
The trading of fruit and vegetable variety rights Shouguang "NASDAQ" will land.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, The trading of fruit and vegetable variety rights Shouguang "NASDAQ" will land.

Original title: Shouguang set up the first fruit and vegetable variety right trading center

-- "NASDAQ" for the trading of new varieties of fruits and vegetables in China

Schematic diagram of Shouguang Fruit and vegetable Variety right Trading Center

When it comes to selling vegetables and fruits, you often think of vegetable markets and supermarkets. What can the fruit and vegetable variety rights trading center do? The National (Yangling) Arid area Plant Variety right Trading Center and the National seed Industry Scientific and technological Achievement property right Trading platform have been set up one after another, so that many new varieties, new materials and new technologies of food crops can play a greater role. The first domestic fruit and vegetable variety right trading center set up by Shouguang has also built an authoritative and fair stage for the booming fruit and vegetable seed industry. -- Editor

When it comes to the stock market, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is the NASDAQ of the United States. More than half of the stocks that change hands on the American market every day are traded on Nasdaq.

When it comes to the vegetable industry, the first thing that comes to mind is Shouguang City, Shandong Province. Shouguang vegetable industry has great influence and popularity in China and even in the world. Shouguang vegetable has been cast into a world industrial brand.

When it comes to fruit and vegetable seedlings, Shouguang is known as "Huashan" of the vegetable seed industry. "to gain a foothold in the Chinese market, we must first come to Shouguang to discuss the sword" has long been a consensus in the industry. Well-known seed companies and scientific research institutions at home and abroad have set up R & D demonstration bases in Shouguang.

Recently, the Shandong provincial government issued the "approval of the Shandong Provincial people's Government on agreeing to establish a Shouguang Fruit and vegetable Variety right Trading Center," which is the first domestic equity trading market characterized by fruit and vegetable variety right trading approved by the government. it marks that the "Nasdaq" for the trading of new fruit and vegetable variety rights in China will land in Shouguang.

What are the opportunities for the establishment of Shouguang Fruit and vegetable Variety right Trading Center, what role will it play in the transformation of achievements, and what services will be carried out specifically? The reporter interviewed the relevant units on these issues and visited the trading center on the spot.

Fruit and vegetable seed industry pays more attention to the protection of variety right

Last winter, more than 40 days of haze weather in some parts of Shandong tested the crops in the greenhouse. Low temperatures and low light made the crops less resistant and prone to disease, which in turn affected the yield. In the shed of Zhang Xiaobin's home in Zhaowangpu Village, Shouguang City, a string of red tomatoes is growing. "We all use the most cutting-edge and the best varieties." Zhang Xiaobin said that Zhaowangpu Village is the core village of Shouguang tomato cultivation, where more than a dozen powerful seed companies are experimenting and demonstrating new varieties.

The phenomenon of gathering cutting-edge products from several seed companies in a village is a common phenomenon in Shouguang. Well-known seed companies at home and abroad, such as Beijing Research Yinong, Derit, Haizela, Rexwann, South Australia Luheng and so on, have set up their own R & D demonstration bases in Shouguang. According to Zhang Maohai, director of the Shouguang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, more than 110 domestic enterprises, scientific research institutes, and more than 10 foreign seed enterprises have established vegetable seed research and development, seedling breeding, and demonstration bases in Shouguang.

The new tomato variety "Huiteng F1" planted by Zhang Xiaobin is a variety that Beijing Boshou seed Co., Ltd. has applied for variety right protection. "Shouguang is the only place for domestic and foreign seed enterprises to seize the Chinese market." Zhang Xiaosheng, general manager of Beijing Stock Exchange, said, "because of the fierce competition, it is all the more necessary to protect the rights of new varieties. The company has been authorized by 20 varieties."

New variety protection is the "intellectual property protection" and "patent protection" of the seed industry. Mobile phone companies often go to court for patent infringement, and patent war has become one of the important means of competition for mobile phone companies. The number of patents applied for can prove the innovation strength of enterprises, and the brand awareness of enterprises will often be enhanced through patent wars.

Vegetable seed companies and R & D units in China pay more and more attention to the protection of new variety rights. According to information released by the New Plant Variety Protection Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, the number of applications for the protection of new varieties of non-major crops during the 12th five-year Plan period increased by 80 percent compared with the Eleventh five-year Plan, while 59 percent for major crops.

"hometown of vegetables" seeks "Variety pricing Power"

The annual breeding capacity of seedlings in Shouguang City has reached 1.2 billion, and more than 60% of the vegetable seeds and seedlings in the country come from Shouguang City. However, foreign seeds account for more than 60% of the Shouguang planting market.

Guojin, director of Shandong vegetable Engineering and Technology Research Center, analyzed: "there is a lack of effective information communication mechanism between domestic variety right holders and seed breeding, sales and promotion enterprises, resulting in high market search costs for both sides." resulting in the phenomenon that it is difficult to buy varieties and sell varieties. "

"if the weak position of the seed industry in the field of intellectual property rights cannot be reversed, the beneficiaries of the huge market share will be more multinational seed enterprises." Guojin said that the construction of a variety rights trading platform can maximize the integration of seed industry, agriculture, information, technology, service and other industries, and fusion can form a cohesive force, which can be easily and efficiently transformed into real productive forces. we will improve the competitiveness of the seed industry, agriculture, science and technology, information, services and other industries, and raise innovation and flexibility to a new strategic height.

"to build a plant variety right trading platform in Shouguang, through innovation-driven, demonstration guidance, centralized trading, rapid promotion, radiation drive, and further speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the seed industry, we will make every effort to build Shouguang Agricultural seed Industry Silicon Valley." Zhang Hongyu, party secretary of the Shouguang City Finance Office, who is responsible for preparing for the establishment of the variety rights trading center, said that Shouguang has become a research, development, breeding, promotion and sales center of fruit and vegetable varieties and a distribution center for the production of vegetable products. But what does not match is that Shandong Shouguang lacks the right to say the price of variety. The establishment of variety right trading center in Shouguang will help to realize the function of variety right price discovery and promote the formation of fruit and vegetable variety right pricing center in our country.

This is true not only in the fruit and vegetable seed industry, but also in China's seed industry. The "opinions of the State Council on deepening the structural Reform of the seed Industry and improving the ability of Innovation" points out that it is necessary to establish a public trading platform and trusteeship center for scientific and technological achievements of the seed industry, formulate measures for transaction management, and prohibit private trading. In 2014, the property rights trading platform for scientific and technological achievements of the national seed industry was established to realize the "fair, just and open" transaction of the property rights of scientific and technological achievements of the seed industry.

Offline and online, series "variety right" and "product" transactions

"the platform takes the trading of variety rights of fruits and vegetables as the core, and at the same time, it can realize the information query and retrieval system and information service for the coexistence of variety rights of flowers, trees and field crops." Wang Yuejuan, general manager of Shouguang Fruit and vegetable Variety right Trading Center, said.

"the trading center mainly carries out 'three transactions' and provides' five services'." Wang Yuejuan said that the three transactions mainly refer to the transaction of the right to apply for variety, the transaction of ownership, and the transaction of the right to use. The five services mainly include variety right information release service, variety right identification and evaluation service, variety right registration and trusteeship service, new variety display and extension service and agricultural technology extension service.

"the trading center adopts market-oriented operation and enterprise management model." Wang Yuejuan said that the high-quality platform and services provided by the trading center attract holders of variety rights and other owners of scientific research achievements to enter the market for trading, and the transaction price is basically formed by market bidding. The trading center operates independently and is responsible for its own profits and losses.

The center is building a website and a web client. Wang Yuejuan said: "the use of Internet transactions, do not need to go to the scene, do not need to face-to-face, where there is the Internet can be completed, convenient and fast."