
The "fruit tree king" who led the masses to shake off poverty and become rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The "fruit tree king" who led the masses to shake off poverty and become rich.

Shao Zhongzhong, in the age of Hua Jia, is the founder of Xietan Village, Xinning Town, Wuning County, and the founder of Xia Liu Yunlong Orchard Flower and Seedling Farm. Over the past ten years, through the development of barren hills and barren slopes for planting and breeding, he has successfully blazed a path to wealth. At the same time, after they get rich, they do not forget the villagers and lead the people around them to take the road of common prosperity, which is called by the villagers as "the king of fruit trees and experts at getting rich."

In 1969, Shao Zhongzhong moved to Xietan Village, Xinning Town, from Jiande County, Zhejiang Province. In the late 1980s, the local immigration department and the Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry issued many policies to help immigrants, among which planting seedlings could enjoy preferential treatment, so Shao Zhongzhong went back to his hometown of Zhejiang to learn seedling raising skills. When he came back, he planted two mu of orange seedlings in front of his house, and led his wife and children to reclaim the barren hills behind the house, and planted the self-propagated orange seedlings on the barren hills. Hard sweat in exchange for strong orange seedlings, and attracted many farmers door-to-door purchase. After several years of operation, Shao Zhongzhong's seedling income plus orchard income reached more than 50,000 yuan, which made him taste the sweetness of planting.

In 1995, Shao Zhongzhong wanted to expand the planting area, but after several twists and turns, he finally found more than 600 mu of barren mountains at the foot of Liu Mountain in the neighboring village and embarked on the road of hard work. There was no water on the mountain, so Shao Zhongzhong dug a well at the foot of the mountain to fetch water. When there was no electricity on the mountain, Shao Zhongzhong lit a kerosene lamp. Through hard work, now the barren mountain has become a green forest and a "golden hill". Shao Zhongzhong used barren mountains to grow flowers and fruit trees, and set up a breeding farm at the same time. There are many varieties of flowers and fruit trees with good quality, including camellias, cherry blossoms, red maple, crape myrtle, ginkgo, magnolia, red leaf heather, peach trees, pear trees and so on. His new three-dimensional farm is also beginning to take shape, with 5000 native chickens, 1000 ducks and 2000 quails. Now we all know that there is a king of flowers, fruit trees and aquaculture at the foot of Liu Mountain, and now Shao Zhongzhong's annual net income is more than 500000 yuan.

When his family became rich, Shao Zhongzhong did not forget his fellow villagers. In 2007, the relevant departments of the county invited Shao Zhongzhong to give lectures in Donglin Township of the county, and people from more than ten miles around gathered in the township auditorium to listen to him teach how to plant fruit trees. Chaozi Ping Zhao Wanxiang people in Dutou Village are very industrious and want to plant fruit trees, suffering from lack of technology. after Shao Zhongzhong knows, he takes the initiative to give 70 mu of fruit seedlings at a low price to help Zhao Wanxiang. And door-to-door to teach planting techniques, hand-in-hand to teach him a variety of management techniques. Wei Zhifang of Liu Village Group 7 also received 100 mu of low-cost seedlings with the help of Shao Zhongzhong and received Shao Zhongzhong's technical guidance.

For poor families who want to plant seedlings, Shao Zhongzhong provides fruit tree seedlings for free many times, teaching them techniques such as pruning, grafting, fertilization, and prevention of diseases and insect pests, leading them to common prosperity. In order to make the large-scale production of the fruit industry and better serve the fruit farmers, Shao Zhongzhong organized nearby fruit growers to set up a professional production cooperative of Yunlong Orchard and served as its director, forming the integration of production, supply and marketing. According to incomplete statistics, Shao Zhongzhong trained more than 100 technical backbones in the county, helped more than 30 peasant households and laid-off workers in eight townships to establish nearly 200mu of fine orchards, distributed more than 4000 copies of scientific and technological materials to fruit farmers free of charge, and led more than 150 farmers to shake off poverty and become rich.