
Giving up the opportunity of "going back to the city" twice, the grape growing industry has become more prosperous.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Giving up the opportunity of "going back to the city" twice, the grape growing industry has become more prosperous.

Zhang Xinmiao is pruning grape branches.

After working as a "university student village official" in Liaoxi Village, Jiyi Township, Qingxu County in 2007, Zhang Xinmiao organized and guided farmers to grow grapes to become rich and made a career. Being elected as the most beautiful village official in Shanxi in 2013 gave him more confidence to take root in the countryside-he has given up the opportunity to work in government institutions twice in the past three years.

In a return interview with our reporter on 16 May, Zhang Xinmiao said that he had poured nine years of youthful blood on the land of the village in the west of Central Liaoning, and now that his career is closely linked to the countryside, he is unwilling and reluctant to leave here.

The grape planting industry is becoming more and more prosperous

Compared with three years ago, the grape growing industry in the western village of Central Liaoning is more prosperous. The village is close to the vineyard on the side of the highway from Taiyuan City to Taigu County, and the greenhouse is next to each other. The grapes planted in the greenhouse have grown to the size of peas, like strings of green pearls hanging from vines. This grape is an early-maturing grape variety that ripens a month earlier than those grown outdoors. Listed in advance, it is possible to sell at a higher price, allowing growers to get higher returns.

The grape planting industry in the west village of central Liaoning started nine years ago. At that time, because of the lack of information and fear of not making money, many farmers in the western village of Central Liaoning did not grow grapes. Only a few growers have grown grapes that are out of date and cannot be sold at a good price on the market.

After Zhang Xinmiao became the "university student village official" of the village, after investigation and investigation, he was determined to develop the grape planting industry. In 2009, he initiated and organized 69 villagers to set up agricultural cooperatives, held training courses on scientific grape cultivation, introduced new grape varieties, and led the villagers to become rich. By 2016, the village will have more than 2400 mu of arable land and more than 1600 mu of grapes have been planted, making it a famous grape-growing village in Qingxu County.

After being elected as the most beautiful village official in Shanxi, Zhang Xinmiao was even more encouraged. In 2014, he built a cold storage of fruits and vegetables in the west village of Central Liaoning through personal financing and loans. Since the cold storage was built and put into operation for two years, it has attracted many businessmen from the south to purchase in the village because of the improvement of grape storage conditions. The export of grapes in the west village of Central Liaoning is more smooth. Zhang Xinmiao said that from 2013 to 2015, the cooperative vineyard in the west of Central Liaoning had an average annual income of nearly 11000 yuan per mu.

2 he formed a pair with three villagers in difficulty

At noon on May 16, in the vineyard of the agricultural cooperative in the western village of Central Liaoning, the villagers who had done the morning's farm work walked out of the greenhouse and went to the bicycle shed. Zhang Cuihua (a pseudonym), a villager in the crowd, thought of going home early to cook lunch for her paralyzed husband in bed. Zhang Cuihua worked in the vineyard two years ago with a monthly salary of 2000 yuan.

After 2013, Zhang Xinmiao not only continued to work on the grape growing industry, but also undertaken some public welfare undertakings in the village. "I have now forged a pair with three poor villagers."

There is a five-guarantee household in the western village of central Liaoning, who has lost his ability to work because of mental retardation and can only rely on state relief and the help of relatives and friends. Two years ago, Zhang Xinmiao formed a helping pair with this five-guarantee household, asking him to do whatever chores he could in the vineyard. He had three free meals a day and earned 7,000 to 8,000 yuan a year.

In another villager, the man died early due to illness, and the hostess raised her two children on her own, making life very difficult. Today, the family of three are paid monthly for light work in the vineyard in charge of Zhang Xinmiao.

He also wants to hold a grape fair

According to the national policy on the selection and recruitment of "college student village officials", Zhang Xinmiao has had two opportunities to work in organs and institutions in Qingxu County since 2013, but he could not let go of the villagers and his career, and both opportunities were given up. "when I first came to Zhongliao West Village as a 'university student village official', I made up my mind not to leave until I made a name for myself. By the end of this year, I have been working in Zhongliao West Village for nine years, and my career is now closely linked to the countryside. I cannot and am not willing to leave. " Zhang Xinmiao said.

Today, while developing the grape planting industry in the western village of Central Liaoning, it has also launched projects such as rural tourism and grape picking. In the vineyard, Zhang Xinmiao built Nongjiale restaurant, parking lot, standard public toilet and other facilities. From 2013 to 2015, the vineyard received an average of more than 7000 tourists a year, with an average annual income of more than 700,000 yuan.

This year, Zhang Xinmiao invested in a place for accommodation and meetings for tourists in the west village of Zhongliao, hoping to further expand the capacity of the vineyard to receive tourists and increase the attractiveness of rural tourism. "when the conditions are ripe, I want to hold a grape fair. At that time, we will invite grape growers from all over the country to Zhongliao West Village to conspire with the development of grape growing business. " When imagining the future, Zhang Xinmiao's eyes flashed with excitement.