
Niu people go back to their hometown and dig for gold in the mountains.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Niu people go back to their hometown and dig for gold in the mountains.

The cow has a bad temper and several boys can't hold it. The more you fight, the more you love it, and the people who buy cattle still love it. He walked out of the mountain to become a boss with an annual income of 10 million yuan, but now he is determined to come back to drive farmers to dig gold together. He also found millions of wealth hidden in cow dung. See how Yang Fei of Qingchuan County in Sichuan Province finds wealth in remote mountains.

His name is Yang Fei, and today he is going to sell this bull, but he has just put a rope on the cow, and before he takes two steps, the cow gets angry.

Yang Fei: look, he lost his temper. I kicked my foot at the bottom. It's about to attack people.

Reporter: where is it?

Yang Fei: it wants to attack people now. We want to go in. It attacks us 100%. It may push you to the ground and step on you with its foot. There must be. This is a 2000 jin cow. Look.

The cow is always looking for opportunities to attack people. Yang Fei could not help but worry and asked the employees to put on another rope, but even so, the bull showed its aggressiveness as soon as it came out of the pen.

Scene: no, no.

A cow of nearly 2000 jin ran all the way, with several boys running more than 200m, and could only follow the cow's ass to find the time to subdue it. Using this tree to finally stabilize the running cow, Yang Fei finally used the traditional method to put the rope through the cow's nose to deal with the naughty cow. Although this method has some effect, the cow is still full of temper. Everyone dared not to be forced, but to follow the cow's temper and move forward slowly. The five men worked for half an hour before they finally got the cow on the scale. Although everyone is exhausted by this cow, buyers prefer this kind of cow, and it is not a problem for this cow to sell for more than 20,000 yuan.

He Ansheng, a beef cattle dealer: it has an exercise, so the more such a cow is, the more willing we are to buy it, and the price is a little higher.

Yang Fei: the happiest thing about raising a cow is the day when you sell it. Today, after weighing it, you will pay for it. RMB will be in your hand. I am so happy.

Yang Fei's annual sales of raising cattle are more than 6 million, which is the envy of the villagers, but for Yang Fei, the sales of 6 million is much smaller than his gas pipeline installation business in Guangdong. What is even more incomprehensible is that Yang Fei's cattle farm is built on this remote mountain at the junction of the three provinces, which is not a good choice.

Yang Fei: the location of raising cattle is very important, such as water, road and electricity. We don't have any of it here. There is no water, no roads, no electricity.

Yang Fei, as an experienced boss, knows full well that it is difficult to raise cattle and build a factory here, but he gives up the business of Guangdong with an income of 10 million yuan and goes back to the mountains of Sichuan Province to work as a cattle herd. What is the reason?

Yang Fei walked out of the mountain on borrowed fares at the age of 22 and worked in Guangdong for more than 20 years, starting as a part-time worker on a construction site and then setting up his own gas pipeline installation company with an annual income of more than 10 million. In 2009, Yang Fei handed over the business in Guangdong to his brother, and he planned to go back to his hometown and invest 6 million yuan to build a cattle farm on the mountain, which the whole family opposed.

Wife Ouyang Ruizhi: here (cost) will be increased several times, I said that you have invested so much money, when will you be able to get back the cost?

Sister Yang Cuiying: I've already gone out. It's hard for you to go back to this place, and the place is remote.

Yang Fei had already sent his parents, sister and brother to Guangdong. The family lived a happy life, and the family did not understand that he was going back to that remote mountain village to raise cattle. The family knows best that the mountain roads leading to the village used to be dirt roads with steep twists and turns. Landslides often occur in bad weather. I don't know when the danger will come.

Wife Ouyang Ruizhi: once I thought the car had gone under the cliff. My heart suddenly felt like a big stone, and my tears came out at that time. I don't think the conditions here are good, so I don't want him to come here.

Yang Fei and his wife have discussed everything for years, but this time even his wife's persuasion didn't work. Yang Fei pushed forward steadily step by step. After Yang Fei decided to raise cattle in 2009, it was not easily implemented for the sake of safety. Instead, he first returned to Mianyang to set up a new gas pipeline installation company. Yang Fei studied the idea of raising cattle for three years because he knew it was not a good business from an investment point of view.

Yang Fei: many of my friends have come to say that I am crazy. If you raise cattle on this mountain, what do you raise cattle? he said, there is no place to spend that money.

During the interview in April 2016, when Yang Fei took the reporter up the mountain, the reporter personally felt the rugged and difficult mountain road here, and it is still the case today. We can imagine how bad the road conditions were in the past. Yang Fei's investment in the mountain was so unreasonable at that time. What on earth is he after? Why did he go his own way to choose the location of the cattle farm?

In fact, this is related to the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. After the earthquake, Yang Fei and his wife returned to their long-separated hometown to visit relatives. Yang Fei had no place to live and lived in the neighbor's house. Little things warm Yang Fei's mind.

Yang Fei: after I came back, ordinary people will kill chickens and ducks for you to eat. They will sell it for about 100 yuan. They may buy enough oil and salt for a month. That means I don't feel comfortable eating one of his chickens. If he brings me a bottle of good wine after driving it up, I'm willing to drink it.

Yang Fei came up with the idea of going back to his hometown to start a business because he saw the lives of the villagers and did not make much progress with him when he went out more than a decade ago. During the chat between Yang Fei and his friends of the same age, Yang Fei learned that they were very embarrassed when they were in their forties, that they could not bear to work outside, and that they wanted to go back to their hometown but were afraid of not making money. Yang Fei wanted to help them very much.

Yang Fei: I told you that I came back to do something here, whether you welcome it or not, they are very welcome, each is a very welcome action, that look is like the feeling of drooling when a child sees candy. Wow, that kind of heart immediately touched me at that time.

Yang Fei calculated that the most important thing in the mountain in the village is fodder, and it is very suitable to raise cattle. But before raising cattle, Yang Fei did not dare to be careless, but visited and studied everywhere.

Yang Fei: after raising ten cows, I will understand. I will understand if you raise a hundred cows. I will understand if you raise a thousand. I went to see the largest factory that raised ten thousand. Finally, I summed up my experience.

Widening the road, drawing water and electricity, Yang Fei turned what seemed impossible to others into reality step by step. In 2011, Yang Fei invested more than 6 million yuan to build a cattle farm on the mountain. Building a factory on the mountain is two or three times as much as building a factory on flat land, but Yang Fei never flinched. After the cattle farm was built in 2011, Yang Fei first bought more than a dozen different breeds of cattle from Jinan City, Shandong Province. Yang Fei is a complete layman in raising cattle. In order to find out the habits of cattle, Yang Fei stays with cattle every day, and his wife wakes up in the middle of the night. Yang Fei is often unable to find Yang Fei.

Wife Ouyang Ruizhi: get up and see where he is. I think the light in the cattle farm is on, and then I went to the cattle farm to see the cattle.