
Li Wangrong: from hard Entrepreneurship to "leading Goose" to become Rich

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Li Wangrong: from hard Entrepreneurship to "leading Goose" to become Rich

Twenty years ago, he left his hometown and lived a quiet life by doing small businesses. Twenty years later, he lived a rich life by virtue of farmers' professional cooperatives and the "Black Liuzi" series of agricultural and sideline products. He said: "when a person is rich, he is not really rich. It drives the villagers to become rich and make their lives more exciting. Only then do they feel that they have really done something meaningful." He is Li Wangrong, founder of Guangheng Farmers' specialized Cooperative in Baotou City. With diligence and wisdom, Li Wangrong, 49, has embarked on the sunny road of getting rich after experience of wind and rain.

In order to live in other places.

Li Guangheng Village, Haye Hutong Town, Jiuyuan District, is located at the westernmost end of Jiuyuan District, at the junction of Heiliuzi Township, Bayannur City. Twenty years ago, due to the backward agricultural infrastructure, Li Guangheng Village basically "depended on heaven for a living," and the output of agricultural products was very low. coupled with a potholed dirt road in the village, even in a bumper harvest year, things were not lucky to go out. The people of the village are just able to solve the problem of food and clothing. "in order to give children a better education and a better life for their families, I want to go out and take a break." This was the choice of many people in the village at that time. "I have worked in other places and opened a restaurant. It is very hard, but my income is not much. If you can have a good life in your hometown, who wants to leave home? " Recalling the past, Li Wangrong looked dignified.

Hometown complex to return home to start a business

While working abroad, Li Wangrong was always thinking about the development of his hometown Li Guangheng Village. Like Heiliuzi Township, it has less precipitation, large evaporation, long sunshine time and large temperature difference between day and night, which is suitable for vegetables, melons and fruits to accumulate nutrients and sugar. July and August every year is the season when melons and watermelons mature. The melons and watermelons here are the same as those in Heiliuzi Township. People who have eaten them are full of praise. In fact, on the one hand, the melons here are really delicious, on the other hand, "scarcity is precious." the transportation here is inconvenient, and there are no dealers, and the melons cannot be transported out, so the villagers dare not plant them in a large area. They can only grow 2-3 mu a year and sell them to nearby urban areas. Li Wangrong, who has a certain business thinking, wondered if he could build a platform for his hometown elders to trade with dealers, so that the melons planted would not be sold. At that time, the state promoted the docking of agricultural production and market demand, promoted the adjustment of rural economic structure, and began to cultivate rural brokers. In 2003, taking advantage of this east wind, Li Wangrong began to return to his hometown to start a business and become a rural broker.

A firm belief in the setback of entrepreneurship

At the beginning of being a rural broker, several stumbles nearly cut off Li Wangrong's entrepreneurial road. Some farmers sell cantaloupes to dealers with inferior quality, resulting in dealers' losses, which almost loses the opportunity to cooperate with dealers. Due to the lack of understanding of the market rules, nearly a thousand mu of tomatoes rotted in the field, making farmers lose their trust in him. These difficulties did not baffle him, but inspired him to fight. Guide farmers to learn the knowledge of the market economy, constantly enhance their understanding of the importance of integrity; strictly control the quality of products, once found inferior will not be purchased; learn to surf the Internet, pay attention to the news, and constantly understand the market situation, rationally arrange the planting area of agricultural products, and broaden the channels of cooperation with agricultural product dealers. After painstaking efforts, Li Wangrong, who has been a rural broker for six years, set up Baotou Guangheng Farmers' Professional Cooperative in 2009. On the basis of the cooperative, Baotou Guangzhong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. Today, the cooperative has a sales network all over the autonomous region, as well as Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Guangdong and other places, with annual sales of 35000 tons of agricultural and sideline products, with sales reaching 38 million yuan. In 2014, the company was also rated as the key leading enterprise of agriculture and animal husbandry industrialization in Baotou City.

Drive the villagers to get rich together

From the rural broker to the head of the cooperative to the company legal person, Li Wangrong's career is getting bigger and bigger, and now he has become a local "successful" person. However, in order to stop the young people who were as confused as he was, he knew that he still had a lot of work to do.

"the brick house was built the year before last and bought a car last year. Life will be better in the future." Driven by Li Wangrong Cooperative, Gao Dianyu, a 28-year-old villager of Li Guangheng Village, is full of hope for the future. In order to retain more young people, since 2015, Li Wangrong has won some government support funds and built nearly 700 mu of cooperative demonstration bases, including watermelon and muskmelon seedling base, wheat and post-wheat seedling sunflower base, new corn varieties demonstration land, seedling grafting watermelon variety demonstration land. By changing the planting mode and high-tech fine management, the demonstration base can advance the market time of muskmelon and watermelon and improve the output and quality of agricultural products, which can not only reduce the amount of labor, but also bring greater economic benefits. Li Wangrong also registered the "Black Liuzi" trademark for agricultural products in 2015, and is currently applying for "Baotou City well-known Trademark" in order to further improve the popularity and reputation of agricultural products. In addition, he contacted agricultural experts to solve the technical problem of intolerant storage of cantaloupe, making full preparations for the "black willow" cantaloupe to enter a broader market. At the same time, find ways to expand sales channels, increase sales volume, and further increase the income of farmers. At present, cooperatives directly drive 405 peasant households, with a total planting area of 12000 mu, with a per capita income increase of 4800 yuan.