
Wang Youjun, a major vegetable broker, made Bobai water spinach "far married".

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wang Youjun, a major vegetable broker, made Bobai water spinach "far married".

The vegetable farmers packed the hollow vegetables separately for export.

In the early morning of May 1, in response to the needs of a vegetable grower surnamed Wu in Hengxian County to expand his planting, Wang Youjun, a broker of Bobai, again issued a batch of seedlings of Bobai cabbage by long-distance bus consignment.

Wang Youjun, a native of Datangyangtun, Guantian Village, Bobai Town, is in his 30s this year. He is a local fresh vegetable broker in Bobai. He fulfills orders every day by telephone, QQ and Wechat. According to the needs of customers, he buys fresh vegetables at a guaranteed price from local vegetable farmers, then simply packages them and sends them to all parts of the country by long-distance bus consignment. At the same time, he is also a voluntary promoter of Bobai hollow vegetable transplantation. Under his strong recommendation, asparagus has been successfully transplanted in Nanning, Guangdong and other places.

Vegetable farmers turn into bulk vegetable brokers

Water spinach, also known as water spinach, is the most authentic and authentic in quality and authentic taste. In 2011, AQSIQ approved "water spinach (water spinach)" as a geographical indication product, officially for this has a long planting history, unique flavor of water spinach to protect. Wang Youjun's hometown, Guantian Village, Bobai Town, is the standardized production and demonstration base of water spinach, with a planting area of more than 800 mu, and almost every household grows hollow vegetables.

Because he lives on the outskirts of the city, Wang Youjun's parents make a living by growing asparagus. He himself is a vegetable farmer with 15 years of experience in growing asparagus. After graduating from junior high school, Wang Youjun went home to grow hollow vegetables with his parents. Every day at 3-4 am, he had to pick hollow vegetables from the vegetable field and sell them at the farmers' market in the county.

The transformation from a vegetable farmer to a major vegetable broker is a major turning point in Wang Youjun's career. One morning 12 years ago, Wang Youjun's wife Gan Xian picked up vegetables and sold them to vegetable vendors at the farmers' market. she happened to know that a vegetable merchant from the North Sea had come to Bobai to buy hollow vegetables, which required 250 kilograms of hollow vegetables a day. However, the daily output of the hollow vegetables grown in his family was only 100 kilograms, and he had to buy some of them from other vegetable farmers in the village. Gan Xian thought it was an opportunity, so she called and discussed it with Wang Youjun. Finally, the couple decided to take the deal, buy 150 kilograms of hollow vegetables from the farmers in the village and ship the goods by bus.

"at that time, Beihai vegetable merchants asked for cash on delivery, which was a certain risk to me, because it was the first time to do business with foreign businessmen, and the hollow vegetables might rot in transit, but I thought about it again and again. I asked the bus driver to collect the money and bring it back." This is the first hollow vegetable purchase and sale business made by Wang Youjun. It was easy and made a profit in a change of hands, which surprised him that the hollow vegetable business could be done in this way.

Immediately after that, Wang Youjun personally went to Beihai and Nanning and went to the local vegetable wholesale market to learn about the market. He found that asparagus was very popular and contained a lot of business opportunities. After returning home, Wang Youjun changed and became the agent of white cabbage.

He became a bridge between cabbage farmers and foreign merchants.

Every year, March to September of the lunar calendar is the peak season for white cabbage, but it often hurts farmers during the peak season, with fluctuating prices and poor sales, which is what vegetable farmers worry about most. Now with Wang Youjun, an agent, vegetable farmers feel much more at ease, their planting income is stable, and they save time to go to farmers' markets to sell vegetables, which is more reassuring and cost-effective, so they hand over hollow vegetables to Wang Youjun for wholesale sale.

"more than 1000 kilograms of asparagus and more than 800 kilograms of bitter vegetables are sent out every day, all of which are grown by local vegetable farmers." Wang Youjun said that after working as a vegetable broker for 13 years, he has formed a dependent and cooperative relationship with vegetable farmers, who trust him and give him the best-selling vegetables every day to sell to large customers from other places.

"the order is very stable, and the vegetable farmers are waiting for my call every day, picking vegetables on time and sending them to weigh." Wang Youjun said that vegetable farmers believe him, he has to ensure that vegetable farmers do not suffer losses, and now every batch of hollow vegetables is delivered.

Wang Youjun has to deal with businessmen from other places every day. Although his culture is not high, he is honest, trustworthy, guaranteed in quality and quantity, and has won the trust of businessmen. On one occasion, a vegetable merchant in Guangzhou called him for an order of 20,000 yuan, but he switched to other businesses on the way. When Wang Youjun learned of this, he returned the money to the vegetable merchant.

Wang Youjun told reporters that many of his business orders are placed by telephone, and some of them have never met at all. He has become a bridge between cabbage farmers and foreign merchants, relying on integrity to maintain this stable cooperative relationship.

Because of his reputation and quality, more and more buyers of vegetables, hotels and restaurants trust him, and his business is getting bigger and bigger. Today, businessmen in Guangzhou, Nanning, Beihai, Qinzhou, Laibin, Hechi and other places have asked him to order white spinach.

Voluntary promotion, so that more people can taste white spinach.

Wang Youjun is already a vegetable farmer and has a lot of experience in growing hollow vegetables, especially aquatic ones. While working as a broker, he does not forget to promote the planting technology of hollow vegetables.

"Aquatic vegetables have been the first choice for fresh food since ancient times, and asparagus is even sweeter when it comes to water. Growing asparagus in paddy fields with good water quality is not only delicious, crisp and tender, but also a bit more sweet." A few days ago, through Wechat, Wang Youjun instructed Mr. Wu, a grower in Hengxian County, to introduce water cabbage to the paddy field.

Mr. Wu used to be one of Wang Youjun's clients. On one occasion, Mr. Wu had a sudden idea: could he introduce asparagus to Hengxian, so he told Wang Youjun his idea. Wang Youjun supported him very much. He personally went to Hengxian to inspect the local climate, water quality and soil quality, and felt that the success rate of introduction was great, so he helped Mr. Wu plan. With the technical support of Wang Youjun, Mr. Wu immediately contracted more than 600 mu of paddy field to introduce asparagus. Wang Youjun immediately mobilized vegetable farmers in his hometown to supply a large number of seedlings to Mr. Wu, which can not only help vegetable farmers solve the seedling market, but also support Mr. Wu's introduction in Hengxian County.

"the introduction of spinach is very successful, and all the seedlings are purchased from the main producing areas of Bobai. Now 600 mu of aquatic spinach is growing very well, and a bumper harvest is in sight." A few days ago, the reporter contacted Mr. Wu, a big grower in Hengxian County, and he said excitedly.

Mr. Wu said that local people in Hengxian County like to eat white cabbage, the market is in short supply, he plans to further expand the planting. However, he also admits that the taste of the introduced asparagus is still somewhat different from that of Bobai.

It is understood that with the active promotion of Wang Youjun and other brokers, the counties and cities around Bobai County and the border areas between Guangdong and Guangzhou have introduced asparagus, which has gradually become the main seasonal vegetable variety in these areas. The introduction of spinach can not only meet the needs of the market, but also provide a way to increase income for vegetable farmers in the main producing areas.