
Don't worry about the new wheat harvester for summer harvest and press to report for repair.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Don't worry about the new wheat harvester for summer harvest and press to report for repair.

The original title: the new machine of the third year of the State Council welcomes the first trial of summer harvest service with one click.

Zoomlion heavy science staff taught the robot at the Houwangzhuang wheat harvest site to learn "one click to report for repair".

On May 25, Houwangzhuang, Tongzhaipu Town, Tanghe County, Henan Province, had golden ears of wheat and a bumper harvest was in sight. A concentrated exhibition of the mechanization of major crops in Tanghe County was held here, with new harvesters, plant protection drones, rotary tillers, and planters taking turns, adding a touch of light to this year's summer harvest.

Ten new wheat harvesters, in 10 minutes, 150 mu of wheat fields were harvested, and the grain was bagged and sent to the town grain depot, and the fields were clean. Farmers have sighed: "you don't have to worry about straw anymore."

The first show of wheat harvester in the third year of junior high school is good.

The main model of the harvester used on the spot is the TB70 new compound wheat harvester launched by Zoomlion this year. According to the staff, the machine is equipped with straw returning equipment, and the wheat straw can be crushed into 5 cm long and 10 cm long, which will not affect corn sowing, and can also conserve water and fertilizer on the surface; the machine is equipped with a straw baler, one by one 120 cm long, 45 cm wide and 30 cm high, and the wheat bundles firmly bound by two plastic ropes "spit out" from above the rear left crawler during harvest.

"it is worth mentioning that Gu Wang TB70 is still equipped with a new type of harvester that meets the national three emission standards." Liu Hongyan, deputy general manager of Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery Plate, said that the No. 3 engine equipped with this model adopts electronically controlled single pump + PTO advanced microcomputer control technology, which has strong torque adaptability, 40% reduction in pollutant emissions and 7 kg feed, which increases operation efficiency by more than 30%. The product has good matching of the whole machine, is suitable for wet wheat harvest, and the working time is extended by two hours. This year, the model has been mass-produced more than 1000 units, mainly put into the main wheat producing areas of the Central Plains, * and the northeast market. Since the three-summer operation, the maximum number of mu harvested by a single machine has exceeded 1000 mu. Judging from the current wheat harvest performance, the performance is relatively stable, and the stability of continuous operations under high-intensity working conditions can only be verified through the whole wheat harvest period this year. However, as the cost of the assembly country 3 engine is 10000 yuan higher than that of the country 2 engine, it is suggested that next year's purchase subsidy policy should be tilted to the assembly country 3 engine, guide the market and users, and promote the development of the industry in the direction of green environmental protection.

The market situation of wheat harvester is not optimistic.

However, compared with the booming wheat harvest, the whole wheat harvester market is slightly deserted. Some experts predict that the wheat harvester market may decline by more than 15% this year.

There are many reasons for this situation. After 12 years of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, the traditional wheat harvester market has a large quantity, and the market has changed from "incremental demand" to "renewal demand". Efficient and reliable products are welcomed; the number of machine purchasing groups represented by large grain growers, farmers and large agricultural machinery cooperatives is increasing, and the number of purchasing groups represented by retail investors is declining, affecting market sales.

On the other hand, the cost of purchasing the whole machine brought about by the switching in the third year of the country has increased by about 10%. As far as users are concerned, this part of the investment is too large, affecting the investment enthusiasm of some users; the reduction of the amount of subsidy for the purchase of individual machines varies from place to place, which is basically maintained at 10% to 15%, which also affects the purchasing ability of users. With the decline of grain prices in 2015, the cost control of crop machine harvest by farmers will affect the expected operating income of machine operators to a certain extent.

"under such circumstances, the sales of Zoomlion Valley King wheat machines are growing against the trend, and now sales are up 20% from the same period last year." Liu Hongyan said that this year, the Guwang TB60 and upgraded products TB70 and TC80 launched by Zoomlion cover 140 to 160 horsepower, and the operation efficiency of the products has increased by more than 15%. It has been welcomed by the new agricultural operators, and the market trend is promising. Moreover, innovative means such as "Internet + Intelligent Service platform for Agricultural Machinery" are used to meet the needs of users and ensure their income.

Online + offline summer harvest service is more at home.

In the process of this year's summer harvest, combined with mobile Internet, big data and other information means, Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery integrated the original ERP, DMS, call center and other information systems, and developed an intelligent agricultural machinery service platform. Through the innovative means of information technology, a new convenient, fast, accurate and transparent intelligent service mode of agricultural machinery has been realized.

According to reports, Zoomlion promotes the service business mobile application with the "Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery Service platform" Wechat service number as the customer entrance and the Wechat enterprise number as the internal business channel, transplanting the operations related to the service and accessories business from the PC side to the mobile end, so that enterprise service personnel and dealer service personnel can provide accurate and timely services around customer needs anytime and anywhere.

"in order to help operators make service applications using Wechat conveniently and quickly, we are promoting a sign with both the enterprise service number and the QR code of the whole machine, so that the operator can scan the code and enter a small amount of information, that is, the rapid registration of information." Chen Jin, manager of the Information Department of Zoomlion heavy Science Agricultural Machinery Plate, said that once service support is needed, the operator only needs to choose "one button to report for repair", and the current location, equipment and other information of the operator can be intelligently obtained and automatically transmitted to the call center in the backstage to send workers, which avoids the inefficient communication and information distortion when the 400 telephone is applied for repair, and realizes the speed, accuracy and convenience of the repair process.

In addition to adopting the innovative service model of Internet + 's intelligent service platform for agricultural machinery, during the three summers this year, Zoomlion dispatched professional service engineers and waiters to track cross-district users from south to north; all service stations in wheat growing areas have signed a national joint guarantee commitment. Continue to work along the main route of cross-district operation, and make use of the service through train with six functions of "remote diagnosis, information service, training and consultation, spare parts support, maintenance service and rush collection support" to implement accurate, efficient and professional services to the field.

Cooperation between agriculture and enterprises to promote the whole process of mechanization

The state has made it clear that in 2020, about 500 demonstration zones (counties) will be built in different crops and regions across the country to basically realize the whole process of mechanization. The purpose is to create a model and create a model, so as to quickly promote the whole process mechanization of major grain and cash crop producing areas.

Zoomlion is committed to becoming a service provider for the overall solution of agricultural production mechanization. " Liu Hongyan said: a series of agricultural machinery products covering production links such as ploughing and land preparation, planting, harvesting, plant protection, drying, and straw treatment have been successively developed in the field of mechanization of major crops such as wheat, corn, rice, rape, and so on. and through product scientific and technological innovation, service model innovation, to achieve a good chain between various links of agricultural production, is exploring a set of operation mode suitable for the whole process of domestic agricultural production.

At present, Zoomlion has jointly built a demonstration county for the whole process of agricultural production mechanization with Tanghe County, Henan Province. It is expected that in 2016, Zoomlion will build seven demonstration counties for mechanization of agricultural production in Anhui, Hunan, Henan, Jilin, Guangxi and other places.

In the future, relying on Zoomlion's leading technology, management and products in the field of agricultural equipment, and combining with the actual development needs of agricultural production in various counties, we will "tailor" the whole mechanization solution of agricultural production. It will not only help to improve the overall service level of agricultural mechanization in various counties and provide new assistance for the development of local modern agriculture, but also explore a new development model to improve the shortcomings of agricultural production links and provide demonstration samples for the whole process of agricultural production mechanization in the whole country. (our reporter Li Chunwen / photo)