
Wan Gang: realizing all-round innovation and scientific innovation is the core.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Wan Gang: realizing all-round innovation and scientific innovation is the core.

Original title: Wan Gang: realizing all-round Innovation with Scientific and technological Innovation as the Core

The Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on the outline of the National Innovation-driven Development Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the outline), and Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang gave a briefing on the situation. (network Picture:

The outline of the National Innovation-driven Development Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the outline) defines the goals, directions and key tasks of innovation-driven development in the next 30 years, and is a programmatic document for promoting innovation work in the new period. it is an action guide for building an innovative country, which is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. " Wan Gang, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and minister of science and technology, said at a press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council on the 23rd.

Wan Gang said that under the leadership of the National Science and Technology Reform leading Group, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with more than 20 departments, carried out top-level design of innovation-driven development, organized special research and research at home and abroad, and completed the outline of medium-and long-term science and technology planning, the medium-term evaluation of major science and technology projects, and the future technology forecast in 12 major areas. More than 20 symposiums were held to listen to the suggestions of localities, enterprises, universities, scientific research institutes and experts from all sides. On the basis of reaching a broad consensus and gathering the wisdom of all parties, the "outline" was studied and drafted, which was repeatedly studied, discussed, deliberated and adopted by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

How to implement the innovation-driven development strategy? How to stimulate the innovative vitality of the whole society? How to go to the reform of science and technology plan management? At the press conference on the same day, Wan Gang made a detailed interpretation of the hot issues in the outline of public concern.

Four aspects of Innovation-driven Development and Transformation

Without repeating the background, Wangang went straight to the topic to introduce the main contents of the outline. The outline proposes that the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy should be arranged in accordance with "adhering to two-wheel drive, building a system, and promoting six major changes". Wan Gang expounded that "two-wheel drive" is the simultaneous development of the two wheels of scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, "one system" is the construction of a national innovation system, and the "six changes" is to achieve fundamental changes in the mode of development, development elements, industrial division of labor, innovation capability, resource allocation, and innovation groups.

On the reporter's question of "how to understand the transformation of development elements", Wan Gang said that factor drivers include resources, environment, population, investment and so on. He believes that after more than 30 years of rapid development, in the face of the higher demand of economic development, the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing, the contradiction between resource shortage and environmental constraints is prominent, and the marginal effect of investment return is decreasing. In order to change these traditional factor drivers, it is necessary to solve the problem of improving the quality and efficiency of economic development. This is the reason why innovation-driven development has become a national strategy.

"to realize the transformation from factor-driven to innovation-driven is fundamentally to realize all-round innovation with scientific and technological innovation as the core, on the one hand, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, constantly improve the ability of independent innovation, and increase the technological supply of industrial transformation; on the other hand, continue to deepen reform, improve the market environment, carry out institutional innovation, promote scientific and technological innovation and business model innovation, that is, 'two-wheel drive'." Wan Gang said.

According to Wangang's analysis, the transformation of promoting innovation-driven development mainly includes four aspects: improving the productivity of factors, solving the problems of quality and efficiency, and breaking through the constraints of resources and environment through the new combination of production factors; solve the problem of independent control through the promotion of key technologies, especially the original innovation ability, and mobilize the vitality of innovation and entrepreneurship of the whole society to achieve new development.

The outline proposes that major special projects facing 2020 and major scientific and technological projects and projects facing 2030 will form a systematic layout of successive steps, and in accordance with the new progress in international scientific and technological development and the new needs of China's economic and social development, timely rolling adjustment and optimization.

"what is not mentioned in the country's major science and technology projects does not mean'no action'. It is more appropriate for some projects to be led by enterprises, and the government can provide universal support." Wan Gang stressed that the important areas that need to be supported in the future are basic research and cutting-edge exploration in order to increase the original innovation capability.

Will take various measures to stimulate the innovative vitality of the whole society.

The outline points out that we should build and improve the carrier of innovation and entrepreneurship, develop the creator economy, and form a vivid situation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. In this regard, Wan Gang believes that promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation is an important way to enhance the new momentum of development and improve the quality and efficiency of development.

He said that under the guidance of the outline, the Ministry of Science and Technology will promote the development of mass innovation space to professional areas and serve the transformation and upgrading of the real economy. "We encourage and support leading backbone enterprises, scientific research institutes and universities to make use of their resource advantages to open up sales channels, parts supply, testing services, especially services such as entrepreneurial mentors and entrepreneurial team roadshows, to serve young entrepreneurs." Wan Gang said.

In addition, he stressed that it is necessary to continue to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to promote scientific and technological personnel, especially researchers to lead doctoral and graduate students into entrepreneurial activities. The outline makes arrangements for the establishment of an income distribution system based on the value of knowledge. " Wan Gang said the work is under study.

How do you do it exactly? "first of all, it may be necessary to increase the proportion of stable income of scientific and technological personnel at all levels, and at the same time, to enable scientific and technological personnel to obtain corresponding benefits and stimulate their enthusiasm in the process of transforming achievements. State and local governments at all levels should give researchers more autonomy in the use of scientific research funds." Wan Gang said that there should be reasonable compensation for their creative work.

The reconstruction of science and technology plan management system is progressing smoothly.

The outline proposes to recreate the science and technology plan management system, improve and optimize the national science and technology plan management process, build a national science and technology plan management information system, and build a supervision and evaluation system covering the whole process. At present, what is the progress of the reform of the management system of science and technology plans?

Wan Gang said that the work is progressing smoothly. Among them, 10 inter-ministerial joint meetings have been held with the participation of more than 30 departments. arrangements have been made for some major issues, such as the scientific and technological innovation plan of the 13th five-year Plan, the deployment of major scientific research tasks, the organization and implementation of key R & D plans, the reform of major projects, the selection and reconstruction of professional institutions, and the supervision and evaluation system. Through the method of competitive selection, seven professional institutions were selected to undertake project management. The whole process embedded supervision and management system is forming and playing a role. "We require that the whole process should be traced so that it can be appealable, inquisitive and traceable." Wan Gang said.

At present, five new types of science and technology plans have been basically formed. The key R & D program has taken the lead in launching 36 key projects in the fields of information, ocean, space and national security. "We strive to speed up the establishment of projects and the allocation of funds." Wan Gang said.

The ongoing management reform of major national science and technology projects has been carried out on a pilot basis in four major projects, namely, broadband mobile communications, genetic modification, the creation of new drugs, and infectious diseases, and will be fully implemented among major projects with suitable conditions this year. The special project of technological innovation guidance has been launched, including the national guidance fund for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the guidance fund for venture capital in emerging industries.