
Indulge in quail for 13 years and make money easily.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Indulge in quail for 13 years and make money easily.

Original title: obsessed with raising quail and eventually becoming rich

Quail raised by Yang Tingzhi (online photo: Chongqing Daily Rural Edition)

Yang Tingzhi is observing the growth and laying of quails. (online photo: Chongqing Daily Rural Edition)

"at present, there are nearly 40,000 quails on the farm, and it is not a problem to make a net profit of more than 100,000 yuan a year from selling eggs." A few days ago, Yang Tingzhi, owner of Tingzhi Quail Farm in Qianjiang District, Chongqing, looked at the quails in the fence and said happily.

As early as in 2003, affected by SARS, a quail farm near Qianjiang re-roasting plant was eager to transfer due to poor sales. At that time, 33-year-old Yang Tingzhi was so aggressive that he took over the farm where 10,000 quails were stored.

Technology is the key to farming. Yang Tingzhi went to a quail farm in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province to inspect and learn the techniques of raising quails. he also specially went to the bookstore to buy back books on quail breeding and concentrate on research on quail breeding techniques. Yang Tingzhi bought 5000 breeding eggs and, in strict accordance with the methods directed by technicians, hatched them with an incubator and heated them up with a coal stove, keeping the temperature at about 36 ℃. Finally, the sky lived up to the kind-hearted people, 5000 eggs hatched a total of more than 2000 female quails.

After hatching successfully, Yang Tingzhi used his head on quail breeding. 30 quails are raised in each cage to prevent quails from getting sick due to turbid air after being kept too dense. The temperature of the enclosure is controlled between 25 ℃-26 ℃ all the year round. When the temperature is low in winter, the enclosure is sealed with thin film to keep warm. In summer, exhaust fans are installed to keep the enclosure ventilated to cool down. Clean and disinfect the enclosure once a week and feed quails with Newcastle disease to prevent the occurrence of chicken plague.

By 2010, Yang Tingzhi's quail farm, like a snowball, had raised 30,000 quails.

Yang Tingzhi said that raising quails is mainly for laying and selling eggs. In quail breeding, he has his own unique practice, that is, according to the market situation, appropriate scale breeding, not greedy for more. The market is better from April to October every year, as well as during the Spring Festival. After October, when snakes enter a hibernating period and market sales decline, quail breeding should be reduced by nearly 1/3 to reduce breeding costs. When the temperature rises in the spring of the following year, buy small quails to fill the pen.

At present, Yang Tingzhi's farm stocks nearly 40,000 quails, which can lay more than 300 kilograms of eggs a day at its peak, mainly sold to the Qianjiang urban market and Hubei and other places. Yang Tingzhi said that apart from the cost of feed and labor, it is not a problem to easily earn more than 100,000 yuan a year by selling quail eggs. (Zheng Chueh)