
What business do you do in rural areas to make money? these seven small investment projects must be seen.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What business do you do in rural areas to make money? these seven small investment projects must be seen.

These seven small investment projects must be seen as to what kind of business to do in rural areas to make money. Nowadays, the rural market is very good. As long as you choose a good business project in the countryside, it is very difficult not to make money. Now many people have started a small business in the countryside, and the business is very hot! The editor has prepared seven small businesses suitable for you to do in the countryside. If you want to make money, come and have a look.

What kind of business do you do in rural areas to make money: special snack bars

If you have the hard-working character of suffering city and have 10,000 yuan in hand, you can consider opening a special snack bar in the downtown city or the location of the township government, and the variety should be in line with the eating habits of the local people. For example, open a porridge shop, a spicy soup shop, a wonton shop, a sheep soup shop, a cake shop, a barbecue shop, and a grocery store, focusing on breakfast, dinner, and light meals, winning with features, speed, affordability, and flavor, so that diners can have enough to eat at a cost of two or three yuan. The total investment in shop rent, liquidity, and the purchase of tables, chairs, tableware and kitchen utensils is $10,000.

What kind of business do you do in rural areas to make money 2: planting in greenhouse

In the new century, the consciousness of green pollution-free and organic food is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The production of green organic vegetables to protect the health of consumers has become the consensus of the majority of vegetable farmers. Brand awareness, high-quality awareness, high-price awareness, become the majority of vegetable farmers to improve production facilities, improve production technology, resulting in higher quality products, more generous returns.

I personally think that the prospect of growing edible fungi in greenhouse is better than that of vegetables in greenhouse. As a nutritional and health food, edible fungus has unique advantages, no pollution and no pollution. And its nutritional therapeutic value is higher than that of all kinds of vegetables. During the 2008-09 financial crisis, it was not much of a shock. This is the best proof.

What kind of business do you do in the countryside to make money 3: farm music

In the urban-rural fringe area, open a flavor shop, launch farm food, can also make money. First of all, country-style shops can attract consumers in cities. Now, many city people are tired of eating the dishes that are often found in restaurants, and would like to have a taste of farmhouse style dishes. Secondly, it can attract some farmers. Now, the farmers have money, and the peasant families are particular about entertaining guests. For important guests, farmers usually find a restaurant to arrange some good meals, and affordable and convenient flavor shops are often the preferred place for farmers to entertain guests.

What kind of business do you do in the countryside to make money 4: vehicle maintenance shop

Nowadays, bicycles, electric cars or motorcycles have become very popular in rural areas and have almost become the main means of transportation for farmers. However, due to the poor road conditions in some rural areas, the loss of vehicles is large, and there are more failures, so the frequency of parts replacement is higher. However, many villages do not have vehicle maintenance shops, so it is very inconvenient to go to cities and towns to repair them. Therefore, opening a vehicle maintenance shop is worth considering. But to open a maintenance shop in the countryside, the location is very important. Generally speaking, you should choose a village with a high flow of people, or in the center of several villages.

What kind of business do you do in rural areas to make money 5: comprehensive commissary

According to the editor's observation, there will be several commissaries in every village, and the flow of people here is the largest every day. Due to cheap rents in rural areas, daily necessities, school supplies, tobacco, alcohol and non-staple food, and sometimes buying vegetables, all the necessities are available and it is convenient for villagers to buy, so this small business still has great potential for development.

However, the investment of the commissary should not blindly follow the trend. Investors should not only choose the site carefully, but also carefully select the goods to prevent fake and shoddy goods from flowing into the village and damaging their reputation.

What kind of business do you do in rural areas to make money 6: special shops for agricultural materials

There must be money to do agricultural business in rural areas. In villages or towns with a large population, rent a store along the street and set up an agricultural specialty store to sell seeds, pesticides, agricultural film and other means of production. The investment is about 10,000 yuan, because the commodity is a necessary product in the production of farmers, the use of a large number of goods, is a good investment project. If you don't have enough funds, you can consider a joint venture with a big store in the county or provincial capital to make a monopoly profit.

What kind of business do you do in rural areas to make money 7: peasant household housing design industry