
The integration of mechanization technology in rape industry should be expanded.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The integration of mechanization technology in rape industry should be expanded.

Original title: technology integration sounded the horn of rape industrial structure adjustment

Experts call for the establishment of a double-low and high-quality rape reserve in the Yangtze River Basin as soon as possible.

On-site operation of multi-function deep tiller. Photo taken by Lu Wei

On May 13, at the dryland rape demonstration site in Fenlu Town, Huangmei County, Hubei Province, the demonstration field was packed with all kinds of modern agricultural machinery and equipment.

With an order from the scene, six large combine harvesters were started at the same time, and rape harvesting, de-seeding and bagging were completed in a few minutes. Then, several multi-functional deep tillers came on the stage, and the remaining half-meter-high rape straw was instantly powdered, turning the compact rape field into soft arable land. Then came the mechanical precision seeder, sowing the dark brown cotton seeds in the newly ploughed fields in an orderly manner.

"this is an exciting moment." Chen Mengshan, secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, who was watching at the scene, said happily that this means that China's rape industry has finally got rid of the traditional farming mode, moved towards full mechanization and modernization, and has the basis to participate in international competition.

The most difficult year for the rape industry

At present, for the rape industry, confidence is more precious than gold. In 2015, under the influence of domestic policy and international market, the purchase price of domestic rapeseed dropped sharply, from 5.1 yuan per kilogram to 3.5 yuan per kilogram, planting efficiency declined, many oil farmers suffered serious losses, and pessimism grew.

"this year will be the most difficult year for the rape industry." Chen Mengshan pointed out that the messages from the main domestic producing areas are all negative: the decline in purchase prices, the decline in rape production, the decline in acreage, and the decline in the enthusiasm of farmers, followed by an increase in inventory and an increase in foreign imports. Rape industry has once again entered a critical period of development.

The same problem occurred before 2008. Due to the low production efficiency, the planting area of rape decreased continuously, and the rape yield decreased continuously. On January 9, 2008, the Ministry of Agriculture held the launching ceremony of the national revitalization oil production plan in Huangmei County, Hubei Province. Since then, domestic rape production has continuously ushered in an increase in production and income.

In the rape industry, there is a saying that "the world rape looks at China, and Chinese rape looks at Hubei." Hubei Huangmei has inadvertently become the birthplace of the two revitalization of China's rape industry.

Wang Hanzhong, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and chief scientist of the national rapeseed industry technology system, has a deeper understanding of this. He said: since 2008, we have ushered in the revitalization of the rape industry in a high-input and high-output way by relying on price pull and policy stimulus; now the situation we are facing is even more serious. the second revitalization of the rape industry must rely on technological innovation and innovation-driven, take the road of green and efficient development.

Promote agricultural supply-side reform

Exploring the technological model innovation on the supply side and transforming "high input and high output" into "improving the efficiency of unit input and output" has become an effective way to revitalize the rape industry.

How to solve the problem? Chen Mengshan believes that in the past, we emphasized intensive farming and breakthroughs in individual technologies, but we did not pay enough attention to the degree of mechanization of the rape industry and the system integration between technologies.

In response to these problems, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has launched the "rape Green yield-increasing and efficiency-increasing Technology Integration and demonstration Project" since 2013. The project is led by the Oil Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, together with a number of superior units, focusing on the integration, demonstration and promotion of green yield-increasing and efficiency-increasing technologies under the conditions of rotation mechanization, such as "oil rice", "rape-corn" and "cotton oil".

At present, the project team has successively developed nine core key technologies and carried out integrated assembly in Huangmei County, Hubei Province, and established a new mechanized "rape-cotton" and "rape-soybean" rotation technology. and set up a 10,000 mu demonstration base in Fenlu Town, Huangmei County.

According to researcher Zhang Xuekun, deputy director of the Oil Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, compared with the previous mechanized stage-by-stage harvesting technology, the research team introduced rape chemical drying technology to achieve a mechanical combined harvest, reducing the cost by 100yuan, accounting for about 1/4 of the cost, and the harvesting efficiency was also significantly doubled.

According to reports, since 2013, there has been a spate of good news from relevant domestic demonstration bases, and the cost of rape production has been falling. In 2013, the demonstration base of Yunmeng County in Hubei Province took the lead in reducing costs, from more than 5 yuan per kilogram to 2.9 yuan per kilogram. In 2014, the demonstration base of Gongan County in Hubei Province dropped again to 2.3 yuan. In 2015, the demonstration base in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province successfully dropped to 2.0 yuan. In 2016, the demonstration foundation of Huangmei County in Hubei Province hit a new low of 1.75 yuan per kilogram.

"the field production cost of rape in the main exporting countries in the world is about 1.5 yuan to 2 yuan per kilogram, which means that we already have the ability to participate in international competition." Chen Mengshan said.

It is urgent to establish a national protected area.

How to make oil farmers regain their confidence? Chen Mengshan believes that the more difficult it is, the more we should realize that the strategic position of the rape industry cannot be shaken.

The data show that at present, the perennial planting area of rape in China is about 110 million mu, and rapeseed oil accounts for more than 55% of the oil production of domestic oil crops. it is the largest source of domestic edible vegetable oil and occupies a core position in maintaining the safety strategy of national edible oil supply.

In 2015 alone, the output of rapeseed harvested in summer in the main producing areas of the Yangtze River Basin reached 13.88 million tons, accounting for 90 percent of the country's total. Chen Mengshan believes that it is both necessary and feasible to speed up the establishment of double-low and high-quality rape reserves in the Yangtze River basin and deepen the adjustment of rape industrial structure.

As a major province of rape, the total output of rape in Hubei has been the first in the country for 19 years in a row. In April 2016, Hubei took the lead in launching the construction of protected areas in China, issuing the guiding opinions on the Construction of double-low and High-quality rape reserves (hereinafter referred to as "opinions").

According to the requirements of the "opinion," Hubei rape Reserve will focus on the main producing areas of the Yangtze River and Hanjiang River basins, mainly including 35 key counties and urban areas with rape planting of more than 200000 mu, such as Jianli, Wuxue, and Tianmen. At the same time, strive to achieve "double-low variety, full-process mechanization, functional diversification, service socialization, processing standardization, brand quality" of the rapeseed industry in key regions by 2020, driving the production capacity of double-low and high-quality rapeseed in the province to be stable at about 2.5 million tons.

"Hubei Province's approach has a strong strategic vision, and in the next step, we will speed up the construction of double-low and high-quality rape protection areas in the Yangtze River Basin, further enhance the overall competitiveness of China's rape industry, and ensure the safety of China's edible oil industry." Chen Mengshan said. (reporter Lu Wei, correspondent Yu Bo Zou Shiqiao)