
Large farmers in Yuzhong earn one million dollars a year by raising 10,000 chickens.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Large farmers in Yuzhong earn one million dollars a year by raising 10,000 chickens.

Quiet mountain forest, flocks of native chickens, ecological breeding. On May 8, Ma Jiangong was feeding corn and weeds to his native chickens in Kangyuan Ecological Breeding Cooperative in Hongsi Village, Xiaokangying Township, Yuzhong County. Groups of native chickens rushed to his side and competed for food. The barren hills that no one cares about in the past are now benefiting the people with great economic potential. Speaking of ecological chicken farming, Ma Jiangong immediately gushed: "Our cooperative has more than 10,000 chickens at present, and the benefits are considerable." The next step is to raise wild boars, sika deer and other livestock."

Speaking of the advantages of ecological chicken breeding in cooperatives, Ma Jiangong said frankly that ecological chicken breeding has less investment, quick results, considerable profits, and low technical content. Ordinary people can master the essentials and is suitable for the development of every household. At the same time, chickens have a large range of activities, strong disease resistance, less disease, and grass and insects in the woodland provide rich nutrition for chickens, chicken manure is also conducive to tree growth. Especially the eggs laid by ecological chickens are free of additives, hormones and drug residues, which meets the requirements of people pursuing green and healthy consumption at present.

For many years, Ma Jiangong has been doing construction projects outside, but with the adjustment of economic structure in recent years, the construction business is becoming more and more difficult to do. Faced with the livelihood problems of seventy or eighty workers and the difficulties of working for more and more villagers, Ma Jiangong intends to transform into other industries after careful consideration. After full market research, coupled with his rich social experience and valuable experience accumulated in his many years of wandering life, he believed that breeding native chickens was an industry with promising prospects. Combined with his actual situation, he was determined to return to his hometown to breed native chickens and lead the villagers to become rich together.

By selecting the site and understanding the actual situation, he analyzed the advantages of himself and the environment. Now, with the improvement of living standards of urban and rural people, people have higher and higher ecological requirements for food, and ecological chickens and ecological eggs are very popular among people. The wasteland around Hongsi Village is clean and pollution-free. The unique natural conditions are the ideal location for building ecological chicken farms. Moreover, the investment of small ecological chicken farms is not much, the technical requirements are not high, and the sales of local eggs are good. Therefore, in 2014, Ma Jiangong raised funds from various sources and built a free-range breeding base for native chickens. In order to save money, he did it himself. The chicken farm was soon built and the first batch of 5000 chickens were purchased. However, in the process of raising chickens, there were many unexpected problems. In order to raise chickens well, he invited technicians to the chicken farm for on-site guidance many times, and bought chicken technical books to learn breeding technology. Through updating the feeding method, under his careful feeding and careful management, the survival rate of chicks reached more than 95%. At the end of a year, because the native chickens in his professional cooperative do not feed, weeds and insects are the staple food, the native eggs produced have high nutritional value and no pollution, which are favored by many consumers and have a broad market.

Master the scientific chicken technology, taste sweet he expanded the breeding scale this year, at present has raised more than 10000 native chickens. According to each 100 yuan calculation, this item alone annual income can reach 1 million yuan, in addition to the income of local eggs, income is quite good.

At the same time of entrepreneurial income, Ma Jiangong did not forget his neighbors, encouraged and guided them to join the ranks of ecological chicken raising by means of forest land shares and capital shares, and always patiently guided the neighbors who came to learn from them. Many people in the village have joined the ranks of farming. "You don't have to go far to get rich. The stage is at your doorstep!" This was something he often said.

Mention Ma Jiangong's deeds of returning home to start a business, the village cadres and masses all nod praise: "Ma Jiangong is a talent in our village, we Hongsi Village is short of such rich leaders, with industry, our good days are not far away!"

Through groping and practice, Ma Jiangong found his way to wealth and the villagers. Speaking of future plans, he said, next, he will work harder, with greater enthusiasm into the chicken breeding industry, so that his ecological farms continue to grow and develop, at the same time lead more neighbors on the road to prosperity!