
The post-90s boys returned to their hometown to start a business and led the poor fellow-townsmen on the road to prosperity.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The post-90s boys returned to their hometown to start a business and led the poor fellow-townsmen on the road to prosperity.

Sun Hui, 22, relying on the support of the local government, planted Salvia miltiorrhiza and led his fellow villagers on the road to prosperity.

On May 5, in the north mountain slope of Beisun Village in Zhangqiupu, Sun Hui was demonstrating how to plane Salvia miltiorrhiza. As soon as he pouted, the bright red Salvia miltiorrhiza root "jumped" out with the soil. Now, many villagers have begun to plant Salvia miltiorrhiza. At present, the total planting area of the village is close to 400mu, the yield per mu can reach 2000 kg, and the average net income per mu is more than 6000 yuan. And this is inextricably linked with Sun Hui's efforts.

At the beginning of 2015, Zhangqiu promoted the planting of traditional Chinese medicine in the city, and Beisun Village quickly planted more than 10 mu and achieved success. However, the "victory in the first battle" has not received a positive response, and most villagers still have a lot of worries: although the experimental fields have achieved initial results, is the land of the whole village suitable for the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine? If planting is carried out on a large scale, how to ensure the quality and market of medicinal materials? Just at this time, Sun Hui, a young man born in 1994, also locked his entrepreneurial direction with the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Through his entrepreneurial experience and market research at school, Sun Hui found that traditional Chinese medicine health products and traditional Chinese medicine cosmetics are very popular. After graduating from college in July 2015, he decided to go back to his hometown to start a business. With the help of the opportunity of vigorously developing the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine in Zhangqiu City, he registered and established Shandong Zehui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and through active coordination with the town and village, transferred 300 mu of land, and the factory also backfilled barren ditch to build a factory on the principle of not occupying cultivated land.

Small-scale cultivation of Salvia miltiorrhiza has benefited ordinary villagers who were skeptical at first, but how to make more villagers, especially poor groups, share this benefit and promote accurate poverty alleviation? The party branch of Beisun Village and Zehui Pharmaceutical came up with the idea of setting up cooperatives to lead the masses to become rich together, while the village collective increased its collective income by means of land ownership. At the end of 2015, with the strong support of the city and street levels, Beisun Village, led by Shandong Zehui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., together with more than 140 villagers registered the "Zhangqiu Zehui planting Professional Cooperative". The cooperative successfully attracted 28 households and 47 poor households to participate in the cultivation of Salvia miltiorrhiza in the form of land shares, and the planting scale of Salvia miltiorrhiza was further expanded and embarked on the road of industrialization and large-scale development.

In order to enable the poor groups to get more benefits from industrial development, cooperatives take the initiative to provide seedling subsidies and capital advances to enable poor households to achieve "zero cost" planting, and to provide planting insurance for the poor, with an insurance amount of up to 1,000 yuan per mu. To ensure that poor households "harvest with drought and waterlogging". In the process of production and sales, while providing technical guidance free of charge, the cooperative signed an agreement on the purchase and sale of traditional Chinese medicine with all poor households, and gave priority to acquisition under the same conditions. After Salvia miltiorrhiza enters the harvest period, the cooperative will provide free special machinery for mining and digging of Salvia miltiorrhiza in mountainous areas to poor households to improve labor efficiency.

Zehui planting professional cooperative has further expanded its scale on the basis of the original planting of 320mu, and has gradually developed into a radiating surrounding more than 10 villages, a total of 1800 mu of Salvia miltiorrhiza planting base, gradually forming a comprehensive industrial chain with centralized planting, processing and sales of medicinal materials. Not only that, while Beisun Village realized to shake off poverty and become rich, it also formed a support pair with Shibapan Village of Duozhuang, provided it with technical support and agricultural machinery, and acquired more than 500 mu of traditional Chinese medicine planted in the village. it has fundamentally solved the difficult problem of the sale of traditional Chinese medicine in the southern mountain village, and further ensured the sustained and stable development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

In addition to his own efforts, Sun Hui's successful entrepreneurship is also inseparable from the strong support of Zhangqiu City. The city has successively formulated and issued documents such as "implementation opinions on further strengthening the Construction of High-level talents" and "opinions on implementing Outstanding talents to return to their hometown to start a Business and strengthening the Construction of Village-level leading teams". Around returning college students, migrant workers and business experts, retired soldiers, local youth become rich experts and other groups, through 22 policies such as project support, entrepreneurship training, financial services, on-the-job training, etc. We will encourage and guide more outstanding talents from outside Zhangqiu to return home to start their own businesses, continuously optimize the ecology of talent development at the county level, speed up the construction of a "comprehensive experimental zone" for mass entrepreneurship and innovation talent development in the provincial capital, and comprehensively build the development trend of talent return, capital return, and entrepreneurial return.

Up to now, Zhangqiu City has allocated 5 million yuan of policy funds every year, newly supported returning entrepreneurial talents to lead the establishment of enterprises, set up 128 professional cooperatives of all kinds, and supported 69 returning entrepreneurial enterprises to achieve the transformation from small to large and from weak to strong. 11 entrepreneurial talents are recommended to be appointed as deputy secretary of the working committee of the town league and assistant secretary of the village party branch, and 15 new party members are planned among the entrepreneurial talents. A group of outstanding talents who are young, understand management and have the mind to get rich are becoming the backbone of leading industries with urban and rural characteristics, driving the village collective economy, and leading the masses to become rich.