
Break the belly of a strange fish and pull out "black gold"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Break the belly of a strange fish and pull out "black gold"

The bigger the fish raised by Tian Kaihong, the more valuable it is, and one can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan on the market. Behind not selling a fish for 100000 yuan, it was because by accident, he discovered a big secret that could take millions of yuan out of the belly of a fish. Look at Tian Kaihong in Changyang Tujia Autonomous County, Hubei Province, how to pull out black gold from the belly of a big strange fish!

Tian Kaihong: Ah, good mountains, good water, good fish.

This river, called Qingjiang, is a tributary of the Yangtze River and is famous for its rich aquatic products.

Today, on this riverside, Tian Kaihong, the person in charge of the fish culture base, wants to move his fish.

The fish raised by Tian Kaihong is unusual. as soon as the fish comes out of the water, it scares a boatload of tourists who happen to be passing by.

Tourist: wow.

Tourist: wow, it's so big.

Tourist: it's too big. It scared me to death.

What kind of big fish can be so scary? Through the underwater camera, we can see that the big fish has a sharp head, an open mouth and a vertical tail, which looks like a fierce shark.

Tian Kaihong said that this kind of big fish has grown for 10 years, each weighing more than 200 jin. Today, he's going to move a big guy like this.

This kind of big fish not only looks scary, but also hurts people. So the people who are invited to move are all very experienced masters.

The master has moved the fish for ten years and is very skilled.

Worker: the fish has to be turned over, with a mouthful of water, and it will be quiet.

But even for such an experienced old master, accidents are difficult to prevent when moving fish.

Interviewer: what happened to the hand?

Worker: when I first caught the fish, the fish scale was very sharp.

This kind of fish has five raised edges, which are what the master called fish scale armour. As soon as the fish's tail swept forward, the sharp fish scales scratched the master's arm.

This is nothing, the tail is the most powerful part of the fish's body, if directly hit by the fish tail, the consequences are quite serious.

Master: if it comes over, put it on our face, because our face has been beaten before. It was red at that time, and the next day it was all black and green.

The master who carried the fish also told the reporter that if the fish tail was thrown on the leg, it could be broken.

The tail of this kind of fish is so powerful, because in the wild, it has to rely on a powerful tail, driving hundreds of jin of body, swimming thousands of kilometers from the sea to the rivers to lay eggs. This very endurance fish is Sturgeon.

Today, Tian Kaihong plans to transport more than 30 large Sturgeon to the base. Tian Kaihong said that this kind of big fish is his treasure to make a lot of money. Of course, you have to be very careful in handling such an expensive fish, but the key is still related to the body structure of the fish.

Despite the fact that the Sturgeon is big and has a strong tail, its body is very fragile. Without a bone spur as a support, it has five rows of bone plates that are slightly harder than cartilage, making it difficult to resist strong impact.

Tian Kaihong specially prepared stretchers and carried them into the fish tanker one by one on stretchers like the sick and wounded.

The fish that moved today are not ordinary Sturgeon in cages. They are all pregnant females. Today they are going to move to the fish pond at the base to wait for delivery.

Tian Kaihong: unified command, we moved Sturgeon today, moved to the community to live.

After the Sturgeon moved, the Sturgeon lived in this kind of high-end community with special care.

Tian Kaihong: if this fish is on the table.

Interviewer: if it's selling meat, right?

Tian Kaihong: the price of selling meat is about 10,000 yuan, which should be about 12,000 yuan, but you don't sell it for 100,000 yuan now.

Reporter: you won't sell it even if I give you 100,000 yuan?

Tian Kaihong: that's right. I don't sell it.

It's amazing to sell a fish for 100,000 yuan, but Tian Kaihong's wealth is far more secret than that. By chance, Tian Kaihong found a kind of black gold with a market value of nearly one million yuan hidden in the belly of the fish. This black gold attracts Tian Kaihong, who has transformed from a big fish farmer with annual sales of more than 60 million yuan to a professional gold miner. What kind of wealth mystery is hidden in it?

Tian Kaihong started his business at the age of 29. He has grown vegetables, raised fish and worked hard for many years, but he has not made any money over the age of forty.

In 2009, Tian Kaihong, 43, suffered another serious illness. One afternoon, Tian Kaihong suddenly felt dizzy and numb in his limbs. When he went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor said that his cerebellar pituitary prolapse had entered the cervical vertebra and would have to be operated on immediately.

Tian Kaihong: may become a vegetable, because you have to open the whole brain. It is also possible that the operation does not go well and become hemiplegic and unable to walk off the operating table.

The operation was very successful, and Tian Kaihong was glad to have saved his life. After the operation, Tian Kaihong went to Qingdao to relax and attended an aquatic products fair.

At the aquatic products fair, Tian Kaihong found a company that also raised fish in the Qingjiang River. This company is only ten kilometers away from Tian Kaihong's company, but its annual sales have exceeded 100 million yuan, relying on this kind of Sturgeon.

Sturgeon is the largest fish in the Yangtze River. The average weight of Sturgeon can reach more than 200 jin in adulthood. The largest can grow to more than four meters long, weigh thousands of jin, and can live as long as a hundred years. In the Yangtze River valley, everyone calls Sturgeon the "fish king of the Yangtze River".

This Sturgeon has been raised for seven years, and Tian Kaihong specially showed reporters how long it is.

Tian Kaihong: this side is elongated. How long is the quantity?

Reporter: how long is it?

Tian Kaihong: more than two meters eighteen meters, two meters two meters, slow down a little bit, see how thick it is. 1.1 meters, this is not the thickest place 1.1 meters, chest circumference 1.1 meters.

Tian Kaihong said that the 2.2-meter-long fish is only medium-sized in the Sturgeon. The older the Sturgeon is raised, the more valuable it is.

After discovering the business opportunity of raising Sturgeon, Tian Kaihong knew that the Sturgeon farmers in the Qingjiang River all relied on this kind of fish to get rich. Tian Kaihong went to consult other farmers, others said that this kind of fish is very easy to raise.

Farmers: Sturgeon is relatively easy to raise, compared with other fish species, its growth rate is fast, disease resistance is strong.

Farmers: feed this aspect, no labor, and then the entire breeding model, its mortality rate is no problem, less disease.

Although the Sturgeon is amazing, what it eats is very simple.