
Sanjiang County: create a good work style and strive for rapid development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Sanjiang County: create a good work style and strive for rapid development


Leaders of Sanjiang County learned about the work of party members and cadres in Tongle Miao Township. Photo by correspondent Wu Guocong

"our county has ushered in the era of 'big opening, big traffic, big tourism'. The Guiyang-Guangzhou high-speed railway is open to traffic, the 'Liuzhou Sanjiang' EMU is in operation, and the expressways from Guilin to Sanjiang and Sanjiang to Liuzhou are about to be opened, which will generate a large flow of people, logistics and capital, and provide a good opportunity for us to speed up development. In the process of speeding up the development of Sanjiang, the service consciousness, vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, and the construction of work style are particularly important. We should make a good work style a belief, a habit, an atmosphere, an atmosphere, a normality. " Recently, at the special party class of "two learning and one doing" in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, Cui Jun, secretary of the Sanjiang County CPC Committee, put forward new requirements for party members and cadres throughout the county.

Since Sanjiang County held a mobilization meeting on "two learning and one doing" study and education work in April, all township and county departments in the county have launched the study and education work in an all-round way in accordance with the arrangements. The leaders of the new county's four leading groups have taken the lead in going deep into enterprises, villages, and fields to understand the production of enterprises and the development of accurate poverty alleviation work, and encourage everyone to strive for something, vigorously develop the ecological industry, and, in the form of cooperatives, help poor farmers increase their income through various channels, shake off poverty and become rich, and resolutely win the battle of precision poverty alleviation. The party branch of the propaganda department of the county party committee held a study and education meeting on June 3, requiring all party members of the branch to apply what they have learned, conscientiously perform the duties of the party's news and public opinion work, give full play to the leading role of propaganda, ideological and cultural work, and tell the story of Sanjiang well. carry forward the main theme, spread positive energy, and provide ideological guarantee and public opinion support for the county's 13th five-year Plan to win the battle against poverty in an all-round way.

"as a girl, she follows us to the village day and night, doing planning and busy surveying. It's very rare!" On June 4, Liu Xiangzhi, party branch secretary of Gongjiang Village, Gaoji Yao Township, Sanjiang County, praised Rong Ni, the "first secretary" of the village. There are 75 poor households in Gongjiang Village, the villagers live separately, and the road at the level of Tun is not easy to walk. Rong Ni went into the homes of poor families to understand their situation and needs, and made great efforts to help them develop industries such as Luohanguo, Uncaria, bamboo rat, pheasant, native chicken and so on. Yancha Village in Liangkou Township is a poor village with 271 poor households.

1165 people living in poverty. After understanding the basic situation of the village's economic development, village conditions and public opinions, the difficulties of the masses, and contradictions and disputes, Xie Guang, the "first secretary" of the village, and the village cadres decided to vigorously plant cash crops such as tea, tea and oil, so as to increase farmers' income and increase agricultural efficiency. and lead the masses up the mountain to open up wasteland. Party members and cadres active in the fields such as Rong Ni and Xie Guang are qualified party members who have actively emerged in the study and education of "two jobs and one learning" in the Sanjiang River.

Being a qualified party member is one of the purposes of the study and education of "two learning and one doing". It is to enable everyone to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and promote the extension of the party from strict administration to the grass-roots level in an all-round way. we will consolidate and expand the Party's mass line education and practical activities and the achievements of the special education of "three strictures and three realities", and further solve the problems existing in the party members' ideology, organization, work style and discipline. Maintain the advanced nature and purity of the Development Party. What and how do party members and cadres learn in the study and education of "two learning and one doing"? What is the focus of learning? The special party course of "two learning and one doing" in Sanjiang County points out the direction: to carry out the study education of "two learning and one doing", "learning" is the foundation, and "doing" is the key.

"Reform" is the key point, which is reflected in "Chang". It is necessary to achieve four-in-one and organic combination. On the one hand, we should make clear the key points of study and study "Communist Party of China's Code of Integrity and self-discipline", "Communist Party of China Disciplinary regulations", "readings of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Series of important speeches" and the work report of this year's County Party Committee and County Government. On the other hand, it is necessary to innovate the ways and methods of learning, combine the contents of learning and education with the current key work with research, deployment, and implementation, and combine them with the objectives and tasks of their own departments and units in their own townships and townships, so as to find the "deficiency" in their actual work, make clear the direction of their efforts, and turn the achievements of study and education into practical actions to promote their work.

At present, the whole county is firmly promoting the development of study and education in an orderly manner, so as to enable all party members and cadres to continuously obtain new changes in study and education, and to hand over satisfactory answers to organizations and the masses with tangible learning and education achievements and development results. (correspondent Wu Lianxun)