
The piglet can taste radish when running all over the mountain.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The piglet can taste radish when running all over the mountain.

Jiangkou radish pig is one of the excellent local pig breeds in Guizhou Province, which is mainly produced in Taoying Township, Bapan Township, Minhe Township and Nuxi Township, of which Taoying Township is the most concentrated. This kind of pig is petite, fresh and tender, with a round body after fattening, shaped like radish, refreshing taste, and eating meat like a vegetarian, so the local people call it "radish pig".

(1) growth environment

The original producing area of Fanjingshan radish pig in Jiangkou is located at the southern foot of Fanjingshan Mountain, a member of the United Nations Man and Biosphere Conservation Network (MAB). Fanjing Mountain has a primeval forest of 42000 hectares, which is a gathering place for a variety of floristic geographical elements, and is rich in plant species. it is a typical reserve of primary vegetation in the middle subtropical mountains of western China and preserves a rare subtropical primary ecosystem in the world. it is a rare gene bank of biological resources in the world. The radish pig growing in Fanjingshan, a natural treasure, drinks mineral water and eats Chinese herbal medicine. Its meat has been determined by Jiangkou county party committee and county government as Fanjingshan special pork for tourism, which is favored by tourists at home and abroad.

(2) Culture methods

Jiangkou Fanjingshan radish pig grows at the foot of Fanjing Mountain and is raised for primitive grazing. In raising, green materials are mainly collected in the wild, supplemented by artificial planting, coarse materials are mainly bran, and fine materials are broken rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes and so on. Radish pigs are resistant to rough feeding and have strong ability. suckling piglets generally start supplementary feeding at the age of 20-30 days, feeding porridge, corn porridge and so on. Fattening early grazing "hanging shelf", more green coarse feed, later gradually add materials to fattening, mainly pumpkin, sweet potato, potato and so on. At the same time, graze every day, allowing it to move and feed freely.

(3) reasons for health and health care

Jiangkou Fanjingshan radish pig is a pollution-free and pollution-free high-quality breed with low cholesterol content, 17 kinds of amino acids and a variety of trace elements, with four characteristics of green, nutrition, health and health care. In recent years, it has been favored by the majority of tourists and health experts. All along, the price of radish pork is 10 RMB15 per kilogram higher than that of other pork. At the end of every year, consumers from surrounding Zunyi, Kaili and other places make a special trip to Jiangkou County to buy radish pigs as "New year pigs."

(4) five major reasons for recommendation

1. Fresh, tender and mellow meat

2. Low cholesterol content

3. Rich in various amino acids

4. Low fatty acid content

5. High linoleic acid content

Jiangkou radish pig is a specific local miniature pig breed formed by natural breeding and artificial breeding for hundreds of years under the original ecological conditions in the mountainous area of northeast Guizhou Province. It was included in the Guizhou Livestock and Poultry breed Chronicle in 1986 and included in the Protection list of Livestock and Poultry breed Resources in Guizhou Province. In 2003, it was listed in the "Map of Local Livestock and Poultry Resources in China" by the National Livestock and Poultry Resources Management Committee. The local standard of Jiangkou turnip pig in Guizhou Province was promulgated and implemented on December 8, 2009.

Jiangkou Fanjingshan radish pig is resistant to rough feeding, precocious and easy to be fat, thin skin and bone, high nutritional value, better than delicacies, and has always been known as "a family cooking meat around the incense".