
Farmers go abroad to steal teachers and return to their hometown to plant Xigong bananas with great success.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Farmers go abroad to steal teachers and return to their hometown to plant Xigong bananas with great success.

Xigong bananas planted by Wei Shanghua.

Wei Shanghua applied for a trademark for his own Xigong banana.

Wei Shanghua, who emigrated to Yanlaistun in Pingban Town, Longlin Autonomous County, is seen by the villagers as a farmer who "doesn't do his job." when people get the settlement money to build buildings or go out to work, he takes the money to "travel around the world." and often go to the city to inspect. Today, Wei Shanghua has "returned from his studies." the Xigong bananas have sold well in many places, and buyers from several big supermarkets have rushed to buy them.

Recently, when the reporter went to interview, Wei Shanghua was ready to participate in the e-commerce training organized by the government, and he was prepared to make a lot of money in online sales.

1. "returnee farmers" have found a way to get rich.

The Yanlaistun people are bound to Xigong banana because there is a "returnee farmer" in the village, Wei Shanghua.

Wei Shanghua is a 56-year-old immigrant from the reservoir area of Tianshengqiao Power Station. A few years ago, he, along with 25 other immigrants, moved to Yanlaistun, near the county seat. When people first arrived, people went out to work or build buildings to buy land. Wei Shanghua, with hundreds of thousands of yuan in savings, went to Southeast Asia and even some countries along the Indian Ocean in 2008 to study agriculture.

Within a year, he went to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and even Bangladesh and India. I just want to see which country and what crops are grown well, and then consider whether they can be introduced into our village. Later, he went to Nanning, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities to enter big supermarkets and vegetable markets. After inspection, he found that people in the city are more fastidious in eating, especially green agricultural products, which sell very well.

With more places to run, Wei Shanghua's horizons have been broadened and his thinking has become clear. When he got home, he decided to plant Xigong bananas. "this kind of banana is more planted in Vietnam and Thailand, and the yield is relatively stable." The most important thing is that Wei Shanghua found that the conditions for the growth of Xigong bananas can basically be met in Longlin.

2. Skillfully use the network to open the market

Just do it. At first, Wei Shanghua planted a little. Seeing the fruit hanging, Wei Shanghua was very happy to set up a stall on the side of the road and sell it in the county seat. Although the price is the same as that of local bananas, he can only sell a few hundred jin a day. Later, he contacted buyers in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, but people said that the quality of your bananas is good, but the planting is not large-scale, the output is too small, so far into this point of goods can not come.

As a result, Wei Shanghua decided to expand the planting scale. He hired help, expanded the planting area to 53 hectares in three years, and mobilized other villagers in the village to plant it together. But at first, few people dared to grow with the wind.

Wei Shanghua had no hesitation and decided to eat crabs first. After two years of cultivation, 53 hectares of Xigong bananas hung fruit one after another and harvested 2 million kilograms of fruit.

There is a good harvest of bananas. Here comes the problem. If all these bananas were sold locally, there would not be such a big consumer market at all.

Just when people were worried, Wei Shanghua became busy. He kept making phone calls every day. After a while, non-local buyers swarmed in and snapped up all the bananas, and even the "stock" saved for food at home was removed.

People looked at Wei Shanghua with envy and counted a large stack of payments, only to know that his information posted through the Internet had worked.

Seeing that Wei Shanghua had made money, more and more people planted bananas in Xigong, and people came to his house to learn from them.

Today, more than 200 hectares of Xigong bananas have been planted in the planting area with Yanlaistun as the core, and the planting area of the county has reached 2000 hectares.

3. Plan to rely on e-commerce to find business opportunities

There is a bumper harvest of bananas in Saigon, but Wei Shanghua has a new plan. On May Day last year, he flew to Shandong, a major agricultural province, to learn modern agricultural management models. After seeing the apple industry in Yantai, he felt deeply and his train of thought became clearer.

"to be a good farmer, the key is to know what urban people want and what they can provide." Using the Internet to solve the problem of product sales is only the first step in Wei Shanghua's plan. Last summer, he sent the Xigong banana he planted to the laboratory of the State Food and Drug Administration. After obtaining the results of identification without pesticide residues, he applied for a registered trademark with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

"since the registration of the trademark, our Xigong bananas in Longlin have been sold to big supermarkets in Guangzhou and Shenzhen." Speaking of this, Wei Shanghua looked smug.

In order to develop Xigong banana planting industry, the local government also strongly supported it. The agricultural department holds technical training courses, while the commerce and postal departments jointly hold e-commerce training in the village to solve the villagers' worries. Today, the planting of bananas in Xigong has put many villagers in Longlin on the road to prosperity.

"Wei Shanghua, there is an e-commerce training course in town on Monday. You are going to attend it." On May 13, when the reporter was interviewed, Liu Jun, secretary of the party committee of Pingban Town, came to issue a notice and invited him face to face, and Wei Shanghua promised.

"Wholesale to purchasers, the price is 3.6 yuan per kilogram, while through online retail, each kilogram can be sold for more than 10 yuan." Wei Shanghua said that the e-commerce sales attempt that began at the end of last year gave him a broader prospect.

It is understood that banana growers in Longlin are planning to build a cold storage relying on the cooperative to extend the shelf life of Xigong bananas by one month before selling them. As a result, the supply will be more stable and the price will be higher.