
Biological fertilizer hand in hand to cure both the symptoms and root causes of diseases and pests

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Biological fertilizer hand in hand to cure both the symptoms and root causes of diseases and pests

Original title: the combination of biological medicine and fertilizer can cure both the symptoms and the root causes of diseases and insect pests.

Drawing: Wu Di

When it comes to biological pesticides, many people have the impression that they are slow to take effect and difficult to popularize. According to Xu Jiang, who has been popularizing biological fertilizers for many years, as long as the organic combination of biological pesticides and biological fertilizers can not only effectively reduce diseases and insect pests and greatly reduce the amount of chemical pesticides, but also solve some problems that chemical pesticides are difficult to solve, and better improve crop quality and yield. We might as well take a look at Xu Jiang's experience and experience in the application of chemical fertilizer in practice.

1. Biological pesticides and biological fertilizers should not be separated.

Many people have misunderstandings about bio-pesticides, such as single variety, slow effect, instability and so on. When discussing biological pesticides, biological pesticides and biological fertilizers are often separated. In fact, just as there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "medicine and food are of the same origin", the prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests must also be carried out with both medicine and fertilizer, and even the role of fertilizer is to focus on the root cause, while medicine pays more attention to temporary treatment, and only by organically combining medicine and fertilizer can it produce good results. So I think the broad sense of biological pesticide should include biological fertilizer, or directly called biological fertilizer is more clear.

In recent years, new, high-quality and efficient bio-pharmaceutical fertilizers continue to emerge, each of which has its own unique advantages. They are organically combined and applied in the whole process of crop cultivation (from fertilizer preparation, soil preparation, fertilization, seedling raising, planting). Until crop harvest). If different products are used in different stages and give full play to their respective advantages, they can achieve high yield, high quality, reduce diseases and insect pests, save labor and time, save time, low cost, high efficiency, and protect the environment. Practice shows that these goals can be achieved.

Chemicals have their own advantages and do not need to be completely excluded. In the main application of biological fertilizer at the same time, according to the need can also be appropriate application of chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides, but the amount can be greatly reduced. The principal-subordinate relationship between chemical fertilizer and biological fertilizer should be reversed, the use of only chemical fertilizer should be changed into the main application of biological fertilizer, and a small amount of chemical products should be used appropriately. I think this is the direction of development in the future!

two。 Good products, new technologies, ingenious collocation, more efficient.

In recent years, the research and development of biological fertilizer has made rapid progress, and new products and technologies continue to emerge. combining them organically and studying their application technology can indeed solve all kinds of problems in the whole process of crop growth. and even solve some problems that are difficult to solve in chemical products. The following examples describe in detail the key points of products and technologies that have been well applied in practice.

Biochemical fulvic acid was used to solve the rapid fermentation of farm manure. Different from the common mineral humic acid, biochemical fulvic acid is a highly active humic acid obtained by microbial fermentation and contains a large number of beneficial microorganisms. The mixed farm manure ferments quickly, and the high temperature produced during fermentation can kill the bacteria, insect eggs and grass seeds carried in the farm manure, and degrade hormones and heavy metals.

The fermented farm manure was mixed with biochemical fulvic acid and microbial agent as base fertilizer. After entering the soil, these three can improve the soil ecological environment, increase organic matter, expand beneficial bacteria, loosen the soil, and lay a good foundation for crop growth and prevention of soil-borne diseases.

In the stage of seedling cultivation and planting, biochemical fulvic acid, Bacillus polymyxus and chitosan were mixed and irrigated with roots. This measure can ensure that the root system of the seedling is developed, the branches and leaves are strong, and the soil-borne diseases in the seedling stage and later growth stage can be effectively controlled.

During the whole growth stage, several times of biochemical fulvic acid combined with some microbial fertilizers resistant to continuous cropping were used to irrigate roots, irrigation or drip irrigation. This can ensure that the soil is loose, the roots of crops are developed, and soil-borne diseases are prevented.

Continue to use foliar fertilizers such as Randy multi-functional biological agents, Qiyin plant gene activator, wood vinegar, Kenyi, Wo Ye, Epida and so on throughout the growth stage. Randy Duobang is the research result of the National 863 Program, it contains more than 30 ingredients, adhere to the whole process of use, crops not only grow strong, but also rarely infected with diseases. Qiyin is a product that fully activates the potential of crops, which can not only promote crop growth but also improve crop disease resistance and stress resistance; wood vinegar is a plant extract, Kanyi is a microbial preparation, and Wo Ye is a new type of compound fertilizer developed by Israel. Epda is a new and unique product developed in Switzerland to promote crops to absorb more carbon dioxide. The reasonable matching of these products will ensure high yield, high quality, less disease and high benefit.

The preparations of calcium, silicon and chitosan were used several times in the middle and later stages of crop growth. These new biological fertilizers have very unique advantages and effects. Marine calcium is a by-product of chitin production, which not only contains highly active organic calcium, but also retains many nutrient elements in crab shells. It can be completely absorbed by crops and quickly move to the parts where crops need to supplement calcium. The effect of calcium supplement is much better than that of ordinary calcium preparations.

Silicon Duofeng is soluble silicon, which can be completely absorbed by crops, and its effect of supplementing silicon is far more than that of ordinary silicon preparations. After application, the crop has firm branches and leaves, resistance to diseases and insect pests, heavy fruit and excellent taste. Chitosan preparation plays a good role in increasing sweetness and color when applied during fruit ripening.

Biological pesticides such as oligomeric acid iodine, Trichoderma and emodin were used to control diseases. Oligomeric acid iodine is an innovative product developed by Wang Shikui, a researcher at the Agricultural Planning and Design Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture. It is a broad-spectrum fungicide made from amino oligosaccharins complexing 20% organic iodine, which has a good control effect on fungi, bacteria, viruses and other diseases. Trichoderma is a microbial pesticide with good control effect on diseases such as Botrytis cinerea, and emodin methyl ether extracted from emodin has a good control effect on powdery mildew. Once the disease occurs, we can give priority to the application of these biological pesticides, the effect of prevention in advance is better!

Azadirachtin was used to control insect pests. Azadirachtin is a broad-spectrum botanical insecticide, which has a unique deworming function and can be used continuously before the occurrence of insect pests.

3. To promote bio-pharmaceutical fertilizer, "prevention is the most important thing is persistence".

To promote bio-fertilizer, "prevention lies in persistence". These eight words are specifically reflected in the continuous application of a whole set of bio-fertilizer in the whole process of crop cultivation. I call this "package concept and package technology". In recent years, I have consulted experts, absorbed the experience of farmers, and summed up the biological fertilizer package cultivated by various crops, which has been applied by many farmers, bases and farms all over the country, and generally achieved good results.

For example, Zhang Yulong, a farmer in Yangshibao Township, Liaozhong County, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, has insisted on using the set meal for several years, and he has made some innovations on the basis of the set meal technology developed by me. His beans, cantaloupes and tomatoes grow very well, and there are few diseases and insect pests, because the output is high and the quality is good, beans in a greenhouse can be sold for 10,000 yuan more than others.

Gao Caiyun, a farmer in Sandaogangzi, Xinmin County, Shenyang City, has also insisted on the systematic use of biological fertilizer for many years. The grapes grown are good in appearance and taste, and the vendors who buy them all pay in advance and pay a slightly higher price. For example, Guo Weiqing, a farmer in Dagushan Town, Donggang City, Liaoning Province, has systematically used major biological fertilizer products since July last year, and strawberries grow well. In particular, he used Si Duofeng this year. Last year, strawberries gave birth to aphids, which are very difficult to control, but they will be gone this year. Now strawberry branches and leaves are hard, the fruit is also hard, single fruit is heavy, good taste, very popular.