyrinth designed two entrances for men and women, with two exits of "success" and "failure". Couples who want to test tacit understanding and predestination only need to pay 5.2 yuan symbolically to take a walk in this 20-acre love labyrinth.

Baitou Town is close to the Chongzhou Daoxiang Tourism Link, but it has been unknown. How can we draw tourists here? With the arrival of the peak season of rural tourism in spring, an idea came to the mind of Li Mingjian, the party committee secretary of Baitou Town-- with a white head and the meaning of "growing old together." why not make efforts on love to turn Baitou Town into a love mecca for rape fields? Just do it, Baitou Town invited experts from Guangxi Maze Technical Institute, and soon built a maze of flowers in a 20-acre rape field in Ganquan Village.

"the effect was surprisingly good!" Ye Zhixiang, secretary of the party branch of Ganquan Village, told reporters that in less than a month since it opened on March 4, there has been more than 20,000 yuan in ticket revenue, including the sales of agricultural and sideline products and consumption of farm food and beverage by surrounding farmers, with benefits of at least hundreds of thousands of yuan.

More than a month has passed, rapeseed has slowly withered, Ye Zhixiang can also receive team orders every day. "at the end of this week, we can only say no." Ye Zhixiang said that next year, we can consider planting rape varieties with two flowering periods in the morning and evening, extending the flowering period as far as possible, and building toilets, parking lots, and agricultural products rural markets.

"if leisure agriculture and tourism agriculture want to become bigger and stronger, they must join the force of creativity." Chengdu Agriculture Committee official said that Chengdu leisure agriculture develops early and has a good foundation, but it is also facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading, and creativity is the best driving force.

Our reporter Zhang Yanling