
Lulong County, Hebei Province: post-90s college students have a wide way to get rich by raising chickens.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lulong County, Hebei Province: post-90s college students have a wide way to get rich by raising chickens.

"Mom, look, there's an egg here, and there's another one over there."

On May 15, the reporter saw at the "Xiashan" native chicken breeding base in Houxia Jingzi Village, Liutian Gezhuang Town, Lulong County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, that tourists picked up eggs and fed chickens, and enjoyed being close to nature. This is too busy for the boss Sun Yu and his wife Wang Xueyu. These two post-90s college students run before and after running, receiving guests, packing eggs and preparing delicious food. "I've been exhausted lately, but seeing that the guests are having a good time and recognizing our farming methods and products, I am full of motivation." Sun Yu said happily.

"now that the standard of living has improved, people should not only have enough to eat, but also eat well. The really good native eggs can be sold for more than 10 yuan a jin in the market, and the supply falls short of demand, so the market prospect is very good. At that time, our wife was pregnant and we didn't want to work any more, so we just went home to start a business and raise native chickens. " Sun Yu talked about his plan at that time.

With the support of their families, they invested more than 100,000 yuan to contract a 200-mu mountain farm in the village, built a chicken coop with an area of 150square meters, and bought 2000 chickens for free breeding in the mountains. Chickens eat natural worms, grass and pine nuts on the mountain, drink mountain spring water, stroll all over the mountain, grow up happily, lively and strong. Slowly some chickens began to lay eggs, and the quality of the eggs was gratifying.

"compared with ordinary farmed eggs, the yolk of my home egg is darker, the three-dimensional feeling is stronger, and the egg white is clearer and thicker. The egg yolk can be picked up with chopsticks, and the egg white yolk can be held up in the palm of the hand. " Sun Yu was very satisfied with the opened eggs in her hand. This stems from the fact that free-range chickens are physically strong, the food is pure natural, and the eggs produced are more nutritious and, most importantly, green and natural, without any artificial ingredients.

There is no need to say the quality of eggs, but sales have become a problem. because they are just in their infancy, their popularity is not enough, and the sale of eggs is not smooth. Sun Yu adopted the way of Wechat "moments" publicity, and also went to many supermarkets and snack bars. Those who really can't sell can only wholesale to customers at the price of ordinary eggs.

Later, the young couple came up with a "trick". It took so much effort to take out, so why not invite customers in? Isn't it fresh to develop rural tourism and let tourists experience the fun of picking up eggs? So Sun Yu and his wife Wang Xueyu tried to get in touch with the "donkey friends" and invite them to visit the mountains. In mid-November last year, the first batch of tourists from Shanhaiguan walked into the "Xiashan" local chicken breeding base, immediately attracted by the chickens running all over the mountain and eggs everywhere, and took away 100 kilograms of eggs. The most important thing is that the new tourism method of sightseeing and picking up eggs has spread, so that Sun Yu's breeding base is full of customers.

"now there are a lot of tourists coming every weekend to experience the joy of rural tourism, and our egg market has opened up. Next, we plan to continue to expand the breeding scale, adding another 1000 Roosters and 1000 Beijing Fatty Chicken. In addition, we also want to unite with the surrounding farmers to develop more all-natural native products, improve the tourism chain, and drive the villagers to get rich together. " Sun Yu said confidently.