
He "felt" the road to wealth with his hands

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, He "felt" the road to wealth with his hands

Guo Dexiang is feeding the chickens.

He seems to have a pair of normal eyes, but he is blurred to see people and things, and locals say he is "blind". However, in his fruit and vegetable base, he clearly identified which piece of land and which greenhouse planted what kind of fruits and vegetables. He can still touch the work of field management, fertilizing, bundling branches, and so on. In just more than two years, he "touched" a fruit and vegetable base with a combination of cultivation and cultivation and embarked on the road to prosperity. The fruit and vegetable planting professional cooperative he established in 2015 was recognized as the "Chongqing Farmers' Cooperative demonstration Society" by the Chongqing General supply and Marketing Cooperative and as the "excellent Professional Cooperative" by Qianjiang District. His name is Guo Dexiang.

Guo Dexiang, 45, is from Shihui Town, Qianjiang District. After graduating from junior high school, he began to learn to do wood business for more than 20 years. He didn't rest until he had abnormal eyes in 2009 and was diagnosed with "glaucoma" by the hospital. The treatment cost more than 100,000 yuan successively, and the eyesight has not yet recovered. Now he has lost his eyesight in the left eye and blurred everything in the right eye, and has been identified as "vision (blindness) secondary disability".

Guo Te-hsiang has a father in his late nineties. One of his two children is in high school and the other is in junior high school. He has been taking medicine for a long time, and the family depends on his wife Hu Mingyue to work in a restaurant for a living. In order to improve the lives of the family, in the autumn of 2013, Hu Mingyue helped Guo Dexiang return to Guanzhuang Village, Mala Town, her mother's home, and built a 240-mu fruit and vegetable base.

Which piece of land is not fertilized, which piece of land vegetables can be harvested, Guo Dexiang rely on his hands to touch. He could feel it even when the workers did not straighten out the seedbed. He can also do the task of fertilizing fruit trees or vegetables.

Starting from growing vegetables, Guo Dexiang feeds 2000 native chickens every year, and all chicken manure is used as base fertilizer for vegetables. In 2014, Guo Dexiang planted 15 varieties of vegetables, with a net income of more than 400,000 yuan that year, and set up a professional cooperative for fruit and vegetable cultivation shares.

In Guo Dexiang's fruit and vegetable base, he has hired a technician and 11 workers for many years. Among them, six people are local villagers with physical disabilities. Combined with the precise poverty alleviation work in Qianjiang, he helped 25 disabled families in Guanzhuang Village, each giving away 3 mu of vegetable seeds free of charge, and when the vegetables were ripe, they were transported to the city for sale free of charge.

The District disabled Persons' Federation learned that Guo Dexiang not only started his own business and became rich, but also led more than 30 disabled families in the village to increase their income, and greatly appreciated Guo Dexiang's entrepreneurial efforts. In order to encourage Guo Dexiang's enthusiasm to start a business, while comprehensively implementing the accurate poverty alleviation work in Qianjiang, the District disabled Persons' Federation actively strives for the assistance of policies and funds for it, taking the lead with the District Committee of Agriculture, the District Poverty Alleviation Office, the District Finance Bureau and other units. Guo Dexiang is regarded as a typical entrepreneur for the disabled to help expand the base and make it bigger and stronger.

Last year, Guo Dexiang expanded 100 greenhouses with the help of these departments. At present, the planting scale of vegetables and fruits has reached 240 mu and 150 mu respectively. In order to facilitate his work, the government of Mala Town funded the construction of a convenient bridge near his base.

"I grow grapes, dragon fruits, watermelons and so on in this greenhouse. It is estimated that this year grapes will earn 200000 yuan, watermelons 100000 yuan, and vegetables 500000 yuan." Guo Dexiang said confidently.

After more than two years of hard work, Guo Dexiang "touched" his own happy life with both hands, which not only created conditions for his children to go to college, but also realized the dream of having a car and a house for families with disabilities.